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Men with Pens is a great website for freelancers and anyone interested in pursuing a freelance writing career. I really liked this article on how not to become increasingly introverted because you're working alone.

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I saw a great cartoon once that had a freelancer stepping out into the yard and being scared of the big fiery ball in the sky LOL. It's very easy to get used to working alone and being in your own space. I make an effort to be sociable because it keeps me grounded and is an excellent stress reliever. It also makes me take a break and get fresh air.
Writing by its nature is usually a solitary activity. I've discovered that a change in location, whether it be outdoors or even another area of my home, can stimulate the creative juices. I've found that writing outdoors can be both refreshing and relaxing. Public venues, such as libraries, airports and even trains, are relaxing for me, but research is reserved for the man cave.
I agree, Jim. A change is as good as a rest. I don't know how you could work in an airport with all the activity that's going on around you there. I need quiet and more quiet.

Jim McGinley said:
Writing by its nature is usually a solitary activity. I've discovered that a change in location, whether it be outdoors or even another area of my home, can stimulate the creative juices. I've found that writing outdoors can be both refreshing and relaxing. Public venues, such as libraries, airports and even trains, are relaxing for me, but research is reserved for the man cave.


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