Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
"Agent Advice" is a series of quick interviews with literary and script agents who talk with Guide to Literary Agents about their thoughts on writing, publishing, and just about anything else.
This installment features Faye Bender of the Faye Bender Literary Agency. Faye formed her agency in 2004 and has been in the business for 14 years.
She is seeking: Her fiction interests range from literary to commercial fiction in the areas of women’s fiction, young adult, and middle grade. Her nonfiction interests lie in pop culture, women’s issues, health, memoir, biography, and popular science. She does not represent: picture books, genre fiction for adults (western, romance, horror, science fiction, fantasy), business books, spirituality, or screenplays.
GLA: What are you looking for right now and not getting?
FB: It's tough to see so many authors writing to a trend—paranormal stories, for example. When I read a query letter, I find I am looking for something fresh and new. Not transgressive-new, just interesting-new. It's as hard for me to put in words as it is for an author to write it!
Now you all know, get that query letter and ten sample pages dusted off the lady requires if you write in those genres! :D You can read her full submission guidelines here:
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