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The Stray: To Plan by K.E. Strokez

Started by K.E. Strokez. Last reply by K.E. Strokez Jan 1, 2016. 1 Reply

The Stray: Plan by K.E. Strokez

Started by K.E. Strokez. Last reply by K.E. Strokez Jan 1, 2016. 1 Reply

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Why do you need a.... BRAND BUMPER?

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Comment Wall

Comment by Philip Nork on November 30, 2009 at 7:03pm
Here is a press release I did myself--is it professional enough to use? Any comments are welcome!

First-time author Philip Nork brings Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male to life!

Author: Philip Nork
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Distributors: Ingram Book Company
Baker & Taylor
Release date: August 2009
ISBN Paperback: 9781438967448
ISBN Hardcover: 9781438967455

Authors Website:

“The age-old “Battle of the Sexes” is still going just as strong as it ever was-and chances are it won’t lose any steam anytime soon. So rather than lament the fact that the game exists, men and women around the world are instead better off learning to play it to the best of their ability. Such is the premise behind Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male.” Tara Hopkins, Apex Reviews

“This is one of those books where the title does not adequately portray they content. Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male is not just for males, or even for just heterosexual individuals. This book can be enjoyed by anyone… If I had a son, I would want him to read this book.” G.A. Bixler, Book Readers Heaven

The journey we are on is a difficult one, even more so for those of a broken family. Follow the adventures of one such boy as he searches for the two desires we all share: the ability to be accepted by others and the right to be totally happy. Along the way he learns many life lessons that eventually lead him to discover both of these things.

“Straightforward and refreshingly candid…an impressive presentation of a life with a plethora of helpful lessons to share. Highly recommended for anyone seeking to cut through the typical façade of relationship ‘politics’ and learn the roots of true, lasting happiness.” Apex Reviews

“The stories that have emerged are ripe with feeling and diversity.” Authors Promoting Authors

Philip Nork lives in Henderson, Nevada and may be contacted at
Comment by scribbler on December 1, 2009 at 2:48am
Philip, you need to format it correctly first of all. See the Press Release thread. I linked to an example of that in it. You also need to give the editor a reason to publish it. I'm not seeing anything there that would encourage them to do that from their side. They want a story and not an ad, and while the reviews are interesting, alone they aren't enough I don't think. You need a hook and to personalize it more.
Comment by Philip Nork on December 1, 2009 at 2:54am
Thanks for the help!!!!
Comment by Kay Elizabeth on December 1, 2009 at 3:32am
Philip, this is a quick example I did to show you what scribbler means. Feel free to use any or all of it. Formatting needs to be applied obviously to this content.

Here's my train of thought: you donate a portion of money to a children's charity from your book sales, right? This is the season of giving. So use that angle of approach. Linking to current and seasonal events helps.

The Season of Giving Should be Twelve Months Long!

Author Philip Nork believes we don't only need to think about giving when the festive season rolls around and Christmas is coming to mind. With the help of his book buying public, the first time author wants to do it all year long.

"As I stated in my book Sensitivity 101 for The Heterosexual Male, I believe that life should be a simple experience-you learn, you share, and you help others, " said Philip. "Giving can be the rule and not the exception in the way we live our lives. Why wait until December to be generous of heart and soul when you can do so every single day? " (I stole the first part of this quote from your site and the second I made up so tweak as required to suit you. It was to give a general idea.

Philip's decision to support The Children's Miracle Network ( by donating a portion of the sales of Sensitivity 101 for The Heterosexual Male to his favorite charity reflects this belief. Out of all the charities, this was his first choice to get involved in.

((Add a quote here explaining why you chose that one similar to the second paragraph in format)

Described as "Straightforward and refreshingly candid…an impressive presentation of a life with a plethora of helpful lessons to share" by Apex Reviews, Philip Nork's book has since its (month) release received rave reviews. If you would like to give a gift that gives twice over this Christmas, Sensitivity 101 for The Heterosexual Male, the tale of one boy's early life lessons following his parent's divorce, is one way to achieve that. Says Philip, "

I would stick to one short review quote. You have a prominent reviews link on your site's home page. That's sufficient. This keeps it more personalized.

To find out more visit

Now that's very rough but you get the idea. Hope that helps! :)
Comment by Kay Elizabeth on December 1, 2009 at 3:44am
And the last line where it has "Says Philip..." , that's where you add a nice closing comment to round out the overall sentiment. Or you can just halt it at the previous sentence.

Don't feel you need to take on board any of it Philip if you don't want to, please. It's only a suggestion. :)
Comment by Philip Nork on December 1, 2009 at 3:52am
Thanks to both of you for all the help...I knew I would find people that had more expertise than I do and would be willing to help...Thanks again!
Comment by scribbler on December 2, 2009 at 8:04pm
I'm glad it helped, Philip. Thank you for not taking it as a criticism on my part. Let us know how the finished product comes out please. I'd be curious to see it in all its glory. :)
Comment by Margaret DeStefano on December 10, 2009 at 1:45am
Hey, I have a way to get access to speak at a global teleclass for free where you can market your books. If you are interested, let me know. It does require that you have a database following because they do a thing called database leveraging.
Comment by scribbler on December 10, 2009 at 3:34am
Margaret, hi. What is classed as a database following? Do you mean having followers on Facebook or Twitter.
Comment by Margaret DeStefano on December 10, 2009 at 3:42am
Hey Scribbler,
Actually no, they only count dedicated emails. Hoping they'll change this in the future.


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