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Hi my name is susan Thomas i really need help putting together my book about my children past life experience its a true book and a really interesting book i know the world would love it if i could just get it started and published.

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Susan - Have you started writing it? Have you written an outline? Or jotted down the sequence?  You say "If I could just get it started and published". Well... what are you waiting for? - Go start it!

Hi stacy this is susan replying to your comment my book has been started i need to know what to keep in and what to take out and how to complete the book. And how to get a publisher to look at it and determime if it would be a best seller. I am looking for all the help i can get thank you Susan


Susan -


My best advice as to what to put into your book is to work with a content editor.  An editor that can help you put in what is important for readers to get your message accross and someone who knows how to thin out the information that is just not needed. 


In regards to getting in touch with a publisher, you need to start doing query letters.  I would help you wtih that - but I have no interest in working with a publisher as publish my books myself and market my books myself so I don't have a good query letter for you to use.  Hopefully some others will step in here and assist you with that.

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