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Have you ever read a book that had a deep impact on your world view or mindset? Please share your stories and tell us about the book.

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I have to say Robert Pirsig's "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" has changed my way of thinking. The first time I read it, it brought up so many personally philosophical questions about how I live life, and how it affects others around me. It challenged me to think more deeply and consider those I influence.


Nowadays, I read it at least once a year on average for the last 5 years. I always find something new in it.

Hey Scribbler!


I read a book when I was maybe about 17 or 18 (I'm now 22), called Deafening by Francis Itani. I had already done Level One British Sign Language and someone suggested that I may enjoy it. Whilst it is written by a hearing person and is fiction, it does show a great insight to what it could feel like to grow up deaf surrounded by hearing friends and family. The descriptions of speech and later signing are very beautifully done by Itani and there is a truly beautiful love story in there as well, just to make it perfect! It's set around ww1 (i think, maybe 2) and has sections that also describe the desolation that war causes. 


I think it impacted me obviously because of my interest in the Deaf Community (I'm now a sign language interpreter) but also it impacted me as novice writer. The descriptions Itani uses struck me as... well I suppose they were quite brave. She didn't hold back, they were so vivid that when I was reading the parts that are from a soldiers pov I was crying into my pillow!

I would recommend this book to anyone, in fact its been awhile since I read it, might have to go and read it again myself! 

Great discussion! I shall be reading some of the others that have been suggested too! 

One book I found very enlightening was The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. I highly recommend everyone read it.



The one book that really stood out for me was Mrs. Mike, by Nancy and Benedict Freedman. Reading about the struggles the characters faced and the quiet strength in which she endure heart ache, loss and pain was very touching, and I loved the special relationship between Mike and Mary. 


Mandi Slack

Author of The Alias

*kindle for 3.99

Catcher in the Rye! Yes, it did change my thinking in a very weird I thought abt things, how I perceived depression, the 'f' word, relationships...

The Bible changed who I am. There are many who probably appreciate this that knew the "old" me. My latest book could help others (ones who shy away from religiosity) to the same end. One of the books which helped my writing of my book was "Who Switched off my Brain," Dr. Caroline Leaf. She expressed the terrible affects of negative toxins on our beings. In my book, "Spiritual/Biblical Psychology", I elaborate or her premise and incorporate some of Morris' psychology teaching and my own Bible teachings.

I am not entirely certain that this is what you were seeking, but I tried.

May God bless,

Dr. Jake Wade

An author who is a member of this site, (Prudence Macleod), wrote several books that had a profound effect on my world view. She has a real talent for showing someone's world from another point of view in a very personal way. I really lucked out on finding this author at Smashwords. Her stories were powerful enough to me that I spent quite a bit of time writing reviews on the various websites that smashwords distributes to. I really felt like I had found something so good that it had to be shared. I've been an avid reader for over twenty five years, I haven't ever read a more soul catching series of stories. I hope the rest of you get a chance to see her work.

I understand where all of you are coming from and have, personally, read some of the books that you have told us about.  I can see where these books would have a lasting effect on you.  The books that have turned my life around.  The "Left Behind" series and all the books that have been written by Tim LaHaye and numerous other authors has become my Bible.   I have read and reread every book I can lay my hands.  Between these books, the ones by Dan Brown, and Steve Berry have gotten me to the point that I find the need to own ALL of the books that these authors have ever written.  Thank  God that the BOMC2 only charges $9.95 with free s/h.  Love that Book Club. Thanks for being my friends, people


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