Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Since forever I've been rank on Amazon at arount 500,000 out of 750,000. When i sold 1 book I went up 3,000 points on Amazon's ranking. When I checked this morning I was ranked 82,000 up 420,000 points from last night, yet no sales are registered. Has this happen to anyone else? If this is a glitch you know about please don't tell me for a couple of hours, I'm too busy day dreaming.
Its all a mystery to me. But I am hiring a PR company to promote my book series shortly . I will pass on any tips that will help!
Enjoy the journey.
UPDATE on ranking on Amazon Kindle,
Once I hit 82,000 I would drop 8,000 to 15,000 points a day. On September 6 my ranking shot up again from around 400,000 back up to 71,000. The last 4 days I've been sliding back towards that 500,000 mark. Amazon recalculates its sales on Friday. They haven't shown that I've sold a kindle book but they also are only putting up the results before 09/06. I think it will get to my book recalcutating on Sunday or Monday.
If you find out anything more on the subject of Amazon ranking please let me know
Ah, it's full of anamolies I think. I wrote a book on spirituality and art (I mentor artists) which somehow has been classified as 'religious art' (hate the very thought of that) and is at #2 on the Kindle List!
I'm gobsmacked, but also kind of underwhelmed!
Tags, likes and discussions help greatly. As do a reasonable number of good reviews (at least 6).
Sales seem to be the prime driver though - a steady stream more effective than a clump.
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