Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Written By: Ralph Hawk
Faces shown on product boxes are almost always smiling. Maybe that’s because, in an
arguable, yet certainly figurative sense, the lives they pursue in conjunction with their connected
bodies are already over. And many years, and/or ideologies ago, someone else apparently determined
their destinies. And today, lost both inside and outside the comprehension of all factions of modern
day society, they live on as mental guesses of what all stereotyped mortals should be, as they exist
within an arena of money exchanges.
But, not all people agree with the societal conventions they’ve inherited from their parents
and ancestors; nor of course do all agree with the economic system into which they’ve been born.
Still, it’s looking today as if that “ism” which takes its name from the term used to denote such money
as is being provided to stimulate the production of goods and services affords mankind the best
chance to live freely.
There, those first two paragraphs have, in my opinion, offered a rather controversial
beginning to this chapter. And they aren’t the words I’d have used here had I had my way. But John
and Rashon liked them. And they said I should begin this chapter with them. So, I did. I was outvoted
two to one. And, after all, this book is supposed to be “under the arrangement of,” though certainly
not constituted solely through the words of John, Rashon, and myself.
Yet, I need to be careful here. I don’t want to infer that any certain topic or topics, or occurrence or occurrences are to be considered the central focus of “The Students Of The Highway.” And all that’s written here, right where you’re reading just now, is here simply because it seemed appropriate to John, Rashon, and myself for it to appear here. And that goes for all the words in this book. But John and Rashon said I (Ralph) should use this fifth chapter to enunciate what I feel are significant situations, tasks, and problems now facing either me, this city, our country, our world, or whomever and whatever.
And as I begin now to use this chapter in that fashion, I realize how terribly disorganized virtually everything I’ve undertaken in my life has been. And why was I chosen to undertake the roles I now perform in this city? Why would leaders of other earthly realities assign any type of leadership role to someone as lacking in order as myself? Well, maybe the answer to those questions is that it was a disorganized person they were seeking! Perhaps they have less trouble controlling someone such as myself as they use me to help further the agendas they apparently believe need to be furthered in this city, and in this certain reality of the earth.
And I’m certainly surrounded by a large contingent of very talented people here. And no doubt they’ve been chosen, as have I, to fulfill certain roles in this city. But it’s beginning to appear now as though the goings on in this city will only be known to people at large through the books which may be written here. And thus, for that reason, John, Rashon, and myself have undertaken this current project entitled “The Students Of The Highway” – named in honor of one of mankind’s four basic classifications of existence.
And believe me, John, Rashon, and I have struggled with this book! And it was only a few days ago that we were finally able to agree on a basic outline for its contents. We had previously written what we believed would be its earliest chapters, but then certain developments occurred which we then agreed must be documented herein. And the most significant of those developments were the disappearances of Amber Rolon and Renni Maes, the return to this city of Lauren Havess, and my decision to send John and Rashon out upon various journeys, or “road excursions” as we’ll term them in this book. And why did I send John and Rashon out on the road? First, because I thought such journeys would benefit them, and second, because I didn’t want them sulking around here as they missed their now missing girlfriends.
And yes, as I’ve now told you a number of times, I sent Charles Platt (Corzer) to Paris to search for Amber and Renni, but he didn’t find them there. And he in turn, while there, then fell in love with a young Parisian girl. And that’s now become yet another of my concerns.
