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What is your guys take on character building...

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I don't know much about it as I write poetry mainly. Is an article about creating children's characters helpful to you, Robert?
It depends on what character you want to build! There are a million different ways to build one, but it all depends on your inspiration! No one can pull a random character out of thin air, because, whether you know it or not, you always base your characters off of people you know, even it, for instance, you have a friend who is shy and introverted, but one day you come up with a random character that is brave and outgoing! You based that character off of the opposite of your shy friend! You can build a character a million different ways! When I usually come up with a new character, I take the best bits and pieces of my friends, then my favorite qualities from some of my favorite characters in my favorite books! Every now and then, I accidentally come up with a character a lot like me! You can build a character out of something, but never out of nothing! Whether you know it or not, all of your characters are inspired by someone, even if they don't really exist!
I agree. What I somethings do is go to a mall or somewhere, where there are a lot of people and I write what I see. Ultimately, I end up writing a part of me with that person whether they be male or female. I believe all of us have different, and some of the same characteristics, therefore writing characters in poems ot novels come quite easy and fun to create. Thank you for you're input.

scribbler said:
I don't know much about it as I write poetry mainly. Is an article about creating children's characters helpful to you, Robert?
Hi Scribbler, I was referring to poetry as well. But I was looking for how other writers build their characters. I, myself, thus far, haven't had problems with it, however, I reread my work quite a bit (revise) to make certain that the characters are not the same. I have one character who is a big strong guy, with a sissy name. I have another who uses broken speech, sort of (friend speak) uneducated. Which at times can be me. Thank You for your input also. It's great to hear how other writers write.

You're welcome! :)

Robert Allen said:

I agree. What I somethings do is go to a mall or somewhere, where there are a lot of people and I write what I see. Ultimately, I end up writing a part of me with that person whether they be male or female. I believe all of us have different, and some of the same characteristics, therefore writing characters in poems ot novels come quite easy and fun to create. Thank you for you're input.

I usually write from a personal perspective, so character building isn't a big part of the picture for me. When I do have one, I close my eyes and see them in my mind's eye very clearly first. I watch their mannerisms, see how they dress, listen for their speech pattern. It's almost like watching a short commercial. Works for me! :)

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