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Who are the paranormal authors on here?  Please say hello.  Tell us a bit about what aspects of the paranormal you write about.  What made you write about the paranormal and what titles do you have in that genre.



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I have a series right now called - My Blood Runs Blue. So far, the first book has been published and the second book Blue Blood for Life will be released within the next month.  I know there will be at least 1 more to the series - possibly 2. You can read about them on my website - 


My series incorporates vampires into a world of law enforcement. I wanted my vampires to have humanity even though they are different then humans. Book 2 deals with that issue quite a bit. 


The ideas for this series came from driving around my township late at night.  When you are up at 3 in the morning and all the houses are dark except one on a road, or you are standing outside of your car stretching and you see something move in the tree line - your imagination runs a bit wild about what you are seeing.  It was a night with those things happening that the idea was born for this series.


As I understand it, the paranormal genre is where creatures from fantasy play a very real part in our stories. Creatures such as werwolves, faeries, and other such creatures. If I'm correct, I guess I qualify, though they aren't in all of my stories and those that are aren't always traditional.
Anna - Yes - that is correct - so tell us more about them.

Anna L. Walls said:
As I understand it, the paranormal genre is where creatures from fantasy play a very real part in our stories. Creatures such as werwolves, faeries, and other such creatures. If I'm correct, I guess I qualify, though they aren't in all of my stories and those that are aren't always traditional.

Well, I have an idea - only a few pages at this point - where man has colonized some planet out there and one of the predominant indigenous races is pixies. I haven't gotten any further than that. There may be other like creatures there. It would be logical.

Next book after my one published book (not a sequel) involves some creative breeding. No shape-shifting, just that there's a race of people who might be called half-breeds where the other half is wolf.

Probably the biggest paranormal work I have is my current work in progress. Many of the 'monster' races known in Dungeons & Dragons are in this book.

I have several other stories and ideas, but mostly I concentrate on the rules of magic. Otherwise it's all rather down-to-Earth (or some other planet).

Sounds interesting! Stacy I know what you mean about the late-night driving offering new story ideas. I have seen many mysterious and intriguing figures early in the morning when driving home from various overnight ghost hunts in recent years, and these all added fuel to the fire for my work.


As for my paranormal interests, well I write about vampires, werewolves and witches. Not too surprising considering the current YA trend and all those Hollywood franchises, but mine most certainly is a life-long obsession. As a child I was intrigued by ghost stories, monster stories, and anything remotely paranormal. As I grew older my obsession focused mainly on vampires. I loved the dark, brooding, sensual and forbidden attraction that these creatures offered me. So gradually a story began to form in the recesses of my mind, and I  nurtured it for almost 10 years.


Finally I wrote my debut novel Love Hurts. It is about love and relationships between a human and her paranormal boyfriend and friends. My focus is on the pain of being in love, and how much deeper this might be when your lover is non-human with an identical twin brother. Love Hurts is the first of a series set in the fictional Cornish tourist town of Redcliffe, the second of which is a current WIP. I also have a short vampire story and a short werewolf story in YA anthologies Devils, Demons and Werewolves and The Mirador Fantasmagoria. Both feature characters from my Redcliffe series.


As part of my paranormal interest, I wrote my university dissertation on vampires in popular culture, and specialised in gothic horror films for most of my coursework projects. Oh, and I am a Medium, recently 'out of the closet!'

Catherine - Love Hurts sounds pretty cool.  I just put it on my wish list.    I will have to check out your other stories too!! 


It becomes an addiction doesn't it?  The guys I work with think I've become a vampire since I like working the night shift better now.  lol.... They might be right!!!

Thanks Stacy! Oh yes it certainly does become addictive. I don't really know why I have always been so drawn to the Paranormal. I suppose it is because I refuse to believe that the human world is the only one in this vast universe. And because I think it would be boring if we were all there was out there...

Oh Mariah - if you aren't friends with Catherine yet - you will be now!!! I see you two having some awesome conversations!! 


Your books sounds great!  I can only imagine what you saw and felt as the spirits moved around you during the process.  In my job I am supposed to go to autopsy's but I can not. I am very allergic to the formaldehyde, so one of my other officer's goes for me.


I look forward to hearing more from you... Make sure you stay here with us!!

Hello! Ooh yes that will be an extremely interesting book to read I am sure! Had I been of a stonger constitution I would have worked with the dead, but my delicate stomach just cannot take the heat (or cold!). So I settle for working with Spirit instead, which is much more exciting and I can do it anywhere, even at home...

Catherine - did you get my direct e-mail?



Yes but on my Blackberry, I am working through my emails, sorry. I got a little distracted by a TV show about archaeology of suspected vampire skeletons, it was very interesting! It's easier to answer messages on the computer because my Blackberry is very slow to load things and I get frustrated with it.

Oh man!  Archaeology of suspected vampire skeletons!! that sounds freaking great! 


Catherine - have you ever read any the book Vampire Shift by Tim O'Rourke? He is in the UK.  I just read the second book of the series, Vampire Wake and did a pre-review for him.  I liked the first book - but I thought the second book was pretty great.


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