Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
The literary world is made up of three distinct groups, they are simply those who read , those who write, and those who do both.
I am one who writes...I reserve my reading now, to the bible. Many great people quote the bible from time to time and claim the quote as their own, or others attribute the quote to them. I don't want anyone to think that I plagerize any other thoughts and am imagination are mine and mine alone. I am my own man, my own person, my own being.
If you have the ambition to write, and if you are reading this, you probably do; keep in mind that what you write is about your personality to some extent. That does not mean that you are what you write, if that were true we would have a lot of criminals out there. What you write may well define the dark side that you keep hidden within...we all have them from time to time.
You will find my writing to be easy read things of my imagination. My book about the life of Gilbert Clock (Every Hour Counts) is just a group of thoughts that the clock may have had if it would have had a brain, kind of like in the Wizard of Oz character. The mystery novel about two detectives solving a case was started when a very fine mentor suggested I write a short story about a crook and a clock, and this came out of it, why I will never know, but "The Incident' came forth.
You must write every day. You must think about something in your mind everyday, in other words let your imagination open and roll about freely. You must have patience, for it is the foundation of anything worth doing and doing properly.
Don't worry about mistakes! We all make them. I proof read, have my wife proof read, and then have some other folks read before I publish, and still, there are mistakes; spelling errors, punctuation errors, sometimes time line are going to make mistakes and hopefully you will find them before you publish, but if you don't...someone will read it and enjoy it anyhow...
I agree with you on the rewrites. I am in my fifth or sixth. I talked to another writer today, who said most books are revised at least five times. So I don't feel bad. However, when rewriting 100,000 plus words it is time consuming. And yes I have found errors, such as, too wordy. I read yesterday, in The Writer's Hand Book (1998) to cut the fat. It stayed in my mind. I'm hoping I will be satisfied at the end of this rewrite. I'm happy to say this rewrite only took around six or seven months thus far. I have six chapters left and hope to send it out by March. I wish you well...I'm leery about the term lol, I believe writers work to hard to rely on luck.
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