Philip Nork


Henderson, NV

United States

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John Steinbeck

Comment Wall:

  • scribbler

    Hi Philip! Welcome to Nice to meet you. I hope I'll see you around the forum and groups. :)
  • Kay Elizabeth

    Welcome aboard, Philip! :) It's good to meet you. I look forward to getting to know you.
  • Philip Nork

    First-time author Philip Nork brings Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male to life!

    “Mars and Venus…The battle of the sexes? Men and women alike will enjoy the book that just might end the relationship war!”

    First-time author Philip Nork and AuthorHouse are happy to announce the release of this “highly entertaining and unique trip back in time.” Follow a young boy on his confusing and challenging journey of self-discovery, and his yearning to become the “real” yet sensitive man he longs to be.

    Sit back and enjoy the incredible journey of a young boy whose parents get divorced, and how he tries desperately to be accepted for who he is and also longs to be happy once again.

    Life lessons are all around us, you just have to see them and react accordingly. Along his journey a young boy learns lessons which all men need to know…ones that most women want them to use…such as:

     Be different, sincere, and make females feel special.
     Girls remember the good things and want to reciprocate.
     See the difference in everyone and celebrate it.
     Girls want to be heard: guys need to be better listeners.

    But as he applies these lessons, the young boy also learns another lesson: using a good thing the wrong way has its dire consequences.

    Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male allows the readers to not only experience a unique journey, but also to relive their own...and to see how the actions that they followed may have been perceived.

    “Women will want to have someone like Phil enter their life, while men will wish they were more like him. Either way, all will be thoroughly entertained.”

    Philip Nork lives in Henderson, Nevada and is already working on the second book in this series, Sensitivity 102: Choices. Go to his blog at to see more information about him and the book.

    Available at and E-book available at
  • The Outlaw


    My name is The Outlaw co-host of The Writer's Block on We are interested in an interview with you about your book. The show airs live at 8pm to 9pm est and the show is all about the writing genre. We interview authors and poets, illustrator and editors, anyone in the writing genre.

    Please let me know if you are interested, and your availability for Wednesdays between 8pm and 9pm est. The interview is conducted via phone, please send the contact number and we will call when it is time for the interview, usually about 8:10 - 8:15 and it lasts 20 - 25 minutes talking about the book and the author and any other projects the author may have.

    You can reach me by email at and I will get you scheduled.

    Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
  • Ellen Ward

    Congratulations Philip - what a great accomplishment.
  • David Lucero

    Congrats Philip for your recognition on! I'm sure you deserve it!

    Keep on writing!

  • Don Dockery

    welcome to my world, And I look forward to all the new friendships I am making here. And I know you will be a great help to me in the guidance and expierence you have already had. thank you for being a friend.
  • Susan Weed

    Welcome to, Phil. Congratulations on the book. I look forward to getting to know you better.
  • Stephen Gray

    I see you live in Henderson. I live over by Nellis,and Flamingo,with my wife in Pulte's "Stallion Mountain" I wonder if you would like to have a cup of coffee some time,or come to my home for Mexican food. I would like to talk about writing,and some of your experiences.
    Stephen Gray
  • Stephen Gray

    Here is my e-mail ( Look forward to getting together.
    Steve Gray
  • Jaison Paulina

    I do look forward to a good and productive discussion in the near future. I have began a lot of just jot an idea here and another there. Now I have completed my first novel and I just cannot stop writing. Though I am seeking a publisher currently I am still looking at other writing techniques that I can be active in.