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I love that book! Have you seen the movie, Margi? It was called just Peaceful Warrior. It comes pretty close to the book, which makes a pleasant change. There's a video clip of it in the Videos section.
I read other Dan Millman books after that one. It remained my favorite of his.
Margi Taber said:
Hi Scribbler ... I think the one book that stands out for me is Dan Millman's book, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior. I read this book about 14 years ago and it was the first book I could not put down. The one part I have never forgotten is the part of the story where the main character wants to become involved with a woman but senses it isn't the time ... the message went something like "I have no right to interfere in the life of another" ... this message struck me and is something that I have often referred to over the years ... we are all on a path and sometimes as much as we want someone to be a part of our life, the timing isn't right and real love means letting them go to follow their own path. Thanks for the discussion and giving me a reason to remember this!!
That's two good life lessons you learned right there, Brooklynn. :) Thanks for sharing that!
Brooklynn Macey Derryberry said:
Well... (= Almost regretting about thinking to put this up here... Stephanie Meyer's Twilight saga. Not because im in love with Jacob and edward and we are all gonna get married((= But having once been an obsessed teenager with the series at one time in my life(; I tried to act like a vampire. And i saw that there's something beautiful in everything. And that, love does exist. haha lovesick teenagers, we've all been there at one point right? haha, well im still there but anyways, lol I look at the entire world differently now.
I saw the movie and LOVED it ... it was sad it didn't get great response when it was at the theaters ... just shows where most people are at ...
scribbler said:
I love that book! Have you seen the movie, Margi? It was called just Peaceful Warrior. It comes pretty close to the book, which makes a pleasant change. There's a video clip of it in the Videos section.
I read other Dan Millman books after that one. It remained my favorite of his.
Margi Taber said:Hi Scribbler ... I think the one book that stands out for me is Dan Millman's book, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior. I read this book about 14 years ago and it was the first book I could not put down. The one part I have never forgotten is the part of the story where the main character wants to become involved with a woman but senses it isn't the time ... the message went something like "I have no right to interfere in the life of another" ... this message struck me and is something that I have often referred to over the years ... we are all on a path and sometimes as much as we want someone to be a part of our life, the timing isn't right and real love means letting them go to follow their own path. Thanks for the discussion and giving me a reason to remember this!!
Hi Scribbler ... I think the one book that stands out for me is Dan Millman's book, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior.
Good topic Scribbler.
One of the best books I read when I was at school that opened my eyes up to the world was Animal Farm by George Orwell. A masterpiece, and so on the money.
The way of the peaceful warrior sounds good too, must get my mitts on a copy...
It is Sean! The Way of the Peaceful Warrior was the first book that I could not put down ... I still reflect on it all these years later!
Animal Farm has been on my "to-read" list for decades. I don't know why I've never found the time. Thanks for reminding me about this book. I read 1984 by George Orwell in high school and really enjoyed it. I think I was the only one in class that did! :)
Two thumbs up for The Way of the Peaceful Warrior from me! I would suggest Illusions by Richard Bach to all of you that enjoyed Warrior. That's definitely a book that changed my thinking. Two quick quotes from Illusions:
Learning is finding out what you already know.
Doing is demonstrating that you know it.
Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you.
There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands.
You seek problems because you need their gifts.
Sean Noonan said:
Good topic Scribbler.
One of the best books I read when I was at school that opened my eyes up to the world was Animal Farm by George Orwell. A masterpiece, and so on the money.
The way of the peaceful warrior sounds good too, must get my mitts on a copy...
Great reply Kay Elizabeth!!!
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