Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

I went to my writing group today and there were writers there who thought when their book was done, all they had to do was send it out and Gazam it was published. It doesn't wotk that way! I have sent out numerous MS and only gotten one rejection that offered comments. Most don't do that. They, the publishers are not our friends. In short, they are not friendly. They are trying to make money. And my or your books might not caught their eye but don't give up!!! One day, if the story is great and the writing is great, you will be found, but not if you give up...One last note to the Publishers, Please remember that the writer puts his or her heart and soul, blood and sweat into the MS and for the most gives up living a normal life to write, so try not to be insulting by not reading the MS before returning it with a pre-written rejection letter.

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Are you sending out your entire manuscript to editors? That might be your problem if you haven't had a prior correspondence with that editor. If that's the case, you should be sending a query letter, not your full manuscript.
Yes I follow the guidelines to a T. And no I do not send the entire MS. Thank you...

William "Tristan" Berry said:
Are you sending out your entire manuscript to editors? That might be your problem if you haven't had a prior correspondence with that editor. If that's the case, you should be sending a query letter, not your full manuscript.
Hey, I was just replying to what you wrote, Robert. It's not my fault if what you wrote didn't match what you meant to say.
I believe I was answering somebody's question. At no time did I mean to be insulting, therefore if you feel insulded, I'm soory.

William "Tristan" Berry said:
Hey, I was just replying to what you wrote, Robert. It's not my fault if what you wrote didn't match what you meant to say.
From a publisher perspective, one of the problems "can" be volume. 2 Moon Press is a pay to publish operation, however we do not publish everything. In 2010 we turned down almost 70 manuscripts. Sometimes a publisher will get dozens of manuscripts, so they have to do a "quick" scan, to see if anything pops out. This depends on the publisher of course.

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