Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

If you have an already published book and need a book trailer to set off your marketing campaign, contact us at for details and pricing. Very affordable pricing with high quality video & sound. If you publish with us, this trailer is included with packaging. Join us on Facebook at!/pages/DuPont-WA/Hunter-Heart-Pub... to view our authors and books and upcoming events & conferences.


Blessings of continued success to you and your message,

Deborah G. Hunter


Views: 88

Replies to This Discussion

I have a question or two about book trailers, Deborah.

Who owns the rights to the book trailer when they are completed? Are all rights turned over to the author?

Where are the music and images sourced from? Do they come from royalty-free or public domain sites or are there fees involved in obtaining licenses for their use?

Hello Kay Elizabeth,

Yes ma'am, author retains full rights to book trailer, as long as they do not try and make it their own by saying that they created it. At the end of each trailer is a brief spotlight of the designer of the trailer, as well as acknowledgement of music artist, if any, noted. The images and music are purchased by us, depending on the input that you give to us. If you want us to do it trouble-free, we will go in and obtain pictures/music and go from there. If you have specific pictures/music that you want for your trailer, you have to supply full rights from artist/designer that you have purchased and/or gained permission for your trailer.

If you have any more questions, you may e-mail me at

Blessings to you,

Kay Elizabeth said:
I have a question or two about book trailers, Deborah.

Who owns the rights to the book trailer when they are completed? Are all rights turned over to the author?

Where are the music and images sourced from? Do they come from royalty-free or public domain sites or are there fees involved in obtaining licenses for their use?



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