Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Written By: Rashon Leyf
Amber, maybe all I’ll have to tell you in this second letter will actually be background information. And maybe it will have been submitted only to help you and I acknowledge that many people find us arrogant.
So, alright, let’s say this first: Life goes on no matter if the people next door or on the other side of the world are poor or rich. But aren’t most people somewhere in between those extremes? Don’t most people live somewhere within a middle class? But they say that middle class is shrinking.
And I’m not exceptionally concerned whether these words to you will be found acceptable or not by liberals, conservatives, and/or fine outstanding citizens who hold more radical political viewpoints. They’ll all fade away someday – that is, I mean, the “holders” of those viewpoints. Yet, maybe those viewpoints themselves will also lose their relevance down the road – oh yeah, who’s to say that couldn’t happen?
Nonetheless, I know that you and I are real today Amber. And yes, today we’re alive and have a chance to live as lovers; but what’s even more important than that, today we have a chance to live as lovers should. And lovers whose love is real should realize that every expression of love is timeless. It must not be lost or left unrealized.
But Amber, you and I have experienced the wickedness of jealousy. And let’s not “kid” ourselves or anyone else: It really bothers a lot of people that you and I are the folks “throwing” and /or “conducting” the parties, rather than those who need to clean up after all the guests have gone home. And frankly, you and I are very important people Amber. And yet, we don’t need to either boast about, or attempt to downplay our eminence. We only need to accept its actuality! We’re the leaders of one of the four divisions of mankind Amber! But I guess sometimes it’s difficult for certain mortals to acknowledge the realness of the various situations into which they and others have been cast by forces more powerful than they.
Still, I’ve heard that apparently some residents of Earth One (our reality of the earth) refuse to accept you and I as the co-chairmen of that classification of mankind known as The Students Of The Highway. They say we’re living in this certain city, and within this certain reality as a result of fate only.
But at least it seems as though most inhabitants of Earth One realize its vast importance as concerns the fifty three other realities. And most who live in Earth One are evidently aware that its population far exceeds that of any of the other realities. And of course we all know that many of Earth One’s individual nations are strong militarily. And, all residents of The United States Of America should realize that their union of states represents the most powerful of all of Earth One’s individual nations.
Nonetheless, as co-chairmen of the students of the highway, here is what, in my opinion at least, is expected of us Amber: We must be certain that under our guidance innumerable agencies, clubs, societies, organizations, etc., no matter their possible religions, governmental, or private or public affiliations, continue to aid and counsel all such mortals who are still in the process of “finding themselves” so to speak. And of course “finding oneself” can entail many possible aspects of life as it’s currently lived in this earthly reality. Yet, I guess the one certain phenomenon of Earth One’s reality that’s captured my personal interest more than any other has been the abundance of failed relationships between various couples who apparently at one time thought themselves to be in love. But I guess we don’t need to document all of our, or the world’s problems here.
And yes, life’s been good to us, hasn’t it Amber? And if sometimes we felt we didn’t have all we wanted, we learned later that indeed we had all we needed. And if ever we felt we’d missed anything of worth or substance in the life temporal, we learned later that we really hadn’t; and, in fact we also learned that much of what we once considered so important and relevant in the life temporal really wasn’t all that important or meaningful when subjected to a truthful and “soul-searched” analysis.
So, I guess we’ve lived controversial lives Amber, but then, those of our type and genre seemingly always do exist outside society’s “normalcy.” And certainly you and I have always had difficulty comprehending why so many mortals must invariably cling to sameness. And we can’t understand why people wouldn’t wish to liberate themselves from the restrictions set-up for them by a small portion of humanity whom we as artists refer to as the “status-quo.”
And, you know, I often find myself thinking that I’m merely putting in my time here – wasting both what I’ve already done as well as what I may yet someday do. But whenever those thoughts visit me, I also remember that for as long as I’ve been capable of at least fairly intellectual thought, I’ve fought and struggled against all mental as well as physical temptations and addictions. And while I sometimes have fallen prey to them, I’m certain my Master in heaven knows of my mortal weakness and forgives me for whenever temptations may have given way to outright sins. And even when my thoughts have sometimes admittedly strayed to areas of wickedness and sinful doubt, even then they’ve been abidingly concentrated upon the future rather than the fleeting present, or the unchangeable (unless someone attempts to impart some sort of “spin” to it) past. And my primary focus has always been how those of years to come will someday contend with all that we of the present already know.
But if you believe life’s been, or will be reconfigured, then you’re surely at least partially correct, yet perhaps for reasons other than those you derived such belief from. And simply, things won’t be the same tomorrow as they are today! And yes, that’s such an elementary and undeniable truth, yet, so many have such difficulty accepting it!
And no doubt those who trick themselves into believing that all concerning the life temporal will always be as it’s always been, are time’s real fools. Still, even they are partially correct in that tomorrow’s earthly goodness, evil, and alteration, though different from today’s and yesterday’s, will still be rooted in each individual’s never ending struggle for a satisfactory mortal existence.
And just now perhaps I should say that sometimes when I’m reading a novel or short story, I feel the first line of it may have been purposely omitted. And I usually feel it’s been left unrealized so as to draw my attention to many of life’s problems. And I know it’s only a cliché to say “I’m concerned.” And I don’t need radicalism to express simple feelings. And also, I don’t need people seated behind computers, or basking in literary finesse to tell me that you and I can still be helpful to mankind before we’re gone from this temporal setting.
But when we are gone from this earthly sphere, of course it will be too late then to tear down any of our lives’ facades and/or old styles. And hopefully the forms and appearances around which our personalities now revolve, will be judged as worthy of eternal rewards upon our physical earthly deaths. And if we are so judged, may God grant that in eternity we’ll yet be able to help still living mortals! But while we’re still alive here on the earth, may we continue to announce grace and commendation upon those who are trying to live righteously along the highways of the so-called “straight and narrow.” Yet, I suppose our temporal lives will end all too soon! Thus, we can’t really retreat from our purpose of aiding those who truly need our aid – can we? And, of course cynicism and/or nihilism never, while romanticism and/or idealism seldom assist us with the tasks just mentioned. But we’re artists (literary mostly) Amber. And, as such, we possess what I term “linear freedoms.” And what does that mean? Well, several things I suppose, but mainly it refers to the fact that while we may sometimes be isolated individually, we’re always steadfastly together with our fellow students of the highway.
And yet, despite all the good we have here, ours is a continual struggle – as you know. And thus, I guess I can’t really end this chapter on a completely positive note, though I really believe that in the end we’ll have left this earth a much more positive place for our having lived upon it! Thus, let’s not immerse ourselves in self-pity. It leads to sadness – generally. And besides that, we don’t want to spend our mortal years carrying crosses and holding grudges.
And Amber, in this chapter I’ve not mentioned your disappearance until now. Please come home. I miss you. And mankind misses the leadership you normally impart to the students of the highway.
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