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So.....I recently randomly thought of crime scenes..
in which murderers, serial killers, victims, witnesses and everything else in such catergories..
what my mind came into focus with was the thoughts reeling within a victim's mind when face to face with their deathbed.
As they peer up or into the cold heartless malicious gaze of their killer.
Your life in traumatizing flashbacks ....
absorbing your mind as the cold metal of the gun is placed directly between your brows...
or as the knife is repeatedly injected into your gut...
what i know and grow to see is, once in that state of mind
in which your life is in peril...
you plead..... you beg....
we become whimpering , trembaling babies beneath deaths glare
But i know deep down some of us would glare right back
and at that moment instead of pleading to live
we suck it up, and stonefaced..
we watch the gun fire.
not wishing to give the killer what they want
I know.
we are strong. All of us.
and in a moment like that
we must defy them
we must sieze that final second before the last beat of our heart has thudded.
we should defy them in the best way , us writers can.
by words. lol
so what i wish from you all is to say
tell me as if i was your murderer, before i slashed your throat , the blade upon your neck
you are staring up at me...facing death..
what would your final words be?
the fact of this discussion is to not plead for your life
but to destroy me mentally
Make ME whimper from guilt.
enlighten me folks. ;) and good day to you all!
hmmmm as for me...if i was the victim.. I would smile up at him
" .....You lack the courage of your conviction....Kill me,
and satan has the right to devour your soul
and that will be a beautiful sight to behold.."
Your turn folks!!
The first words out of my mouth - would not be something I could write here without possibly offending others! lol...
The second would "Karma's a b**** and you'll get your own."
Hmmm I would like to struggle!! I wouldnt be as brave to say that what you would but i would be kicking and screaming teling him off maybe!! I would like to go down with a fight, have some of his DNA under my nails so they can catch him lol! I would like to be the victim that gave him so much trouble that he would have second thoughts on about doing it again.
The first words out of my mouth - would not be something I could write here without possibly offending others! lol...
The second would "Karma's a b**** and you'll get your own."
Whoever tried to murder me or mine better do good job else they may have the roles reversed. I may be getting on in years but I am still fast. But then words are easy. LIfe is all about attitude ... so death will be the same, find the right attitude and you'll know what to say.
Haha, I agree with Viviana in the sense I would love to give him trouble, but if I was ever in that position...I would probably scare him!
"The moment a drop of blood leaves my body, you are condemned. If you end my life, you'll spend the rest of yours running, and for what? Some silly vendetta/a few dollars/whyever he's trying to kill that worth never seeing anyone you love again? Is it worth losing your humanity? Because I can assure you that if I die tonight, your life will never be the same again."
Eh, something like that!
What a story to have! I have had knives and things pulled on me before, but this is way over anything I have had to endure.
Good for you to have such courage.
It reminds me of what nancy Reagan was once meant to have said --- "You don't know how strong a tea someone is until you put them in boiling water."
You are the true brew Mariah.
Mariah de la Croix said:
WOW! I'm surprised I missed this post. Sorry for the late response.
I actually did have this scenario happen many years ago when I was 19. I was this big, bad, mean, and tough (gag-yeh, right) armed security officer who babysat a hotel in northern nowhere. This perp came in brandishing a sawed-off shotgun in my face when I went in to take a poddy-break (rude - I know). He took my gun off of me as he had the drop on me and the desk clerk. He held my 357 magnum with 38-special hollow-points against my head as he robbed the place, then took off his panty-hose mask while saying that if we looked at him, he'd kill us - he was ramming the barrel of my gun into my head as he spoke. He wanted an excuse to kill.
As he pulled back the hammers on the sawed-off and my handgun, I knew instinctively that I no longer had anything to lose. I became controllably angry and had already seen his face to I.D. him later, so I turned the verbal threats on him and told him he was crazy if he thought I was dumb enough to give him a reason to waste my bullets. This confused the heck out of him and he said, "Hey lady! You've got the rolls reversed here. I'm the guy with the guns and you're the mouth that's gonna die." I kept at him verbally and even brought his manhood into question. My mouth kept talking, from where I don't know, and he got more confused as the seconds ticked off (which seemed like hours to me). He finally took us around the back of the hotel and lined us up against the wall and that's when I asked him if he thought his mother would be happy with what he was doing. At that point he lowered both weapons and told us to run around the building the opposite direction of the office. He fired off one shot as we left his area, but the clerk and I didn't care - we just kept moving and I stayed focused on the clerk as he'd had heart attacks before.
The clerk had a master key in his pocket; we used it to enter a vacant room of the hotel, where I called police and administered aid to the clerk who had gone grey and was sweating profusely. When the clerk began to come to his senses I finally took a minute to get in my much needed poddy-break. PD arrived shortly afterward like cavalry in the night and I, for one, was grateful that they let me collapse in their arms and fall-apart. (We caught the guy, by the way, and put him away for a long time and, yes, he'd taken lives before.)
I don't know where that "attitude" I had came from, but it has shown up when it's been needed since. We simply do not know how we'll react in a life-threatening situation until we're in it. We pray that we'll be able to fight, but often being physical isn't an option and we have to rely on our mouths as weapons. I pray that none have to go through what I did, but it taught me a lot about myself and what I'm really made of.
Thank you, Betty, for asking this most poignant question.
Take care, all, and many blessings to you.
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