Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
How frustrating is it in your local area to find meet up groups for reading, writing, and inspiration?
While I see groups for speaking, which I do as well, I do not see enough strong or even marketed groups locally.
I live in Woodridge Illinois and there are absolutely no meetup groups for writers.
What are your experiences?
What are some things you are doing to inspire others to read, write, and speak?
Is there anybody out there?
As I always tell aspiring writers, the first place to go to is the local library. They generally have a list of all the local meet up groups for writers, readers, and speakers. As a matter of fact, they usually meet there. Another place for writers to meet is Bookstores, Cafe's, and places that have an environment for free and creative thinking. I personally like Starbucks and Panera Bread, they are awesome.
The local chamber of commerce might also have some information. But the biggest pot of gold may lay at the colleges and universities in the area. They typically have some writing, reading, and speaking clubs or groups that are open to everyone.
I hope this helps.
You see, I don't have the opportunity to meet...considering the fact that, for some reason, almost no one around me READS let alone writes...
Yeah! It's sad, isn't it?
Yeah! It's sad, isn't it?
Why don't you put an ad in the paper and see if you can get any interest in starting your own group or ask at your local library if they'd put a notice up? :)
Matt, subscribers to my writing site's email updates can contact editor Rob Bacon and get all the syllabus information they would need to run their very own writer’s workshop locally, free. I think that would be great material to base the self-help group around or in addition to it.
Just let Rob know you came from The Cuckleburr Times if you get in touch. It costs nothing for the material nor to subscribe to us. There's more details here.
Larry, this may interest you too. A writing workshop's definitely going to attract current or aspiring writers and give you that communication you're seeking with other writers. :)
Matt T. Schott said:
Funny you should say that. I am starting up a writer's group meeting in Port Jervis, NY, where Steven Crane interview the men of the 126th "Orange Blossoms" for the "Red Badge of Courage" I was going to work it like a self help group for authors. In others words give them the help they need to get publish and vice versa. i think just meeting other authors is a boost for my writing. Any suggestions?
Matt, subscribers to my writing site's email updates can contact editor Rob Bacon and get all the syllabus information they would need to run their very own writer’s workshop locally, free. I think that would be great material to base the self-help group around or in addition to it.
Just let Rob know you came from The Cuckleburr Times if you get in touch. It costs nothing for the material nor to subscribe to us. There's more details here.
Larry, this may interest you too. A writing workshop's definitely going to attract current or aspiring writers and give you that communication you're seeking with other writers. :)
Matt T. Schott said:
Funny you should say that. I am starting up a writer's group meeting in Port Jervis, NY, where Steven Crane interview the men of the 126th "Orange Blossoms" for the "Red Badge of Courage" I was going to work it like a self help group for authors. In others words give them the help they need to get publish and vice versa. i think just meeting other authors is a boost for my writing. Any suggestions?
Hi Larry,
Call it a Writer's Group!!!
Find a place where you can meet once a month.
Get something cheap! Something that will be available year round. The same place the same time.
Go to your library, schools or anywhere where people can meet then put up fliers on your group. Make certain you have a place first.
Just because you start the group doesn't mean you are the leader, pass the responsibly onto all. But you need to show up every month until the group takes off.
I belong to a writer's group called, Rice Creek Writers. We meet every third Saturday of the month. We pay twenty dollars a year, per person (a donation). We meet at ten to noon. Create guide lines, all writing is allowed but figue the time and the amount of readers for the week and figue out how much time each reader gets per the allotted time. We offer feedback. Or the reader can decline feedback. We bring copies for the other members to write on and offer suggestions. I'm writing a novel, so I bring two to three pages. DON"T get upset if you don't like the feedback... Take it with stride and decide if it's good for you.
I hope this is helpful...
Hi Larry,
Call it a Writer's Group!!!
Find a place where you can meet once a month.
Get something cheap! Something that will be available year round. The same place the same time.
Go to your library, schools or anywhere where people can meet then put up fliers on your group. Make certain you have a place first.
Just because you start the group doesn't mean you are the leader, pass the responsibly onto all. But you need to show up every month until the group takes off.
I belong to a writer's group called, Rice Creek Writers. We meet every third Saturday of the month. We pay twenty dollars a year, per person (a donation). We meet at ten to noon. Create guide lines, all writing is allowed but figue the time and the amount of readers for the week and figue out how much time each reader gets per the allotted time. We offer feedback. Or the reader can decline feedback. We bring copies for the other members to write on and offer suggestions. I'm writing a novel, so I bring two to three pages. DON"T get upset if you don't like the feedback... Take it with stride and decide if it's good for you.
I hope this is helpful...
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