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Interesting article about how growing up surrounded by books helps you.

Children who grow up in households where books are plentiful go further in school than those without books, a new study finds. This book benefit was seen across countries, and held regardless of the parent's educational background, the country's Gross Domestic Product, father's occupation or the political system of the country, the researchers say.

The results, based on data from 73,249 people living in 27 countries, including the United States, show that having a 500-book library boosted a child's education by 3.2 years on average.

Did you or do you have a lot of books while growing up?

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This doesn't surprise me in the least. Having easy access to books makes you a more interested reader at a young age. We always had piles and piles of books in our house. If I ever get my dream house, it will have a library in it with floor to ceiling shelving. :)
I'll say. My best friend that got me into reading taught herself to read when she was three, and she's like a mini geneus now! (I know I spelled that word wrong, and I really don't care)

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