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                                                  A DOOR OPENS CHAPTER TWO


                                                   Written By: Ralph Hawk



            You know, I face a lot of responsibilities in this city of tests. And I call it a city of tests


because I believe many of us living here are being critically evaluated by both mortals from other


earthly realities, as well as by deities who now exist in realms we’ll someday access after our


temporal deaths. And bizarre, and seemingly unbelievable activity is known to occur in this city.


Actually, I think we’ve now reached a point here at which such activity is expected to occur. But I


need to “protect” my people in this city of otherworldly and other-reality interventions! I invited them


to relocate here; now I must be certain I do all I can to assure their safety and success here.


            And while I have so much to do, watch, and supervise, I still often find myself “looking


back,” and attempting to “liberate” seemingly confined memories. And when I’m able to access


certain of those, I many times find then that they’ve now assumed the form of oral or written epitaphs


to all that apparently once was real and actually occurred; or at least was once upon a time granted


thought within the mind of any man or woman.


            But before I read those epitaphs, I often sense a need to answer at least the following


questions, if not more:  “Who decided how I should live?” “Have I sinned often?” “Have I asked for


and received forgiveness for all the sins I’ve committed?” “How should I henceforth ‘carry on’ with


my life now that I’ve asked for and hopefully been granted remission of all past wrongs?” And, “If


and when I ever do succeed and reach a point in my life at which I feel my conscience has been


‘purged,’ how will I then be able to properly contend with what those memories, introduced to me via


those epitaphs, actually contain?”  


            “Caution,” most of the signposts say, “although you’ve been able to open a door to the past,


you’d better never step beyond its entrance unless you wish to journey into areas unreal which could


easily become real.” And, you know, sometimes after reading those words of caution I can’t help but


wonder if someday, long from now, those who succumb to the belief that the correct way to live is as


others always have, will learn that sometimes those others probably lived under false assumptions; or


will most humans die still believing conformity to be the ultimate goal of humanity? And I also


wonder how many mortals can say they’re unequivocally free, because it seems to me as though,


despite the fact that all humans possess flesh and blood, many conduct themselves as unimaginative


mechanical computers and robots.


            And someday will those mechanized hearts and minds be audited by eternal judges? They say


those judges demand “completeness of depiction.” Thus, maybe it’s propitious for still living mortals


to set aside their “constitutions of iron.” But what is meant by such a phrase as “constitution of iron?”


It refers, I guess, to a certain “phoniness” in which many mortals immerse themselves. And that


phoniness washes up upon such mortals whenever they misuse (or abuse) at least three (and often


more) aspects (or traits) of human behavior which, when utilized as they should be, are simply


“normal” human reactions, and reactions to reactions. And those traits are:  jesting, sarcasm, and


fear of whatever may strike one as being frightful.


            Yet, I think it’s true that all components of human behavior must be “dealt with” either


through “execution” or “reception” of. In other words, we either initiate activity, or contend with the


effects of activity that’s been initiated by others. And, of course the analogy of life as being a game is


always pertinent. And many humans pursue active, or sometimes even aggressive tactics on the


playing field of life, but some others prefer subdued roles. And, perhaps in some cases it’s better


to have sat on the bench throughout the game than to have committed personal fouls which may have


cost one, and perhaps others the ultimate victory. But remember, those sitting there, on the bench, are


those same who, with the analogy just used removed, are walking along through life never


questioning anything that may be amiss with their course of action. They say they don’t need anyone


to tell them any new “codes” or “modes” of conduct, yet they carry with them the same methods of


sameness granted them by the past.


 And of course all mortals’ thoughts of acceptability have been formulated in the past


through the input of many forces; and yes, one of those was Lucifer himself! And rest assured, his is


one of the larger contributions to what we today know of as verifiable (though seldom correct) modes


of conduct. But Lucifer has no desire to have any mortal accomplish anything during an earthly


existence. He advocates the subjugation of free thought, and of all freedom really. And, his primary


goal is to have human life lived sinfully, but secondarily he wishes blandness to be rampant amongst


all nationalities of planet Earth.


