Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Liibook is holding a short-story writing contest on January 20th to May 2oth! The winner will receive a Nook Simple Touch from Barnes and Noble.

Who doesn't love a contest? Contests are a great way to introduce your writing to new readers! Writing for a contest keeps us thinking, and challenged. Part of a writer's job is to learn how to write for their audience, and contests are a great learning opportunity.

Author Jody Hedlund writes that contests are an inexpensive way to get objective feedback, allowing writers to learn to handle negative feedback, and that they allow writers to compare their skill with others writing for their chosen genre. The published find new readers, and can take advantage of inexpensive marketing. See her blog post here: Why Bother With Writing Contests?

New writers can find valuable feedback and network with other more experienced writers. Just think of contest writing as a writing exercise! Don't worry about the competition, just join in and write. It can be more interesting and fun to write within the parameters of a writing contest than just for yourself.

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Here are the contest rules:

Liibook Fiction Contest! Win a Nook Touch!


  1. Participation in this contest writers of any nationality, any age who are registered as users in
  2. Each participant has the ability to send multiple free themed stories written in English. The works must have a value of 0f (zero) credits and be free to download during the period call. The author may modify the purchase price in credit after the date of completion of contest.
  3. The works will have a length of between 3,000 and 7,000 words. They must be published  under genre: Short Story, and type: Contest, and include a brief synopsis in the Summary of  the publication form. The author can change the genre and type after the contest.
  4. The period starts publication Jan 20 to 12 am on September March 20, 2011. Once published works, its contents cannot be changed until the end of the contest. After the date closure of the competition, the author can modify the content and settings of the eBook and even discontinue it. If the author removes or modifies the work submitted before the end of the competition, it will automatically be disqualified and the cumulative score will be lost.
  5. The work which obtains the highest score at the close of the contest will be the winning entry.
  6. The score is calculated through the ballot left by readers, using the system of 5 stars Liibook implemented.
  7. The award will be an eBook reader Nook Touch manufactured by Barnes & Noble: (, closed box original. After closing the call, Liibook will contact the author of the winning work to via e-mail that the user used to sign up for, to the award guidelines. After 30 calendar days of no response from the winner, the prize awarded Liibook author work with the next lower score, and so on.
  8. The judgment of the readers will be final and the winner will be announced through Liibooks' Twitter and Face Book accounts.
  9. Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these rules and their interpretation the organizers.
  10. Failure of any of the rules described here, result in disqualification of contestant without notice.


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