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How to keep a buzz after the initial publishing date of your book...

Okay, so my book "Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male" has been out for 6 months now. The initial buzz was great, the publisher added the book to all the on-line outlets, I talked consistently about the upcoming event and everything was fine. Sales resulted from all this...but now what is next? I have a new cover already, utilizing quotes from reviewers and adding a subtitle "Lessons Learned from the Fairer Sex." I had a trailer made and continue to get reviews and comments from across the land and am in most brick and mortar bookstores.

But my question is "How do I keep this buzz going?" Any comments?

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Well, you might try to have a contest when the buzz starts to die down. Say you're having a contest and the prize is an autographed copy of your book. You could also do a sweepstakes where the winner gets to have lunch with you. Just a few things you might try. Hope it helps!
Have you checked to see if there are any writing/publishing related events going on where you can network that are within traveling distance, Philip?

How about getting in touch with the English dept of schools and colleges to see if they would be interested in having you as a guest speaker? I think that's your next step, public speaking arrangements. They are many organizations that are crying out for speakers to come and talk to their members. Your book has the benefit of appealing to both men and women, so you've got an excellent advantage there.

Now I have no idea how you would go about this: can you get a foot in the door to book clubs or reading groups? Perhaps if you offered a special discount to small online book discussion groups.
Philip, I was thinking about your thread when I found a site called Good Reads. Have you seen it yet? It's all about sharing book recommendations and there's a program for authors to share giveaways. It's free.

Good Reads Author Program

I've only just started finding out about it myself. For the giveaways, they have a draw amongst all the members that enter and there are literally hundreds if not thousands of entries, even if there's only one or two copies available. Plenty of eyeballs on your book then! Winners are encouraged to write a review. Look under the find books section for that side of it. Hope that helps!

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