But in the midst of all this chaos, John, Rashon, and I have decided upon this basic format for this book: First, what’s been written in the first four chapters, and has already been published via internet postings, will remain as it is. Second, this fifth chapter shall function as a “bridge,” so to speak, between what’s already been published, and what shall now follow. Third, John’s expose concerning the beliefs and assignments of the genre of mankind known as “The Students Of The Highway” shall be documented in the next chapter. Fourth, Rashon’s tribute to me, which he insists must be included in this book, will follow John’s explanatory chapter; to be submitted to the internet along with a letter he (Rashon) received from Al Asher. Fifth, each of the missing loves of Rashon and John shall have two chapters dedicated to them – four chapters in total. But those four chapters shall then be released as only two internet postings. And sixth, those chapters shall then be followed by a chapter similar to this current one – a summation of where everything’s “at” at that point; and, reluctantly, I’m afraid that by that time it may be necessary for me to announce the course of action which I’ll then begin to pursue in regard to Kenny Asher, who currently is really wreaking havoc in this city, and apparently can’t be stopped by any form of earthly authority – not as it’s administered in this city at least. Seventh, I’ll next have John and Rashon document what befell them on only a very few of all the road excursions they’ll have been upon by that time. And, the determination of which journeys’ stories shall be included herein will be made by me – Ralph Hawk. Eighth, we’ll include three short chapters, one of which has previously appeared as an internet posting. And earlier in this book I may have said there would be two previously posted chapters appearing herein. That’s been changed. And these three short chapters will probably deviate somewhat from the “flow” of their preceeding chapters, but John, Rashon, and I, for various reasons, desire them to be included in this book. And ninth, Rashon will enunciate what he believes should become the beliefs to be held by, and assignments to be granted to (by otherworldly and other-reality masters and deities of course) the graduates of the genre of mankind known as the students of the highway. And tenth, and lastly, a so-called “graduation day party” chapter will be included in which all who’ve struggled with various dilemmas in this book can “come together,” so to speak, and hopefully find that dreadfully entitled, whether temporary or permanent peacefulness termed “closure.”
So, there you have it – a possible “layout” for the remainder of this book! And now just wait and see how John, Rashon, and I will probably deviate from it!
Well, now that I’ve gotten all that “off my chest,” it almost seems as though this chapter should end here. But, actually no, it has yet more information to impart! And I guess I’ll need to ask you to sort of “bounce back” now to where we (or I) were (or was) in this chapter before its explanations of upcoming chapters began.
Thus, having now so “bounced back,” let me say here that I believe if one wishes to objectively consider such matters as were discussed in this chapter’s earliest paragraphs, there is no way one can exclude from one’s discourse at least a perfunctory discussion of politics, for who can deny the great impact a nation’s political structure invariably has upon its economic well-being? And I’ve always felt a gross simplification is committed whenever anyone says that some sort of far right or far left wing dictatorship might solve all mankind’s dilemmas. Yes, I fear those who espouse such belief aren’t really “in tune” with the workings of the human mind. And if you doubt that, ask yourself this question: Would I wish to live in any sort of society, no matter its political orientation, in which an ever increasing amount of all I should have earned through my honest work was confiscated by any type of government – communist, socialist, capitalist, fascist, feudal, monarchial, or whatever? I think not.
And, of course hand in hand with the study of politics comes the study of economics. And if one studies both political and economic isms carefully, I believe one will deduce that it’s capitalism which, despite its emphasis on the phenomenon of money, ultimately serves the human being best. Thus, I can’t believe any society would be better off without the profits its citizens generate as representatives of accepted roles. And, to be blunt, probably humans shouldn’t concern themselves so much with how much or how little both the so-called “common” and “uncommon” man, themselves representatives of all mankind – male and female – possess in their ability to access socially determined necessary, or unnecessary products and services. And why? Because frankly, to be too concerned with what all that all others may possess, either borders upon, or actually is simple jealousy – an emotion which when granted occupancy in one’s psyche, and then acted upon, leads often to serious personal and/or group-associated repercussions.
But of course life within any economic system doesn’t revolve solely around money and how
it’s being used or misused to improve or worsen the existences of all mortals. And whether we wish to
admit it or not, in times of societal complexity, the roles of various governmental entities greatly
impact individual lives. And most nations have, and undoubtedly will continue to aid those citizens
within their midst who are downtrodden or unable to support themselves for one reason or another.
Still, there have also been regimes throughout history which neglected, or even mass murdered those
they considered of no, or at least marginal value to their respective societies. And, today, though it
may seem disingenuous, self-serving, or wasteful of time, I’m praying that those who suffered as a
result of the hatred and/or violent tendencies of certain of their fellow mortals, be comforted
wherever they may currently exist, be their residence upon the earth still, or now within the sphere of
eternal reward.
