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Silver Tongue Literary Review

Silver Tongue will review your book, then post the review on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, along with 5 online sites of your choice. Also they will post the review on their site, facebook, twitter, and send out emails to their members. Its a great free tool for authors all over the world.

Views: 558

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks Silver-Tongue, I should have made it clear my name is Elizabeth Spear but I write my novels under my stage name ( and previous name) of Elizabeth Revill. 

Yes, we got your book. We will put it on the waiting list and notify you when your book is up for review.

Joan Chung Guyll said:

Hi Silver Tongue,


Just checking if you received my book Valley of the Gods?

That is fine, we understand. Many author's use a stage name. WE have put your book on the waiting list. We will email you when your book is up for review.

Elizabeth Spear said:

Thanks Silver-Tongue, I should have made it clear my name is Elizabeth Spear but I write my novels under my stage name ( and previous name) of Elizabeth Revill. 

Thank you so much for your information.  I am going to send my novel right now for a review.

How can I get in on this? Thanks, Cindy 

Hello, I would love this it sounds great... what do I do next? Thanks

Melissa Reed

Great offer.  Are you still offering this service?  Would like to know more.  Thank you, Victoria

I was curious if this service is still available!


Thank you!


Silver Tongue, you're posting too many links to your own sites. Keep that in check.

In the interests of all our members I have to ask: why are you doing these reviews? Are you offering any form of paid services on the back of this once you get the author's contact information or sharing/selling their information for mailing lists to a third party?

What other affiliate programs are you attempting to cash in on through our members?

I see as I checked your homepage already you're part of an affiliate program through Pagemodo for creating Facebook pages and not declaring that you get a commission for that if anyone uses it. Links that lead purely to Affiliate links like that are NOT allowed. Is the free websites link also an affiliate one?

Have any of these reviews you promised been done yet? Let's see some links so we can judge the quality of them. 

Answer all of the above please. 

Would love a few more reviews of my book.  It is FREE on Amazon in about 15 minutes until end of Monday.  A how to book on designing your own ebook cover, by me, a professional ebook cover designer for over 3 years. 

Thanks!  I look forward to your feedback.  Be honest, I can take it.

Tanya, this is a very old thread, 18 months have gone by since it was started. We now have a separate Book Reviews section in Groups where you can request reviews. I suggest you post your review request there. I'm closing this thread. All review requests should be via that Group now. The link is below. Add a new discussion there please. Thanks.

Tanya Robinson said:

As you will see I posted a question regarding genres you will review on 17 May.  Would you consider reviewing an autobiography?  My book will be free on Amazon for two days starting tomorrow Thursday 13th June 2013.  You may see it at

If you prefer you can e-mail me at:


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