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Hi guys! Some of you may have seen my earlier book, The Vampires Girlfriend, and I'm currrently working on another book. Here's the first few chapters. Please give me any suggestions you might have. Thanks! (This is for you Julie)
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That's great! I really liked it. I cant wait to see the big twist! :P
Trust me, there's a big hint to what it is in the name of the school. But even if you did figure it out, it still wouldn't tell you what the twist was.

Julie Ann Burgos said:
That's great! I really liked it. I cant wait to see the big twist! :P
Callie, I'm going to be brutally honest. I ran into two spelling mistakes within a minute of reading so I didn't read any further. You need to learn to proofread your work if you want to be taken seriously. I don't believe in saying it's fine if there are obvious errors, sorry.
It's fine. It's not like I thought it wouldn't need revising or anything. Are you sure they were spelling mistakes? That's so weird. It must be something wrong with my computer, because I have spell check. I'll reread what I've written. If you wouldn't mind, skipping the spelling and reading the story? I'd really like to see if any of you have any ideas for the rest of the story. By the way, has anyone figured out what the hint in the name of the school is? It's not that hard to figure it out. Thanks for the warning. I'll check it again. Be as brutal as you want. I'm used to it. My mom never lies to she's pretty harsh when it comes to constructive critisicm. Not like, you'll never be good at anything harsh, but enough to make you rethink everything.

scribbler said:
Callie, I'm going to be brutally honest. I ran into two spelling mistakes within a minute of reading so I didn't read any further. You need to learn to proofread your work if you want to be taken seriously. I don't believe in saying it's fine if there are obvious errors, sorry.

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