Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Written By: F. John Surells
I think it’s easier to write about what’s known, accepted, and championed, rather than what’s likewise known, yet rejected and downplayed. But why do various mortals react differently to common knowledge? And why isn’t there one uniform response to each possible earthly scenario? Well, surely the attempt to find those questions’ answers must be one of our greatest quests, but it’s not our main one.
In my opinion, to simply learn how to live correctly and helpfully must be our primary goal as students of the highway. But unfortunately we’ve seen that goal isn’t always achieved by those seeking it; sometimes its direct opposite becomes the reality of one’s life instead. Still, I’ve always maintained that all mortals are born with an inherent sense of right and wrong; yet, as regards that sense, many seem to need assistance with the implementation of it. And surely as humans grow a little older every day, they should likewise become a little wiser.
And responsible living – that must be the greatest shared interaction between all members of mankind. But I often find myself wondering if the children of these modern times are properly learning how to become responsible adults. And looking back upon my own elementary school years, I think I can say the teachers I had then tried to instill such knowledge. Yet, of course at that time I didn’t know my fate would be a very special one. And I didn’t know then that I’d be chosen to be one of a group of artistic types who now live near a river in a city which owes its allegiance only marginally to all forms of secular governments, but which is directly watched and basically controlled by a non-governmental phenomenon – an eternal phenomenon comprised of two separate realms – one which represents evil, and the other which rewards goodness. Oh, and yes, upon our physical earthly deaths we’ll all experience dispatching to one or the other of those realms, whether as still living mortals we did or didn’t believe that to be the case.
But, my God, how can I or anyone else dare to say that we know what the correct pathways of life really are? Well, it must be that those “modes of conduct” which have traditionally served mankind best, are those that then should be passed through the generations. And yes, I do believe there are divine beings who’ve, one way or another, over the centuries granted mortals verifiable truths concerning “right living.” And, yes, thank goodness most humans adhere to those truths and attempt to promote them.
So, as I guess you can see, this chapter is mainly about how people eventually reach certain points at which they must begin earnest quests to determine what it is they wish to do with the rest of their lives – but it’s not entirely about that. And I’m sure it may seem simplistic to say this now, but there just are so many matters which significantly matter in our lives. And if we wish to speak about how we’ve matured in our abilities to choose, and hopefully choose wisely, then how can we deny the relevance of all that we’ve been part of in the past?
Everything we’ve known and thought has helped shape us, but there comes a time when we must leave youthful perspectives behind; at least such a time arrives in the lives of most mortals. But some students of the highway will remain students of that roadway for their entire lives. And I know that’s been stated in these pages before, yet, it’s true. Some mortals will live their entire lives as students of the highway. They’ll never know what they really wished to do with their human existences.
But it’s because of the above mentioned observations, plus my own personal need to expound upon what I believe are topics related to those observations, that I’ve decided to “mince no words” in this chapter. And frankly, I can’t allow anything that needs to be said herein to generate any form of confusion or ambiguity. And thus, let me say that I believe most mortals, whether they’re still students of life’s highways or not, often find themselves “starting over.” And I also believe that’s a concept (starting over) which should be mentioned right here and now, lest readers of these words confuse those occasionally occurring attempts to “realign” one’s life with that one great moment at which one realizes one must now begin that earnest quest which I alluded to in this chapter’s opening paragraph.
Yes, a time comes when we must decide upon a personal path for the future. But, still, physical time continues onward. And every second needs to be lived. Yet, any second is one during which we might make a significant choice concerning the years to come.
And personally, sometimes it seems I don’t even have enough time to connect or catch my thoughts. That’s how busy I am, basically doing nothing but trying to find some semblance of
“real and constructive order” within a life of disarray. And other times I find myself wondering if indeed I’m really alive anymore. And perhaps I died some time ago, or perhaps long ago. And it may be that my “being” is simply being kept alive now by one or two of the “elements” that once constituted my personality. And yes, I guess we often don’t even have the time to get to know ourselves completely, let alone the others who are, or were a part of our lives. But we’d better try to help those others; and if we do, then hopefully they’ll seek to help us as well, because of all the possible tragedies which can occur on planet Earth, many can be avoided through simple caring and communication.