Yes, I’m praying that they’ll experience the comfort granted mankind by its Masters in
heaven. And I believe, as Joseph Same stated in his book “The Same Tapes,” that each great
religion’s Lord is indeed there, within that heaven, or timeless light as Joe referred to it. And I’m
convinced that all of us, that is, each one of us individually, must continually fight against the vile
temptations of Lucifer and his comrade “fallen angels” lest what truly are mankind’s greatest enemies be able to achieve our damnation upon our physical deaths.
Yes, we must struggle against Lucifer and his subordinates. And we must uphold and believe in the righteous tenets of our various God-given religions. And we must fulfill, to the best of our abilities, whatever role our Master in heaven has assigned us here on this mortal habitat Earth.
But, as you’ve learned, earth has multiple realities. And sometimes residents of one of its
certain realities are called upon by the Masters to perform duties, or undertake “roles” in realities other than those of their birth. And that’s of course been the case in my life. And as I’ve told you in an earlier chapter, I’ve come from the reality termed “Parallel Reflections” to the reality of Earth One to assume the leadership of a so-called “artistic enclave” which exists within a city apparently very susceptible to otherworldly and other-reality interventions.
And I’ve noticed that whenever I, as the de facto leader of that city’s group of artists, have
committed any slight “retreat” from my fairly constant routine of hopeful creative advancement, I’ve
always been left vulnerable then to attack by the forces of sadness, confusion, fear of failure, and even
fear of near failure. And then, when those undesirable “stigmas” have succeeded in their attempts to
touch my being, it’s then I’ve paid a price for all they’ve managed to waste in my life. Thus, I’ve
striven to develop an at least somewhat consistent “work ethic.” But, if you know me fairly well,
which I hope you do by now, then you also know that for me the establishment of such a code of
conduct is a near impossibility. Simply, I’ve not been a master of orderliness thus far in my life!
Thus, I guess it won’t surprise you when I say that often as I look around at my usual clutter of
papers, pens, unread magazines and books, unwatched films, lists of things to do, lists of people to
meet, etc., I feel then the full impact of all my current responsibilities. And, at such times my mental
focus is often captured by a sense of very immediate and very perceivable fear. And I believe such
fear grips me then for two reasons: First, I’m afraid whatever “projects” “my people” may undertake
may not always be completed as well as they could have been; and second, I fear other projects which should be undertaken, simply won’t be. And thus, I’m fighting an ongoing war against what I term “dour states of mind and attitude.” And if you’ve somehow gained access to any of the literature (particularly the book “The Same Tapes”) that’s thus far been produced by my city’s artists, then you
know that such negative topics as I’ve mentioned in the last few sentences have often been alluded to
by those of us who live here where sensational activity seems almost commonplace.
Nonetheless, besides the saving of one’s soul from damnation, what is there to life really,
except that one might live it to one’s satisfaction? Well, I don’t know about you, but I do know I
speak here for myself and many others when I say that people don’t want to live beneath a barrage of
restrictions, whether placed upon them by relatives, societal conventions, ill-advised laws passed by
democratic governments, or dictators dictating to unfortunate populaces who live within totalitarian
regimes of either the far left or far right wings of the political spectrum.
But people, I’ll make you this pledge: Nothing and no one shall ever stop Ralph Hawk from
fulfilling what he perceives are his “assigned roles” in life. No, he’ll continue on in those pursuits
until he’s no longer physically or mentally capable to do so. And he’ll forever do all he can, whether
here upon the earth, or someday within the timeless light, to help facilitate a quiet and peaceful
passage of time upon this planet.
