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The Mountain

We three sit
observing the same 
rock,soil, and trees

But we perceive differently 
I see a challenge, with hillsides and bottomless lakes
with songs, and dances, midnight romances 
Growth in comprehending the mountain is the most powerful teacher

These were my good friends indeed
But they just couldn’t consciously see
It had too many obstacles, to many rocks 
And stood fiercely intimidating my friends 

Well, eventually I dragged my friends to the top
Proving the view was quite a masterpiece
At least worth the struggles, that guided the way

However for me it was confirming what 
I already knew we could do
For fear was my friend
Simply a challenge I had accepted, 
and shook hands with

Graciously allowing my friends
to navigate the next mountain

Views: 69

Replies to This Discussion

Good poem. Liked the beginning--nice flow. Thought the 4th line of the 2nd stanza a bit too long, though.  Loved the 4th stanza--the struggle, even though difficult, was worth the view.  Nice poem.

This is a nice poem and I enjoyed reading it.  It was very creative and the mountain was portrayed very well

in this poem, gives the reader time to use the imagination.


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