Mary Barton Wilcox

85, Female

Locust Grove, OK

United States

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John Steinbeck

Comment Wall:

  • scribbler

    Nice to meet you Mary. You’ve come to a good place to meet other writers. :) Welcome to I’ll look forward to learning more about you.
  • Mary Barton Wilcox

    First of all I do not get online much. My husband has the "computer watch" and only respond when he brings it to my attention. lol I am delighted to meet other authors. I have been in the artist circles so long, I have almost forgotten how to be social. However, with First Rose I have drawn interest from demographics that otherwise I would not. Thanks for your encouraging reply.
  • Jaison Paulina

    I am glad to have had a request by you as we may be able to be an inspiration to each other. I write poems, in fact I have just completed my first novel of poetry. The toughest part is to get a publisher. I do look forward to futureconversation, have a wonderful day.
  • Don Dockery

    Welcome to the wonderful world of writting, this is and exelent place to be and or start as I am doing my self. Best wishes. Pick up that pen and write it down, you never know when it might come to light. Welcome. Don
  • Robert L. Bacon

    Hi Mary,

    Congratulations on your book. It sounds exceptional and I wish you the best of luck with it. Should this be of interest, every other Tuesday I publish a free newsletter on writing and the major royalty publishing industry as I know it. Should you like to receive my newsletter, please visit my web site at and scroll to the bottom of the page for the simple sign up form. Also, it's great to find someone who still appreciates the classics. Regards, Rob
  • Charles Wise

    Hi Mary, thanks for the invite. Your book sounds fascinating, and I think your timing was excellent--perhaps God-intentioned is a better word. I'm working on a project right now and I would like to get some input, if you get a chance, concerning your ordination. I look forward to getting to know you. Charles
  • Mark A. Santomieri

    Hey Mary,
    Thank you for a chance to get to know you. I hope that down the road we can be of mutual assistance to eachother.
    Be good, clever and kind.
    I look forward to more.

    My best,
  • Mark A. Santomieri

    As another thought just popped in, Mary. . .
    You have the substance of a query letter to an agent encapsulated in your last post. When you finish the manuscript, I would highly suggest that you re-read this post.
    I will be glad to be of assistance.
  • Anna L. Walls

    Hello Mary, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. I too am trying to make connections. Welcome to my corner of the world. If you go to my website, you can connect with me in other places. - leave a comment or two if you're inclined.
  • Mary Barton Wilcox

    I am convinced that very good books, well written...sell. If my book doesn't sell a reasonable amount of copies, I will rewrite my sequel, lol. However, I hate rewriting. But that is life! At the age of 70 I will still plug along until my writing equals my art. Try, try, try again I say until life rewards you!
  • Anna L. Walls

    Thanks, I appreciate you're stopping by.
  • Kay Elizabeth

    Welcome aboard Mary! :) Have fun and many congrats on the book. You’ve discovered a nice crowd here at and I hope you'll pop by often.