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A crop of freshmen start their first term in high school at the turn of the 21st century. Among them is a boy who seems to cause trouble wherever he goes.


When Ken Bridge arrives at his new school, he has one ambition: to get himself expelled.

But when the statue in the courtyard does something to him, he wakes up missing one thing and in possession of another. Getting kicked out will not be so easy,especially not from a school with so many other things going on.

A crime has been committed, a prophecy has to be fulfilled, too many mistakes have been made, and his entire class has to solve a riddle to get some of their most basic equipment. It soon becomes clear that he might be going out of his mind.

An enigmatic student who no one else seems able to see but Ken seems to have taken it upon himself to get on his nerves.

And on top of that...

Something is watching him, controlling him and keen not to let him leave.

Find out more about this book here:

And about the series it belongs to here:

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This is a previous edition and has since been discontinued.


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