Mark A. Santomieri


Waynesboro, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Favorite Genre or Category
Science Fiction
Favorite Book
The Stand
Favorite Author
Frank Herbert

Comment Wall:

  • scribbler

    Nice to meet you Mark. Welcome to :) I hope you enjoy being amongst us. I'll pass this on to any writers I come across that are in your vicinity.
  • Mark A. Santomieri

    Gentle Friend,
    Please let me iterate what I posted without full disclosure. . .I am the president of the Waynesboro Library Foundation, an author and am currently working with an agent to publish a collaborative novel. By collaborative, I mean several other writers are on board and have helped to devolpe the fiction. Also, there is a new collaborative:, called The Big Blue Ball; this is an anthology of poetry; these are mini-tales of what we like best about our planet Earth. Should you like to be a part of any of this fun stuff, just get in the string. Mail me at your leisure at
  • Kay Elizabeth

    That will keep you very busy I bet Mark! You might want to join the Poetry section in Groups and post about The Big Blue Ball there too if you haven't already. A warm welcome to you, Mark. is a great place to be. Enjoy yourself! :)
  • The Outlaw


    My name is The Outlaw co-host of The Writer's Block on We are interested in an interview with you about your book. The show airs live at 8pm to 9pm est and the show is all about the writing genre. We interview authors and poets, illustrator and editors, anyone in the writing genre.

    Please let me know if you are interested, and your availability for Wednesdays between 8pm and 9pm est. The interview is conducted via phone, please send the contact number and we will call when it is time for the interview, usually about 8:10 - 8:15 and it lasts 20 - 25 minutes talking about the book and the author and any other projects the author may have.

    You can reach me by email at and I will get you scheduled.

    Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
  • David Lucero

    Congrats on being featured on, Mark! As an author myself I appreciate being recognized for what I enjoy. Keep on writing!

  • Cricket

    way to go! "write on", indeed! :)
  • Mark A. Santomieri

    Thanks to all for the positive feedback!
    I just posted a snippet from my up and coming chidlren/tween story, Trilla and The Mystic Troll. Though not a Tokien or Potter type of tale, it deals with a lot of things that inspire young imaginations. I've been telling this tale to my grands for years, and now that they are adults, they scream at me to finish it and are going for the throat about it.
    I also thank you all for your support. I can further say that I have a lot to offer as an editor and proofreader, so if you need help, let me know. I am up to date with industry standards and can help you keep your work from ending up the dreaded "round file".
  • Mark A. Santomieri

    I would like to invite all to peek at my blogging.
    The main two topics are character development, "head hopping", and writer's block. I also posted a children/tween book teaser. I am currently in the polishing phase of my latest novel, which is where the real work begins. I am old school in my approach to publishing; in other words, self and e publishing worry me. A manuscript in hand is worth two in the ether, any day in my book.
    Trust your words and they will trust you back.
  • Robert L. Bacon

    Hey Mark,

    Your comments are excellent and spot on. As I stated in the article, there are exceptions, and certain writers can handle POV shifts seamlessly. However, I edit manuscripts from writers at every skill level. And this is the rub. The overwhelming majority of material I receive with POV issues would not be acceptable to the agents or other editors I know.

    I don't make the rules, and I certainly can't change them, no matter how much I might disagree with many. All I can do as an editor is try to do the best I can to see that material will past muster with the agents I have relationships with and the major royalty publishers they in turn work with.

    I also agree with your comment on homogeneity. But I have found, unfortunately from abundant personal experiences, that POV is right up there with Showing vs. Telling as a hurdle for unpublished writers to have to reconcile if they want to get through the agent/publisher gauntlet.

    Finally, the main trust behind the article was that writers understand the problems POV shifts create if the reader cannot distinguish who is speaking or who the scene is written around. No writer should get a free pass for this, whether it be Saul Bellow, Larry McMurtry, or the book I'm currently reading by cozy mystery writer Rochelle Krich.

    Mark, I enjoy you intelligence and appreciate your quality introspection. You will be an asset to my Newsletter group, and I'll look forward to any suggestions you might have for material.

    Regards, and best of luck with your projects.

  • Kay Elizabeth

    Mark, I'd love to come to a scheduled chat. I've started a new thread on the forum to put the word out and see who's interested. My original one's old now. I can manage anytime from about 7 and am flexible.
  • Kay Elizabeth

    Sounds good to me, Mark. Once we see what kind of response we get to the thread it'll be easier to work out what to do and when that everybody can enjoy. :)
  • Mary Barton Wilcox

    First Rose has already been published. Its release date is April 20, 2010. I am sorry I did not make that clear when first joining. Thanks.
  • Pink Asassin

    Hey, thanks! Let me return the favor,lol XD