            And except for the present, any particular spot in time is any certain location which can only


be reached or accessed through a dedicated liberation of the mind. And whims of thought of course


are the ultimate liberators. And even the most dreadful tyrants, such as those who led combatants


during this reality’s second great war couldn’t know the thoughts of others, though through their


envelopment by fear and paranoia, they often envisioned (and often incorrectly) their closest


associates to be plotting against them.


            And personally, I’ve often known the particular type of fear mentioned in the last sentence.


And trust me, it can descend upon one at any time! But it seems to be at its worst when one awakes


perhaps too early, notices the initial light of day outside one’s window, and wonders then if all, or at


least some of what one believes may take place on that certain day will in fact occur.


            And when I think about any such situation which approximates the inherent dreadfulness of


the previous sentence, it seems then as if I’m looking downward into a large chasm, canyon, or crater.


And should I fall into it, no doubt I’d descend then nearly to the abyss. But God forbid I ever become


a part of any evil! And may I never forget to thank heaven’s masters for whenever they assisted my,


and previous generations as we and they attempted to avoid any sins, and their repercussions.


            And now my mind has strayed to hypothetical outcomes too dastardly to confront! Look


beyond that door again, and see there now a world dominated by fascism! Apparently the wrong side


won the second great war! And now look back farther. See two groupings of American states there.


They’re independent of each other. One is United, and the other is Confederate, and they’re existing


separate of one another now. North America has two American nations upon its landmass now! Yes,


and look there! There’s a victorious Napoleon wreaking havoc upon a dominated Europe. And do you


have the ability to see backward farther still? Can you see back beyond Bonaparte’s tyranny to


where all sorts of demagogues are perpetrating all types of savagery upon the inhabitants of planet




            But on the wall, inside the door where I’m standing, there’s a switch with two “settings.” And


I notice that currently that switch is set on “historical,” but there’s a “personal” option also. I move


the lever from historical to personal, and immediately before my eyes, beyond the opened door, I now


see my life as it would have been had I made different choices at various important junctures during




            And as I take a long look at all the possible scenarios “laid out” before me, I realize that most


times I apparently made correct choices. I must have, because most of the “alternatives” I see before


me there appear worse than the reality I’m now actually experiencing in my life, though there are a


few portrayals there which I can see would also have been better outcomes and modes of conduct than


those I committed, or currently possess and follow.


            But at this moment I realize I must “close the door” upon all that could have been, and


concentrate upon all that, for better or for worse, simply is, or may yet someday be. Still, at such times


as this I often find myself in fear of actually becoming, either figuratively or, as God knows I’m afraid


to admit, literally a fictional character sent away from his own birthright to travel upon roads


uncharted. And I guess at these times I feel as though I’m a boxer who’s become somewhat proficient


at hitting the punching bag during practice, but who knows he’ll not be able to “transfer” that


proficiency and use it during an actual bout.


            So, as I hope you can “see,” despite many problems and setbacks, today I reckon myself to be


someone who’s gained at least a small portion of control over his thoughts and actions. And that


very fact is what leads me to believe that the time has now come for me to begin an even more earnest


crusade within the human classification of real artist; and that’s a classification I entered long ago


upon my graduation from the students of the highway.


            Yet, of course those who wish no change to ever occur are constantly attempting to stymie me


in my attempts to alter my personality, and thus, my very being. They’re trying to keep me as I am.


They claim that’s how I should remain. And yes, I am concerned about their efforts. And I sense those


people are negativists! They’re a bane upon my choice to live as I wish. And they don’t even


acknowledge the seemingly natural changes in lifestyle which, as years pass, most mortals must make


out of what appears to be simple expediency.


