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How many of you have multiple works in progress?  Are they all the same genre? How do you divide your time between them?


Currently, I have 4 WIP's.... sounds like alot huh?  Right now I am thinking that too!  As my second book just went back to my publisher for the formatting (after 13 hours of editing, my eyes are still crossed) I find myself looking at all the projects I have in the works.


One project is about half way through - but I had come up with a snag in the plot and I got frustrated so I put it on the back burner.  Recently, as I find myself mulling over the issue, I think I found the way to work through my snag... but.... There is a more recent project that I started that I was working hard on.  As soon as I figured out how to work through the other issue, I lost my train of thought on the new one. 


Then there is the other book that I am working on with another author.  Now that one is a huge project that will be in the making for a long time, but we are throwing ideas back and forth and running plot ideas and twists back and forth.


Then there is book 3 of my series (the second book is about to be published).  After reading book 2 - and coming back to those characters I find myself running that plot hard and heavy in my mind.  Conversations and characters building.... 


I'm at a loss right now as to exactly what I should be working on.  I think I have so many things in the works that I am befuddled as to which one to go to next. 


Anyone else get themselves in this situations?  How do you work through them?

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Sounds a great idea Robert
Very good idea Robert - Many years ago I used to work for a small cable company doing those kinds of things.  I hope it all works out!
Wow Robert, talk about thinking outside the box! What a cool idea, you'll have to keep us updated on the progress with it!

Hello Stacy; I know exactly what you're going through.  Right now, I've got so many thngs that I should concentrate on, but can't seem to settle down to one. I like to write at least several chapters a week on my latest novel but my e-mail is running over and I've got blogs I need to catch up on and answer.

I'm going to try this,  I'll schedule myself to one day each week for e-mail and following blogs.  Get them up to date and then hopefully can write without these things "tugging at my thoughts and dimming my creativeness!"




Lyn - Great idea!!! Let us know if that works... I get about 300 e-mails a day - so I always need to stay in touch with that. I try to spend one day setting up blogs and working on other issues - Yesterday I spent most of my day editing and writing on Blue Haze.  I got a short story finished on Sunday - and now I doing some editing for a friend on a novel she is working on - tomorrow I will go back to writing - this afternoon I'm turning the computer off and spending time with my daughter who is off school today.



Actually, it was a suggestion for you guys. I know you are all self publishing and trying to promote your books. I'm going about it the old fashion way and seeking representation from an agent. So if you decide to use it, let me know how it is going...

Amy Manemann said:
Wow Robert, talk about thinking outside the box! What a cool idea, you'll have to keep us updated on the progress with it!

300!!! Wow. I'm going to stop worrying that I have too much to do. 300! I feel for you...
Stacy Eaton said:

Lyn - Great idea!!! Let us know if that works... I get about 300 e-mails a day - so I always need to stay in touch with that. I try to spend one day setting up blogs and working on other issues - Yesterday I spent most of my day editing and writing on Blue Haze.  I got a short story finished on Sunday - and now I doing some editing for a friend on a novel she is working on - tomorrow I will go back to writing - this afternoon I'm turning the computer off and spending time with my daughter who is off school today.



lol.. I have 9 different accounts - between book - personal - my business - and my full  time job.  I have to stay in touch with it all.

Robert L. Allen said:

300!!! Wow. I'm going to stop worrying that I have too much to do. 300! I feel for you...
Stacy Eaton said:

Lyn - Great idea!!! Let us know if that works... I get about 300 e-mails a day - so I always need to stay in touch with that. I try to spend one day setting up blogs and working on other issues - Yesterday I spent most of my day editing and writing on Blue Haze.  I got a short story finished on Sunday - and now I doing some editing for a friend on a novel she is working on - tomorrow I will go back to writing - this afternoon I'm turning the computer off and spending time with my daughter who is off school today.



Flippin' eck Stacey! I struggle with just 2 email accounts and 3 blogs! I don't know how you manage it but well done xxx

I write two paranormal series, as well as historical and contemporary, so yes it is very time consuming lol.

Then I have this lil problem, of when I'm writing on one book, something I'm writing sparks a new idea, and I have to minimize what I'm writing on and start a new document so I don't lose the new idea. I've written 16 books so far like that lol. 

Now all I do is just send then off to my editor, then they're published because they're already written.

But what I've found, is that you have to make time to write, and force yourself, just like you go to work everyday, or it won't get done.

I have 12 books finished in the paranormal, 3 in the historical, and 1 in the contemporary. Four half finished, six new ideas, and two a 1/4 written lol.

I also have 4 website, fb, twitter, tumblr, as well as two blogs lol


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