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Written By: George Jennifer
There is a corridor of secrets which exists directly behind mankind’s façade of perceived appearances. And in it I know the real United States of America. It’s fashioned separately by each and every of its citizens. And their impressions of it of course stem from their realities of existence within it. But God forbid it should ever feature a lifestyle of either a “social” or a “commune” ism.
And personally, I’m very afraid today. I’m wondering which of my traditionally American freedoms will be sought out for confiscation by what will apparently be my nation’s new left wing leadership. Nonetheless, as this city’s mayor, I’m going to attempt to lead here as if there weren’t an old man and his younger leftist female friend shaking their fingers at me and telling me that with their election the days of “good times” and innocence will soon be over. Oh, but I have a response for them: “Yes, I believe that during the next four years the two of you will do all you can to eliminate the joy from everyone’s existence. So, that’s why, during those years, I’ll likewise do all I can to eliminate the two of you from my thoughts.”
And, with that said, I frankly don’t know how many people will ever be able to read the words I’m writing just now. Most likely the new censors of America will try to ban their publication. And I’ve already been informed that the somewhat conservative group of writers from my city have been asked to limit their yearly internet submissions from what had been approximately twelve, to no more than four. Evidently a “crackdown” will be implemented upon non-liberals in the future – at least that’s what I’ve heard. Yet, given the mental abilities of those who’ll supposedly institute that crackdown, my hope is that not much will ever really become of it.
But, was the recent presidential election supposed to herald the dawning of a new day in America? If so, I fear that wasn’t a good day. And how can any new leader of America now ask for a “coming together” of all Americans when just last summer some of those Americans rioted in large cities, burned buildings, and spread anti-police rhetoric whenever and wherever they could? And, according to what those people told us, anyone who didn’t share their radical left-wing beliefs was either a pig or a Nazi.
And did the two people who supposedly won the recent presidential election really win it; or did cheating occur during that election? Many say cheating occurred. Many say no cheating happened. And some say they don’t know if cheating occurred, while others say they don’t care if it did or didn’t. But one force knows the real answer as to if, if not, or to what degree illegal ballots were cast and/or legal ballots weren’t counted in the recent presidential election. And that force will now either allow or disallow the occurrence of all potential responses to the outcome of what either was or wasn’t an honest choosing of a nation’s leaders for the next four years.
And this is the first of two pieces which I, George Jennifer, mayor of what truly is the most “real” and “pertinent” “underground” (figuratively speaking of course) city in existence today, have sanctioned for tribute to Kommissar Buyyuan and Komrade Heiress. The second installment will hopefully appear soon. And I’ve asked what I consider to be a very good young writer from our city’s enclave of artistic types to formulate it.
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