And those two acts, caring and communicating, are now leading my thoughts toward certain phenomena which I’m sure are on the minds of many mortals today. Yet, I can’t help it, as I now attempt to verbalize those phenomena, as well as my reactions to them, I find I just can’t properly convey all I wish to say concerning those subjects. Still, maybe that shouldn’t be unexpected. But why? Because students of life will face many varied dilemmas during their mortal existences, and defining a code of life which will hopefully help them deal with all potential difficulties is, in itself difficult; nevertheless, in the next paragraph I’ll begin my attempt to do so.
While we’re still here temporally we must strive for continual learning. And thus, as my friends Rashon and Ralph have assisted me in the “production” of this book, we’ve had no choice but to acquire knowledge concerning formerly and currently held beliefs, viewpoints, and philosophies, as well as evidence of the occurrence of numerous past events (both good and bad) which apparently happened in this city and elsewhere. And that acquisition of knowledge wasn’t always a pleasant activity. And speaking for myself, I must admit that during such times as when my friends and I were “uncovering” research for this book, I sometimes found myself engaging in “mental word games,” which I’m sure would be criticized by such critical types who’ve apparently, through the grace of someone, some ones, something, or some things been granted the right to offer what many consider to be meaningful criticism.
And I’m mentioning such critics and their criticisms now because Ralph and Rashon wanted me to comment upon literary criticism in this chapter, though I objected saying I didn’t believe it directly affected the lives of most students of the highway. But they overruled me. They said I must tell our readers about today’s new type of literary hero.
Well, apparently this new breed of writing hero struggles greatly with all forms of not only written, but also verbal communication. And evidently he or she also fails to appreciate the new monumental opportunities to relate via the written word that he or she has been given. And it’s beginning to look as though the failure of those people to honor or adhere to even the most basic rules of composition and grammar will hurt all of us someday.
And as I’m writing this now, a new fear is prompting these words. God, please don’t allow a return to the days when a self-appointed literary establishment shut out all those they considered threats to their publishing empires. And please continue to keep written word production where it is today – in the hands of the public. And it’s our prayer that those who still possess all those familiar literary titles won’t be able once more to confiscate the middle classes’ ability to meaningfully speak via the printed word.
And, as concerns this current prose project, I’m hoping that whoever may someday encounter these words will be able to synthesize their various anecdotes, musings, and offerings of both simple and complex narrative into one (for them at least) acceptable and reasonable formulation. And I say that because I know this book will not be constructed through any concerted or orderly cooperation between its authors. Rather, whoever writes here will no doubt simply disclose certain matters, happenings, and viewpoints which, in his or her opinion, seem pertinent at this current time.
And there’s been no substantial advanced planning concerning this book. And I guess those of us who are writing it always imagined it as an unstructured effort. But, just recently I’ve had a hunch that due to “reasonableness” as concerns “book length,” the documentation of Charles Platt’s adventures in Paris, as well as the poetry that was initially intended to be included herein, will both need to be deleted from these pages.
Still, despite whatever anyone’s analysis of this book may ultimately be, what’s written here has, I’m told, been sanctioned for disclosure by the Master of heaven through the same seraphic angels who “oversaw” Joseph Same’s journeys of retribution; those journeys of course having been at least partially documented in the book “The Same Tapes.” But I fear this book, like “The Same Tapes,” may also be controversial. And how so? Well, as I just stated, it will consist of a grouping of philosophical discourses and truthful anecdotes, but it will also most likely directly concern certain mortals in search of truth – and truths. And certainly those certain mortals won’t be alluded to in this book simply so their sometimes believability challenging, or other times admittedly pedestrian tales can be told. No, rather we’ve chosen to speak of those people here because they function as representatives of all mankind, for all mankind must certainly face basically all the dilemmas faced by them. But remember, just because someone may speak, or be spoken of in this book, does not necessarily distinguish that someone as a person of learning. Yet, no doubt all who are even alluded to in these pages are certainly people who are learning. And I’d also ask you to remember this – the amount of education and degrees one may possess does not necessarily guarantee one love, happiness, or even peace of mind on this side of eternity; but then, much more seriously – education devoid of faith and belief in the Master of heaven grants one no preparation here in temporal time for the inevitable reality of eternal “non-time” to come.
