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I have always wondered that. could a book have to many charters in it. i really wonder. What do you think.

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I think it's not the how many, but whether they fit; if all the characters feel like they belong, and you can keep up with them, then I think there is no limit to how many you can have. :)
Thats very true!! I agree very much with yous!

Pink Asassin said:
I think it's not the how many, but whether they fit; if all the characters feel like they belong, and you can keep up with them, then I think there is no limit to how many you can have. :)
Dearest Crystal, and all:
My readers and editors often say that I tend to have somewhat "over-populated" work. But since all of my fiction tends to be character generated/driven, this is not necessarily a bad thing. I agree that if there are needless characters in a plot or a theme thread, eliminate them post-haste. However, if one writes fiction and utilizes past experiences, one ultimately knows that there are often many folks in life's best stories. The number of characters in one's work should be determined by the story that needs be told and the world one is creating. That, of course, is in my humble opinion.
Pink said it correctly; as long you can manage them to the benefit of the story telling, there is no limit to how many heads you can hop!
My Best and Write On!

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