So, what do I consider to be the primary issues facing me at this time? The first is a problem which is currently demanding much of my attention. It’s a romantic problem possessed by two of my
friends – two outstanding gentlemen whom I consider great “users” of the written word, who also
happen to be this book’s primary writers – Rashon Leyf and F. John Surells. The loves of their lives
have disappeared! And they fear their women have been kidnapped and taken to Paris. But I’m not convinced they ever really went there! Actually, I fear my fellow authors of this book based the theory of their girlfriends’ disappearances in Paris upon a dream Joseph Same related in his book “The Same Tapes!” Nevertheless, Amber and Renni, the loves of Rashon and John respectively, are missing from our city; unless those women have found some sort of “hiding place” within it. But why would they be hiding here, or anywhere for that matter?
And I suppose it was rather “snoopy” on my part, but because I was attempting to write a book with those two fellows, I asked John and Rashon if they’d been having “problems” with their women lately. Each replied that he believed all was well in his relationship. So, based mostly upon the suppositions of John and Rashon, I sent Corzer to Paris to search for Amber and Renni. And he’s returned to our city now. And, as I said, he didn’t find Amber or Renni in Paris. And again, I still don’t think those ladies went there of their own free will, or were forced to go there by someone else.
But, as another concern, certainly Corzer has been through much turmoil lately. Within one
year now he’s returned from four years of service in the Marines, and has also ridden upon the
dastardly Circular Ship With Ride as is documented in the book “The Same Tapes.” Nevertheless,
he agreed to go to Paris and either call or email me from there on a regular basis. And, originally I
thought our backward and forward dialogues would constitute some portion of this book’s chapters,
but I can “see” now that’s not going to be the case. There’s simply too much else that needs to be documented here. And remember, this book’s primary hopeful function (as I perceive it at least) is the
demonstration of the process by which those mortals who are still unsure of their future roles,
consummate decisions concerning such roles.
But, as I said, Corzer is home from Paris now. And, although he didn’t find Amber and Renni there, he found a French girlfriend instead. And he left that girl there when he journeyed home. And now he really misses her! And I’m thinking now that I sent him to Paris too quickly upon his return from the Marines, and also from his “escapades” with Joseph Same.
And another of my primary concerns is the return to our city of Lauren Havess. And I think I spoke of this matter in earlier chapters. She left from here years ago, and hasn’t returned to this city until now. And while she’s been gone, she’s evidently pursued a reckless lifestyle. But she’s returned now to handle her father’s funeral, and to assume the top management job in the factory that her dad founded here years ago – our city’s largest employer.
And Lauren is struggling to handle her new responsibilities. And she’s told me as much. And she’s actually asked if I could help her keep the factory running. But now, although she has many new demands upon her time, she’s also entered into a very questionable relationship with a man named Kenny Asher who, now in a reckless fashion, drives her refurbished 1955 Chev around the city.
And another thing I’d like to mention here is that some time ago, through the medium of internet postings, I believe I stated that there would be some poetry contained in this book. Well, that was the supposition at that time. But, the reality of the situation now is that there simply won’t be room in this book for such creative writing as is produced by some of our “literary type” people. Thus, this book’s planned poetry admissions have been cancelled.
And there are a number of other minor issues which I could discuss with you at this time, but I’ll leave them undocumented unless they become (and hopefully they never will) significant dilemmas or situations which, in my opinion, should be brought to your attention. But I guess the one “great impression” this book must strive to leave in your mind is the fact that confusion and apprehension are the two great “stigmas” with which I struggle here at all times. And it’s seldom that I can immediately look back on any decision I’ve made and say unequivocally that yes, it was a correct determination.
But, as I close this chapter, let me say I feel I’ve been fortunate in my life. I’ve lived an existence far removed from what those who tell others how to live ever accepted as being “acceptable.” And when so-called “pillars of society” cite outstanding examples of twenty-first century role models, it’s not me they’re referencing! And yet, despite that, it’s been my privilege and responsibility to “monitor and mentor” a number of this cryptic city’s younger residents over the years. They were only babies when I first relocated here. And I’ve grown here with them figuratively, and they’ve grown here literally. And now I’ve become a sort of non-appointed leader of a group of artistically gifted individuals who’ve taken up residence along the north shore of this city’s river. And for a few years now, those people and I have been quietly changing the character of this city. And God, please allow us to continue in that quest!
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