But those of whom we’ve spoken thus far are termed “students of the highway.” And as far
as I know, that moniker was given them by Joseph Same in the book derived from his taped recordings. And, it’s probably both an appropriate and an inappropriate title. It refers of course, as
Joe has told me, to each mortal’s quest to simply find the correct way to live. And obviously that’s
a gross simplification of all that each human first encounters, and then must “deal with” during that
one’s temporal years upon Earth. Yet, what else can really be said about it? By now we’ve all
surely learned that life isn’t a “piece of cake” so to speak, despite the fact that once, long ago, one
of France’s monarchy said peasants should eat that proverbial piece of cake.
And when we ponder such a statement as that, doesn’t it make us wonder how far removed
some mortals really are from the reality of earthly life, despite the fact they’re assuredly living a
temporal life upon that earthly planet! And yes, I guess it’s true that some are living inside
figuratively mirrored houses. And there, all that exists, good or evil, and whether generated from
within or without the mind of man, is reflected back upon them. But, of course their own reflection
is always also portrayed upon the glass.
And students of the highway constitute but one of the four divisions of mankind. And they’re
not eternal sojourners, instead they’re temporal travelers, treading on tracts of life bequeathed them by others such as they, who’ve walked there before. And the first lesson those students have learned
along the roadways of life, is that each mortal must live his or her temporal life in such a fashion as
will ensure entrance into, and then life eternal within the abode of the afterlife which offers
unending bliss, righteousness, and peace, rather than the other which will forever feature remorse,
wickedness, and physical pain.
But second and third revelations of lesser import are also conceptualized by students of the
highway. And the second of those is that changes of lifestyle and ways of life occur as time passes;
and, in fact, the past is ever with us. Yet, in my opinion one could argue (as the “status-quo” does), that the past actually is us. Still, in order to validate that argument, wouldn’t one need to resign him or herself to the fact that the past and it’s memories must not be “twisted” or “spun” to suit different sensibilities, or someone’s possible money making opportunities?
And isn’t it true that without unaltered memories, and basic truths learned beforehand, we’d
have no “temporal (yes, we’d still always have the eternal word of God) gauge” or “guide” by
which to judge our actions present? And though one may say such truths were granted us by
eternally Relevant Masters, that one should also perhaps remember they were given us in the past. And therefore, I refuse to accept that one should, or indeed even can speak of such matters as have already been addressed here, without noting the stubborn refusal of the “status-quo” to acknowledge the importance, or even reality of change.
But the actual highway upon which so-called students of the highway tread is, of course, as
already alluded to, only life itself. And it has many signposts along it. And it’s my belief, and I say
this with certainty, that those signs were placed there by a force everlasting – one which somehow has
always been, and always will be. And many disagree with that premise, and their views are rightfully
expressed and heard, yet need not be believed; but then, of course, neither do mine. Nevertheless, students of the highway learn quickly how to avoid rocks and other debris
that’s thrown at them by forces encamped in the ditch. And even when the mortal mind tells its
captive heart and timeless soul it can barely withstand, let alone interpret all that’s coming down the
roadway, even then it still owns a comfort otherworldly. It possesses knowledge of a realm, vast and sinless, yet admittedly far away.
And a third substantial lesson quickly learned by life’s students, is that the perceptions of
the so-called “common man,” valid though most of them usually are, will always remain admittedly of meager significance to time passing by, and the changes it effects. Yet, of course many
individuals, collectively numbered amidst the ranks of those “common men,” refuse to accept that
anything ever really changes – significantly at least. And those who exhibit such refusal, are those
the students term “the status-quo.”
