Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

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You probably should allow a new member to name more than one genre as a favorite.  And, of course, more than one favorite author or book.  I think most people would  be hard-pressed to choose one, if they really enjoy reading.  I intersperse my fiction reading with non-fiction of all kinds, mainly historical, whether ancient history, medieval or of 30 years ago.  Best wishes,  Clark

Clark, I like that idea. It's not like the admin to not respond to suggestions so hang in there. I imagine it was simply overlooked. :)



Thanks Clark for your suggestions. We'll see if we can implement multiple answers, but most likely it would require added fields, which is not ideal. We'll keep you posted.
I believe a couple of us would like to see a Paranormal Fiction Group.  I know we have a Fantasy Group - but it doesn't mention the Paranormal which is so very popular these days. I know there are quite a few writers on here that write in that genre.
It was suggested in the Fiction Group that we start a group for "Chapters"  A place where we can post a chapter of a book we are working on so others can taste it. 
Or possibly, just a few paragraphs?

That's a great idea! We will discuss this to come up with a suitable title for the group. We should have it up shortly.

Thanks for the comments!


How about just Book Excerpts? It's clean, and clear, and doesn't limit folks to chapters if they want to add less or don't use chapters in their book.


Psst...and don't miss the Paranormal Fiction Group suggestion too while you're tinkering around in there. :) Thanks for everything you do! said:

That's a great idea! We will discuss this to come up with a suitable title for the group. We should have it up shortly.

Thanks for the comments!


I think an Ebook Industry News and Trends category for Groups would be good. It's a sector that's growing dramatically within the industry and I'm never quite sure where to put such things because most announcements or opinion pieces don't refer to a certain genre like fiction for example. They are more about the overall e-book trends and developments within retail and publishing etc now and in the future. I think it's important enough to deserve a separate Group dedicated to that. 


(Ideally I'd like the description to clarify it's not the place to be announcing one's ebook too so it's not overridden with such posts).  

That's a great idea, Kay! We'll have it setup shortly. If you or anyone else can think of another Group to create, please let us know. Then we can handle all in one sweep.

I think there ought to be a section called 'Book Excerpt from the Unpublished Novel' and not strictly Book Excerpts. Can you see the difference? For any person thinking of publishing a novel, it is useful to post an excerpt before it is too late in making mistakes. 'Copy, line and edit' jumps into mind for starters. And then what about 'Unpublished Poetry  Excerpts,'the same sort of reasoning applies.

Cleveland W. Gibson

Kay Elizabeth said:

How about just Book Excerpts? It's clean, and clear, and doesn't limit folks to chapters if they want to add less or don't use chapters in their book.


Hi, I do a lot of writing on the move from my ipone. Was wondering if you were thinking about making an app? This would make it easier to post and check status of post. Just an idea, thanks.-Jon

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