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Tried my hand at a Sicilian octave. in researching it, i found several notes in how rare they are in English. I have since discovered (experienced) why. =)

The poem is personal and describes movement from an area of bad (feelings, experiences, etc.) to good.

What does anyone think about it?

Joker pleased; displace from that which is grim
Troth is the wind for sailing beyond stagnation
Fortitude be the tiller; hold tight past that is dim
Mercy navigates the seas of tribulation
Yearn ambition and aplomb; invest on a whim
Vow for dedication in emulation
Ignite ardor; embark Farr in random vim
Mold in strife: digest in the declaration.

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Written thoughts , without punctuation create a jerky scenario.

It is difficult to draw in all the good ideas if they are seen

as never quite finished off. A poem often functions best

when a story unfolds, remember the Ballad of Reading

Jail by Oscar Wilde? Or a shorter one like The Highwayman.

With whom do you compare your poem? 

Readers love to relate to poetry and the characters within.

Give the reader a chance to do that or if your poem is inspirational

spell it out clearly and in rhyme. Have fun.

I love this poem.  It flows nicely and I can relate to the words.  I especially love the 3rd line: "Fortitude be the tiller; hold tight past that is dim."  I think it's a nice poem.  We all relate to things differently.  I learnt some new words--troth and vim.  (Never heard those words before now).


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