And from such “lessons” as have been documented in this chapter thus far, emanate the
assignments of the students of the highway. And, it’s those students’ paramount task to determine
if the premises stated here, as well as many other suppositions concerning the temporal lives of
mortals upon planet Earth are valid or not.
But undoubtedly the great basis of their secondary tasks must be their requirement to search
along the metaphorical roadways of temporal time, seeking there such knowledge as will help
facilitate the general improvement of mankind. And, in their quests of knowledge and improvement,
no doubt they quickly learn how rapidly what once was can become what isn’t. And how perplexing
it must be for them to realize that the “status-quo” stubbornly refuses to accept any sort of temporal change which might manifest itself on this side of eternity. And yet, despite that, students of the
highway have learned that change and changes are real. But now they’ve also recognized that
changes aren’t always beneficial, and can sometimes be, in fact, detrimental to the various
populations of humanity.
But when we speak of humanity’s various populations, we’d better not forget those which
apparently exist in realities concurrent to our own – and, by the way, I’m told our native reality
bears the title “Earth One.” Yes, at this point in my discourse, I’d like to reiterate (and I say
reiterate because Joseph Same first spoke of parallel earthly realities in his book “The Same Tapes”) certain matters concerning planet Earth and its apparent realities. I’m told those parallel realities are real, and that there are fifty-four of them – which includes our own. Oh, and I don’t know about you, but when I first confronted the possibility that all I can see upon planet Earth is not really all that’s there – that was devastating to me!
Yet, supposedly those parallel realities are real. Joseph Same told us in his book that both his
former and current wives were from concurrent realities, and that in fact the leader of our city’s
artistic group, Ralph Hawk, is also not native to Earth One. So, I guess while I’m still reluctant to
completely believe in their existence, I’d better speak about parallel earthly realities here. Those
realities evidently are a varied assortment of “domains” or “realms.” And some, it’s said, contain
human life, as does ours of course, but supposedly others don’t. And some apparently are inhabited
by mortals who, while human, do not possess the same appearance as that of humans from our reality.
Indeed, from what I’ve learned, the humans who exist in certain realities are similar in appearance to
what we’ve sometimes been told are “beings” from outer space.
But, apparently not all those parallel realities contain human life. Some have plant life only.
A very few are desert-like. One is a complete jungle. And, a very famous one, Windigo Island, stands
separate from the others in that its “presentation” changes daily based upon “artistic portrayals” of what differing true artists, chosen individually each day, decide it should appear as on a following
day. And, I’m also told there are a small number of realities which possess non-human animal life
only, as well as the “food structure” which sustains those animals.
And I have to believe that the “search for truth” concerning earthly parallel realities must be another of the greatest tasks confronting students of the highway. Are those realities real? In his book
“The Same Tapes,” Joseph Same says they certainly are! But that’s only one question faced by life’s students.
And certainly “The Same Tapes” was a great book of insight and symbolism. It elucidated
certain “tenets” or “principles” of life which, unless previously known and accepted as true by the so-called “common man,” would be termed impossibilities by that same man. And, of course, it
would be extremely unfair and/or presumptuous of me to expect readers of these words to have
necessarily read those words. Still, I believe that what’s to be written here in this book, will be every
bit as relevant as anything contained in “The Same Tapes.” After all, this book will be, amongst other
things, a retelling of a number of events, some of which concern the co-chairmen of one of our
planet’s four divisions of mankind – the students of the highway.
But oh, the various tasks undertaken by the students of the highway along the roadways of mortal life must certainly often be difficult, disparaging, frustrating, and tiring. And remember, all the winds of Eden blow mightily along the pathways of temporal time. And those winds offer constant temptation to all wayfarers there, be those sojourners students still, or not.
And undeniably Lucifer and his companion angels of wickedness visit and travel with all those walking along the roads of mortal life. And certainly he and they strive tirelessly there to engulf all human travelers in webs of sin which could possibly someday procure the damnation of those journeyers. But, such are the perils faced by students of the highway. And such is the temptation borne by all who learn the lessons of temporal life as they tread upon figurative highways in search of a sinless and righteous life everlasting, to be accrued, hopefully when they reach the end of those symbolic roadways, and experience physical death upon the earth.
