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Those who wear the masks

She hides in the back trying to change

Praying for a chance for someone to care

A stranger to say she holds beauty other than the friends all day

But she is not one of them

Those who go around with no hips, no thighs, and no idea how hard life can be

A chance to prove her loyalty


He hides with his friends knowing there trust

He loves himself the way he is

Waiting some boy to love him for who he is and what he holds

Knowing the way he presents himself should make him no different

But still they mock and poke fun driving him insane

Hoping for a chance to love someone, and someone to love him


She swears and she sings, to music with loud intensity

With her friends she feels safe knowing they wouldn’t let her fall off the edge

The edge of no return, they put their trust in her but she doesn’t trust many

The woman she calls ‘mom’ is not the ideal, the monster she married is no better

They call her names and compare her to younger, thinking the younger is better

She wants a way out and away from them, a chance is all


These are those who wear masks

They hide to themselves, and hope

They want the world to respect them

For the world to change

Stop the hurt and stop the pain

Can it happen?

Can those who think lowly of themselves stop hurting those who think themselves higher?

And if it can and will stop. When?

How much more must it take?

For the pain to sees

For those we love to stop the masks


The masks are everywhere

They hide the prom queen’s pain

They hide the jocks hurt

They’re made to hide what shouldn’t be seen

But when will they be removed?

Views: 73

Replies to This Discussion

Second stanza, fourth and sixth sentences stops the flow, might think a rewrite.  

Third stanza, third sentence, very powerful! 

The ending leaves more to come. Powerful piece with a lot of emotion. 

Just a thought; forth stanza down:

Masked are those who love and hide

amongst themselves in hope 

Just a thought...


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