Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

I had the following e-mail today.

I'm delighted my short story has been accepted.

Why not check it out and send in something for the next issue.




Dear Writers,

Many thanks for all your wonderful submissions! I am writing the one e-mail and sending out to you all in one go to save myself some much needed time so apologies for the lack of personalised messages. We are just putting together the magazine right now and I am pleased to confirm that your submission is included so a huge congratulations.
The magazine will be up online for free to read on 1st June 2012 at The kindle version will also be available sometime on the same day. We are all working hard for free right now to make this magazine happen and it would be great if you could help to keep spreading the word about it. Please do tell all that you know, announce on Facebook, Twitter, re-tweet and share posts if you can.
Many thanks for submitting to the magazine, I hope you love it as much as I do!
Best Wishes

Victoria Bantock, What the Dickens? WritersGifts, Magazine & Other Literary Adventures


Views: 133

Replies to This Discussion

Good luck

Thanks Anna.

I'm pleased as it my third in a row submission to the magazine.


Cleveland, what is the word count for short stories? 

The short story is around 2,000 words and needs to ffollow a theme.

Good luck



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