But, surely the students have found certain “outlooks,” or “means of assistance” to help them on their earthly journeys. And, of course there is only one such primary source of aid; and it’s the code of Godly demands placed upon each mortal. Yet, don’t mortals sometimes find solace in realizations or “ways of looking at things,” so long as those perceptions remain within the sphere of non-sinful activity? Yes, and here is one such mental impression, formulated to help those journeying on those afore-mentioned figurative earthly highways.
Is it true that in a sense we’re all “relief pitchers,” called into the game of life at certain junctures to contend with whatever situation had been left there by others who contended with other situations in that same game before us? And when we reach the mound, and join our teammates and manager there, does it really matter then how the scenario now facing us came into being? The spotlight shines on us then, and forgotten then is the fact that someone else may have committed an error, or someone else may have grown tired and was no longer capable of satisfactorily confronting the inevitable opponents we all must face.
And, as we’re left there then, alone, when our teammates and manager leave the area, perhaps then for the first time the stark reality of where we are, and what we’re up against enters our recognition. And as our performance begins, perhaps we become cognizant then of how and why we’re here where we are.
But, perhaps the source of many earthly problems lies in the fact that mortals seek too much relevance within mundane events which just occur, and then are gone forever into that vast repertoire of happenings which merely happened. And no doubt the direct opposite of that position is often true as well. How often have we failed to note the true significance of all that occurs?
And of course, often deeds actually physically “carried out,” are the real culprits behind our difficulties. And doesn’t one always have in the back of one’s mind the questions “I wonder what the outcome may have been had I done things differently?” and, “Maybe I should have taken the opposite course of action from the one I took.” And then, if one speaks of happenings that didn’t occur, must not one also then address the significance of actions which obviously could have been committed, but weren’t?
Yes, we can hide behind the cliché of hindsight being 20/20. Yet, drivers on the road either know where they’re going and how to get there before they depart, or else venture out onto the highway unprepared, and then are often forced there to make instantaneous decisions which may affect them and others forever; though of course the outcomes of those momentary choices will vary greatly between mortals, i.e. what might devastate one human being, might barely phase another.
But having said that, never dismiss what’s basically the very opposite of that postulation. Eternal judges won’t accept the excuse that one was merely “living along” from day to day, doing what he or she had always been told was right. No! No one lives (or lived) in a vacuum where he or she is (or was) oblivious to wrongs being committed by others. And no one will want to tell immortal magistrates that he or she didn’t realize that upon planet Earth a continual struggle ensues between the forces of righteousness and evil.
And doesn’t it seem as though many mortals try to deny, or at least downplay the significance of very real “meanings” which may exist in certain (but not all) concepts, as well as in some (but not all) occurrences? And isn’t that one of the reasons why it so often seems that whatever promises, choices, commitments, or decisions we ultimately make, we’re so often caught within them in an onrushing tide of problems? And when we attempt to verbalize any difficulties, isn’t that when we especially realize how significant many of our thoughts and words really are? They help us diffuse dilemmas. But don’t our thoughts and words often direct our attention backward – back to where and when we should have striven to have done only good, and back to where we should have successfully sought only hope for the future? And yet, wasn’t it true that we were able to capture such hope only after we’d acknowledged that a formed and stabilized code existed, the purpose of which was to aid such mortals as would soon be leaving their youthful years behind?
Yes is the answer to all the questions posed in the preceding paragraph. But here are some
very relevant pleas. Will you hope and pray for all of life’s students? Will you ask that they’ll be
able to remain on the correct path of existence; and that is, of course, the so-called “straight and narrow?” And will you enunciate a wish that humankind might be able to aid those of its own who
find themselves in peril – and aid them without political interference and/or military subjugation?
