Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
One of the books that comes to mind, is one that is older and is required reading in American high schools often. It is Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, printed in 1951.
This book is unique, and I have not come across any book that is quite the same. This book was also named as one of the best 100 novels by Time between 1923 and 2005.
As for books or writers today, I am sure that there are some that are unique, I have some short stories that I have written that are purely from the imagination and would not be like any other published material.
A book that I'm sure you will see me mention a lot on this site (I'm determined that everyone will read it :-D ) is Deafening... if there is another book out there like it, I'd sure like to know... if looked at something that had never been looked at in a novel before.
I think the backdrops that authors choose to use nowadays tend to be what has been popular in the past, for example war or romance etc etc... however familiar isn't always a bad thing as long as there is some original thoughts in there somewhere. Familiar can be comforting.
Tell us more Cheryl please. It's nice to meet you. What's unique about Deafening and how did you come across this book?
Cheryl said:A book that I'm sure you will see me mention a lot on this site (I'm determined that everyone will read it :-D ) is Deafening... if there is another book out there like it, I'd sure like to know... if looked at something that had never been looked at in a novel before.
I think the backdrops that authors choose to use nowadays tend to be what has been popular in the past, for example war or romance etc etc... however familiar isn't always a bad thing as long as there is some original thoughts in there somewhere. Familiar can be comforting.
One of the books that comes to mind, is one that is older and is required reading in American high schools often. It is Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, printed in 1951.
This book is unique, and I have not come across any book that is quite the same. This book was also named as one of the best 100 novels by Time between 1923 and 2005. As for books or writers today, I am sure that there are some that are unique.
This romantic comedy is very clever. The humor veers from the dry, sarcasm dripping kind to slapstick comedy without skipping a beat. The most outstandingly creative thing about this book is the style of its composition. Holly’s Inbox is told entirely with emails flying back and forth to receptionist Holly. There are no lengthy descriptions nor scene setting preambles. Everything that unfolds, every character you grow to love, like or loathe, you discover via those emails.
I remember reading Catcher in my Grade 11 English Class, least I think it was 11, might have been 12; but I was so interested in that book because I hadn't read anything like it before, that I went ahead of the class and finished the book before anyone else had. My teacher handed out quizes and question sheets about the book and half of the stuff I had to go and re-read the book because I was so far ahead I had almost forgotten what had happened in the beginning of the book, lol.
But to answer your question, Scribbler, I personally haven't found a book that I can say is definitively original. Every store I go to has a book section, most of the time, and a lot of the stuff they have for sale looks to be all the same. I stand there and read the back cover of most of the books and the majority of them are just different variations of the previous. Somewhat annoys me when I'm trying to find something to read that I haven't read before.
In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.,
Actually, there are. I'm writing a book and I think that it's a very unique idea. I would statach the file, but there are probably some people on this site that would steal it. I certainly don't think you but there are some. I have an idea for ajealous woman taking revenge on her boyfriend the night he was to propose to her, because she new he loved another woman. In fact, their love was so secret, that she didn't even know herself until after his death! I'm sort of in a dilemma here though. He dies at the beginning of a story and I have no idea how to make it longer without making it boring. Now that I think about it, that is sort of cleshay, but my family thinks that it's a good idea.
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