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I was so sad to get the email that borders was closing down due to the rise of ebooks. I guess I see the whole thing with kindles and ebooks but I still like reading from actual books. I can't deny that I've read ebooks, never bought them because Im cheap and look for the free ones haha,but do you all think that actual books will eventually be unused or made. (that word is on the tip of my tongue,but it won't come out!!) 


What were your reactions to the stores closing have you gone to the sales and get all the books that you can carry? Wish I could, I won't drive in this town! lol Too freaked out!! lol

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I think that's going to be the fate of any traditional bookstore that doesn't embrace the rise of ebooks quickly enough. Looking back the huge success and early adoption rate of the Kindle must have surprised them all, booksellers and publishers alike. Borders did try and had ebook offerings on their website (they had free ones there too) but they were already too far behind the curve when they launched the Kobo ebook reader in their stores.  

I feel it was a mistake to attempt to rival the Kindle with its already solid foothold even back then in the summer of 2010. If memory serves me well the Kobo launch was riddled with delays so by the time it came out the Kindle was already well established and the Kobo was looking dated.

It would have been better if they had come to some kind of arrangement with Amazon to sell Kindle formatted ebooks on their own site than spend a fortune attempting to compete on the ebook reader front. Yes, they are direct competitors but a slice of their pie in commission rates is better than losing an entire sale.  It's a shame to see them go under.


Wish I had time to dash in and plunder one too now that the bargains are coming! I feel bad for all those staff too. Thousands of jobs lost just like that. 

Makes me so sad,what you said Scribbler is true. Mehh -.-
Personally, I was taken aback at the information! I love the old nostalgic vision of an author sitting in the coffee house section, scribbling away on a notebook or tap tapping on a laptop in a book store! Granted, several other book stores have the same layout, but Borders was always the best! I felt like something beautiful was coming to an end, and Borders will always be missed...

Here in the UK I think the book stores are faring a little better as we haven't embraced the ebook quite in the same way as the US, so far.   Though many of the outlets sell not just books but other items such as stationery and magazines sweets etc...


I wonder where the industry will be in a few years time? How will authors adapt? I feel that books will soon only be successful if they are backed up by the other marketing possibilities such as games, toys, films... I am ultimately not so happy about that. Surely there are enough folks out there that love paper books and the feelings that shelves of books bring. There is a special feeling to being close to hundreds of books. Book shops have always been one of my prefered shops to visit.

It's a sad thing indeed to see that society has gotten to the point where their fast paced lives have gotten so out of control to the point they no longer wish to have the feel of a book in their hands. To turn each page in anxious anticipation to find what awaits them on the next page. To have a physical book they can hold and keep to pass on to a family member or friend. Or just to cherish an autographed copy by their favorite author. e-books cannot offer you that. And what happens when you can no longer store your books due to lack of space on your kindle. Do you have to delete chosen one's to make room for others. I have mixed emotions when it comes to this subject. I feel at times technology is just moving way to fast. How long before we're deleted from our very existence?
But sadly the times they are changing, and if we as authors don't climb on board of this e-book express train, we'll miss our place. I'd rather have my books read and enjoyed then to have them not read at all. And if E-books are indeed the new rage as beanie baby's once were. We better get with the program, or be left behind.

This dawning of the removal of borders killed me . Actually rekindling my hatred for technology just a knotch more. I despise ebooks and the crap they are distributing now . Books are of a beautiful esscence.  to open and devour each page, to cuddle close to a fireplace, or to stay up beneath the covers . not to be some stupid app in yet ANOTher electronic. Technology is dumbing down the world. and one day i know it will conquer us. 

i fear for the world i use to know.

I rather be left behind. 

Garry Edward Lewis said:
But sadly the times they are changing, and if we as authors don't climb on board of this e-book express train, we'll miss our place. I'd rather have my books read and enjoyed then to have them not read at all. And if E-books are indeed the new rage as beanie baby's once were. We better get with the program, or be left behind.

Change is inevitable. Its a immutable law of nature... just how do we make sure the good parts survive and how do we embrace the change to find new ways to make happy memories for the years to come...

I for one will always buy proper books. As Betty and Garry rightly say there is something magical about the feel of a solid book the draw of each turning page pulling you into another world...

I can see the appeal of ebooks when travelling, I see many travellers using them, but for me its a convenience not a substitute. There are books all over our house, in every room, even the garage I am cleaning out (or should be). I dreamt last night of a beautiful space in which I would write. The walls were lined completely with books, only the window to the world and the door to the rest of the house, gave any break to the plethora of books looking down on me as I sat in my black leather chair at my desk.    Twas a good dream...

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