Yes, we’ll attempt to do all that’s asked of us in the previous paragraph. But, let’s make this admission: although we know the Masters of heaven are ultimately more powerful than any devils or demons, the legacy of evil possessed by those “fallen angels” frightens us. And we know that every type of sinful activity which could ever be possibly thought of or committed is referenced by those diabolical beings. And yet, non-sinful matters and decisions must also be dealt with and made by life’s students. And therefore we’ve formulated a “code of living,” or I suppose one might also term it a “guidepost,” which hopefully will assist us to always direct our decision making toward righteous choices. And by aiding us in such direction, we believe this code will also help us fathom all we’ll need to comprehend if we are to “graduate” out of the student classification of humanity, and enter either one of the two artistic genres or, may God forbid, the “status-quo.”
And this code is based upon the three basic time elements, i.e. past, present, and future. And
we must learn lessons from the past which we’ll be able to apply for both our own, as well as all of
mankind’s betterment. But we must be certain that what we learn in regard to the past is based upon
what really happened there in previous times, and not upon someone’s incorrect interpretation or
false rendition of bygone occurrences.
And our basic objective as concerns the present is that we must live every second, minute,
hour, day etc. as best we can. And we understand that in that portion of eternity which is passing by
just now, we must adhere to lawful and socially responsible lifestyles. But while we seek to live well
(meaning both free of major problems, as well as in such a manner as will uphold our responsibilities
to self and society) in the present, our focus must always be upon the future. Yet, we realize we can’t foretell the future. But, as is the case with the present, we must strive to live the future as well as we
possibly can. And that entails our strong commitment to both ourselves, and our societies.
But from what was this “code of living” which we’ve discussed thus far in this chapter
formulated? I believe it was condensed from the basic changes which time’s passage subjects all
mortals to, as well as from the assumption that certain humans can help other humans via the
provision of guidance. And surely we all know the natural processes of life. We’re born. We grow
somewhat older. But then we’re supposed to decide how we wish to live, and which genre of humanity we wish to join. And, of course a number of mortals don’t wish to adhere to the code we’ve
documented here. They’d rather remain students of life’s highway all their earthly days, and never
graduate into one of the other classifications of mankind.
But, as concerns the other classifications, we know that “real artists” live life successfully and
according to sensible laws, yet aren’t creative per se; and artistic creativity is possessed instead by
“true artists,” who use it hopefully to aid mankind’s advancement. And the “status-quo” attempts to
keep life as it’s always been. It doesn’t accept change as an important aspect of human existence.
But those students of life’s highway who remain students of it for their entire mortal
existences will be forever questioning all they wish to do, and how they wish to do it. And, of
course there’s also an ancillary grouping of mortals contained within the genre of students of the
highway. And that unfortunate conglomeration of mortals carries with it the title “pleasure seekers of
the present.” And the central “goal” of the members of that group of individuals seems to be the
pursuit of “good times.” And those people attempt to experience as much fun (as they define it) as
possible. But, of course “good times” sometimes end quickly. And often those whose goal had been
the pursuit of constant amusement, fall prey to the “changeover” of what had been joy and
exuberance into distastefulness and loathing; that is, if they don’t die first due to their excessive
And, knowing all we’ve already learned concerning mortal life and death, was it not
correct for us to formulate a code whereby students of life might be able to live well until such time as
they would be students no more? Yes, I think so. In fact, I know so! And we constructed that code
from God-given truths and directives, plus our own basic “arsenal” of “common sense.”
And now, I wish to thank you for allotting a small portion of your temporal time to the pursuit of the unquestionable realism of the students of the highway. Yet, remember, they and their subordinate “good time seekers” are, of course only one of the divisions of humanity.
And I wish I didn’t need to say this, but I still have some questions concerning this book’s realization in prose. And those questions will now be transferred to you for your consideration. And all I can promise you, is that I’ll try not to be irresponsible, demeaning, sarcastic, self-effacing, angry, or despotic when relating whatsoever whomever may have asked me to relate in these pages; and I’m sure that when I say that, I speak also for the other writers whose contributions will appear here. I’m certain they’ll follow that code of conduct as well.
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