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Writing a novel has been a dream of mine for what seems like forever!  Recently I've finally had the opportunity to put in the time and effort to begin my first project.  I'm both excited and nervous and would appreciate any tips!!  I'm looking forward to sharing my writing and hearing any feedback and reviews!!  

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I'm a pretty new writer myself so I know how you feel in a way.. It seems a daunting task, a whole novel, but so satisfying when you're finished (I am, and I'm still editing!) I wish you all the very best with your project and I hope it turns out for you!

-I.I. Laverick

Thank you so much Imogen!  It is nice to make connections with such wonderful, inspirational people on this site.  Best of luck to you with your writing.  It sounds like you're enjoying the process as much as I am!



business knowledge will help in your trek.

Good writing. I say this instead of good luck, because writing is more about passion and consistency than the plain old lucky draw.

Good luck to you.

Your blog is 2012, so I hope you have made leaps and bounds on your journey to being a published and successful author.

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