Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

My name is Terry S. Bradley "Nubbiebee".  I never dreamed I would ever hold such a prestigious title as author, much less a children's book author.  Though my life's story, I often wanted to bring out in the open. I never thought it even possible due to my limited ability and education. That changed with the one tool I learned to hate just as much as I come to love, a computer. Though I am not any wiser in my education, a path of freedom is now within reach. Though in reality just as far way as the moon.  " How Bees Came To Make Chili "  Nubbiebee's Vol 1 is my first publication, released the 18th day of June 2013.  How I am doing remains to be seen, but my hopes are higher than ever before of achieving a sense of self satisfaction of which I never thought possible before at any point in my life.  I never even knew I had a talent of writing, though  in retrospect I should have seen this long ago.  After all my mind never stopped, constantly filled with thought and after all is that not what a author really is. Only most such as my self go that extra step in writing it down. Forming a consistent path of which to lead one down a tale that entertains the mind filling it with emotion, understanding, excitement and even compassion for things they can not explain.  I always new words were the most powerful tools we as humans had to change not only ourselves and how we are seen, but to change the world around us, affecting even the things that haunt us.  Be it our child hoods, our mistakes or the lessons we learned along the way of life's path that has a journey of surprise awaiting us all.  To pass things down to a world that is new and help them become more equipped to deal with understanding the world in which we live and how it affects those around them threw observation and kindness, with the willingness to help change the world themselves. For me this opportunity is nothing short of a blessing of which I have been blindly lead, and that I am very thankful for. 12166297-howbeesmakechili.jpg


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Replies to This Discussion

Congratulations on your publication.  I am also a new children's book author on the same journey.  Good luck!

Thank you and good luck as well in your journey of unknown adventures .     My publisher is KG Books .  I receive  some things that help though most is a no brainer advice like this message below.

re: marketing tips

FROM KG Books TO You
Here is some marketing tips for advertising for Christmas and the holidays.
When is it too late to start thinking about the holiday market? November is definitely much too late, October is iffy, but if you're staring September in the face and haven't done a lick of marketing towards holiday sales, that might be your last chance. Better to start early - mid to late summer is always great. Here are some tips to help you get a head start on the holiday buying season.

Events: Start early. If you'd like to do events in December I suggest you start calling stores now. Many stores don't do in-store events after Thanksgiving, but if you have local connections or some independent stores they might be open to this. Speaking at non-bookstore venues falls under the same category: start early.

Promos: Start planning your promos in the fall. I recommend starting the promo roll-out right after Thanksgiving and planning a succession of promotional announcements all the way through late December. If you need to get special pricing on books, or if you're going to bundle your book with some other items, this will give you plenty of time to plan for that.

Website: Now is the time to make sure your website is ready for your holiday marketing. As you begin planning your promos make sure your web designer is ready to go to make any changes your site might need.

Targets: Definitely define your target markets as soon as you can, the earlier the better. If you don't have a good, solid idea of who you're marketing to yet don't use your holiday campaign to test this. Test market early. You'll be glad you did. Don't waste a holiday promo if you don't have to. Knowing who you are going after will save you in costly marketing mistakes (and this goes for any time you are marketing).

Ebooks: I suspect with all the e-readers that have hit the market in the last 12 months - and with both Target and Best Buy carrying e-book readers - you're going to see a lot of promotion for this over the holidays. Make sure your book is keyed into this market, what I mean is: if you had planned to get your book converted to an ebook, now is the time. Also, you might want to offer a special promo, if someone buys your e-book have them forward you the receipt for an additional special holiday bonus.

Social media: If you're not on Facebook or Twitter yet, now is the time to join, and even if you are this is a great time to maximize your efforts and plan how you'll use your social media to enhance your holiday promos. Will you offer specials to your social media "tribe" only? Will you have exclusives just for them? Consider early on what your social media strategy will be.

Exposure: If your exposure online is minimal, now is the time to ramp it up. Contacting blogs, websites, doing article syndication, participating in blogs, doing guest blogging... all of these things are great ways to gain exposure online. Remember, it's not just about the holiday promos, it's about making sure you are searchable online. That way, if someone searches on what you're offering, you'll come up in the search results. This will help you capture holiday shoppers who haven't been exposed to you or your message yet.

The key to successful holiday promotion is planning and enough advanced marketing so that you're not spinning your wheels in the Fall wondering why you're not making any traction. If you're ready to explode your holiday market start early, it's the best way to make sure you have a spot waiting for you when the busiest shopping season of the year comes around again!

Tracy Kauffman
KG Books Publishing

Congratulations on your publication.  I am also a new children's book author on the same journey.  Good luck!

Terry S. Bradley said:

Thank you and good luck as well in your journey of unknown adventures .     My publisher is KG Books .  I receive  some things that help though most is a no brainer advice like this message below.

re: marketing tips

FROM KG Books TO You
Here is some marketing tips for advertising for Christmas and the holidays.
When is it too late to start thinking about the holiday market? November is definitely much too late, October is iffy, but if you're staring September in the face and haven't done a lick of marketing towards holiday sales, that might be your last chance. Better to start early - mid to late summer is always great. Here are some tips to help you get a head start on the holiday buying season.

Events: Start early. If you'd like to do events in December I suggest you start calling stores now. Many stores don't do in-store events after Thanksgiving, but if you have local connections or some independent stores they might be open to this. Speaking at non-bookstore venues falls under the same category: start early.

Promos: Start planning your promos in the fall. I recommend starting the promo roll-out right after Thanksgiving and planning a succession of promotional announcements all the way through late December. If you need to get special pricing on books, or if you're going to bundle your book with some other items, this will give you plenty of time to plan for that.

Website: Now is the time to make sure your website is ready for your holiday marketing. As you begin planning your promos make sure your web designer is ready to go to make any changes your site might need.

Targets: Definitely define your target markets as soon as you can, the earlier the better. If you don't have a good, solid idea of who you're marketing to yet don't use your holiday campaign to test this. Test market early. You'll be glad you did. Don't waste a holiday promo if you don't have to. Knowing who you are going after will save you in costly marketing mistakes (and this goes for any time you are marketing).

Ebooks: I suspect with all the e-readers that have hit the market in the last 12 months - and with both Target and Best Buy carrying e-book readers - you're going to see a lot of promotion for this over the holidays. Make sure your book is keyed into this market, what I mean is: if you had planned to get your book converted to an ebook, now is the time. Also, you might want to offer a special promo, if someone buys your e-book have them forward you the receipt for an additional special holiday bonus.

Social media: If you're not on Facebook or Twitter yet, now is the time to join, and even if you are this is a great time to maximize your efforts and plan how you'll use your social media to enhance your holiday promos. Will you offer specials to your social media "tribe" only? Will you have exclusives just for them? Consider early on what your social media strategy will be.

Exposure: If your exposure online is minimal, now is the time to ramp it up. Contacting blogs, websites, doing article syndication, participating in blogs, doing guest blogging... all of these things are great ways to gain exposure online. Remember, it's not just about the holiday promos, it's about making sure you are searchable online. That way, if someone searches on what you're offering, you'll come up in the search results. This will help you capture holiday shoppers who haven't been exposed to you or your message yet.

The key to successful holiday promotion is planning and enough advanced marketing so that you're not spinning your wheels in the Fall wondering why you're not making any traction. If you're ready to explode your holiday market start early, it's the best way to make sure you have a spot waiting for you when the busiest shopping season of the year comes around again!

Tracy Kauffman
KG Books Publishing

Congratulations on your publication.  I am also a new children's book author on the same journey.  Good luck!


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