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You know those times, when life is so busy and you just can't seem to be productive. You can't seem to find the time to sit down and write, you can't find the time to even read.  Everything in life seems to come at you from all sides and you find yourself constantly putting out fires that are coming at you from all directions.  You guys have all had times like that huh? 


Well... I can honestly - and happily say that I think I can put down the fire extinguisher and finally focus on work. I even managed to get my desk cleaned off today, finished a chapter on a book I am working on with another author and then reviewed 8 chapters of another current work in progress.  It feels good to know that the smoke is clearing and I can let the creative side back out now that it is safe from fire!


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Yes I know exactly what you mean ... and I teach people how to avoid those times. Yet its often easier to help others than yourself, I have always found. My current tale (A Halloween Secret) was on hiatus over the summer holidays, with only dribs and drabs being written. Partly because the school holidays intervened with a house full of noisy kids and a lot of other work, partly because I had some soul searching to do as I prepared myself mentally to deal with subjects that I found awkward, deep within me. Normally I can power through distractions and life's inconsequentials fine, but sometimes the pause in writing actually helps me distil thoughts better and improve the story lines. Ultimately I trust time and my overpowering need to finish what I started to pull things together and now I too am writing again as I should do. Keep the faith.

lol... Often easier??? I think it is ALWAYS easier to help others then help myself!  I think that is actually my motto!  Which is one of the reason I am so far behind where I want to be.  I agree with you that sometimes pausing in writing can help you thoughts.  I like to work through a conversation or an event in the book over and over again during a few days before I sit and write it out.    I got my chin up (well actually down - since I am looking at my laptop) but it's up for the purpose!  Have a good one Sean!

Sean Noonan said:

Yes I know exactly what you mean ... and I teach people how to avoid those times. Yet its often easier to help others than yourself, I have always found. My current tale (A Halloween Secret) was on hiatus over the summer holidays, with only dribs and drabs being written. Partly because the school holidays intervened with a house full of noisy kids and a lot of other work, partly because I had some soul searching to do as I prepared myself mentally to deal with subjects that I found awkward, deep within me. Normally I can power through distractions and life's inconsequentials fine, but sometimes the pause in writing actually helps me distil thoughts better and improve the story lines. Ultimately I trust time and my overpowering need to finish what I started to pull things together and now I too am writing again as I should do. Keep the faith.

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