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The nights can seem so long for a restless soul. Nights where the winters are so cold.
Nights where the pillows that lie next to you are the only comfort you feel, and hours you count are so real. It is not insomnia. There is a cure for that. It is being alone without. a dog or a cat So unusually cruel is the dark of nght. Hours and hours scroll slowly by as you are lying there anxiously waiting for the brek of day to light the sky. You pray a llittle and wonder why it feels like all of life has passed you by. Growing old with bags under your eye .
What do lonely old people do? I guess they read a book or two. Look through a magazine to see what others do. I don"t know, I don"t have clue. What am I to do? When the sun creeps silently, behind the back drop of the of earth, and gives way to a new birth. A new day filled better choices, where I don"t lay down and count my losses. Celebrate, celebrate that"s what I"ll do, get up and give that day a chance. This may be the day I dance.

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