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I have a book from 1891 it is called "Christmas Cheer" the person who has the copyrights on it is E.E Fowler. It has many different peoms in it and one is from Edgar Allen Poe.  I am kind of looking for anything on Mr. E.E Fowler. I have added a pic of the book and the front page.

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Melissa, try this resource and read it down to the bottom. There's a lot of help there and you can email them for more.

It sounds like a rare book indeed. It may be easier to research the print company, Youths Publishing Company. You're going to have to share much bigger images that can be easily read. It's impossible to see what else it says beyond that part.

How did you come by this book, just out of curiosity?
The book had been in a box of free books at a local book store. They were going to throw it out. As for the size of the image I will try to get a better photo of it. Thanks for the resource I will see what I can find.

Kay Elizabeth said:
Melissa, try this resource and read it down to the bottom. There's a lot of help there and you can email them for more.

It sounds like a rare book indeed. It may be easier to research the print company, Youths Publishing Company. You're going to have to share much bigger images that can be easily read. It's impossible to see what else it says beyond that part.

How did you come by this book, just out of curiosity?
I don't have any other resources to suggest but I'm intrigued by this! Please keep us posted on any progress you make, Melissa. Have you tried contacting local antique stores or auction houses? They have appraisers.

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