            But I’m thankful I’ve been able to share these insights into my psyche with you. And this


possibility to relate these emotions, thoughts, and thought processes must be, I’m thinking, a part of


my personal “test.”


Yet, I wonder what will become of the actual physical words I’ve now used to disclose the just


mentioned phenomena to you? Will they be considered honest and frank statements of “where” I feel


I’m “at” at this point in time, or will they be looked upon as bogus fabrications, related for no other


reason than to fool and bewilder the middle class? Well, I hope those words will be understood when


read. They sought always only order – only order, and temporal lives lived in preparation for all


mortals’ eternal life to come.


            And if my words facilitate any evaluations or re-evaluations of how certain lives have been


lived, then I’ll judge those words successful. But if they generate any type of confusion, then I must


ask that they be re-examined – or at least reread. And why would I ask that? I ask that because


confusion is one of the most dreaded banes ever encountered by Ralph Hawk! And may God forbid


I ever further it through any of my words or actions.


            And, as everyone should know, statements of personal philosophy must be made (in my


opinion at least). Yet, sooner or later we all must dispense with philosophizing, and concentrate upon


what needs to be done and thought about in the current present. And therefore, before I end this


chapter, I want to follow up on something I mentioned at the end of the last one. My friends and I


have noticed someone or some ones “tearing around” the city lately in a 1955 Chev. And a little


investigative work on our part revealed that apparently that car has two different drivers. It’s owned,


and often driven by Lauren Havess, the rich young woman who’s recently returned to our city after


having been away from it for a number of years.


            And Lauren has come back to our city because as an only child she now owns the factory her dad started in this city long ago and then operated here for many years. And that factory is this city’s


largest employer, and most of its workers fear it many now fall victim to mismanagement under


Lauren who, if the truth be told, is known mostly for her wild lifestyle. She’s a pleasure seeker one


might say, and, most likely, far from CEO material. Yet, I think it’s true that few people know she’s


approached me, Ralph Hawk, to help her keep the factory solvent and capable of sustaining its current


workforce without layoffs or terminations.


            Still, it looks to me as though her purchase of this car from the 1950’s is only another example


of irresponsible behavior on her part. And what’s worse, she’s apparently allowing a man named


Kenny Asher to drive it about in our city! And believe me, whatever connection there may be


between Lauren and Kenny is unknown to me! Yet, Lauren has told me she now wishes to amend her


past tendencies and traits. And she’s also said she’s going to remain here now in her city of origin for


a protracted length of time; and perhaps permanently.


            Thus, I’m at a quandary to understand why Lauren Havess is allowing Kenny Asher to drive


her vehicle about in this city! Those two people are certainly opposites in regard to intellectual


awareness. And, no, I wouldn’t say Lauren is fantastically interested in our nation’s domestic and


foreign problems, but she’s probably aware of them at least! Kenny, on the other hand, is hardly what


one might term an intellectual – not that he couldn’t be one if he wished to. But he’s evidently of the


opinion that any display of mental prowess is unbecoming a “macho man,” which apparently is what


he considers himself to be. And of course while he uses Lauren’s, I’m guessing rather expensive


“redone” old Chevrolet, he drives “the crap” out of it, as is stated in a modified version of what for


him is his everyday parlance.


            And I actually got a phone call last week from his older brother Al, who also lives here in the


city (on the south side, as does Kenny). And he told me he’d heard I was a rather influential man here


in town, and could I possibly do anything to stop his brother from driving that car, or at least from


driving it as he had been. And of course I told him (Al) to contact the police about this matter, and he


said he had, and had been told by them that there was nothing they could do concerning it. Thus, I


guess this must be just another of those quirky developments which occur in this city from time to


time. And I can’t help but think that most likely there is some sort of otherworldly or other reality


intervention taking place in regard to this situation, yet, I can’t say that with certainty. All I know for


sure is that those black tire marks which Kenny has “laid” on the pavement of some of this city’s


streets seem strangely out of place in these days of supposed great environmental concern.   

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