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The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck
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too many to mention.

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  • Alan Rogers

    Thank you for the welcome...Alan
  • thernell johnson

    Thank you...I am not a professional goal in writing is to get messages out that I hope will help people who may be experiencing some of the same challenges in life that I am experiencing. I write only to help. I thank you so much for your time and interest.
  • Laurel Karry

    Hi Scribbler,

    My apologies for such a tardy response. I'm not quite sure how to connect with Should I post some writings?
    Thanks for linking up with me.

  • Kamau Ken

    Hey Scribbler, thanks for the friend request. Its such a pleasure to meet you as my first friend on Let me know more about you, we may just be better friends.

  • Jaye Murphy

    Hey Scribbler, thanks for the the warm welcome; and I hope to produce more writing in the near future.
  • Garry Edward Lewis

    Hey Scribbler, thanks for the friends request! I'm a new author, I've got two books published, one a fictional thriller thru entitled The Curse Of The Devil's Wolf Strap. I've written two more books on this series so it will be a trilogy.Hope to have them published thru LuLu in near future. I also have a Mystery Novel out entitled The Rileyville Mystery thru Publish America.I've completed a sequel to it as well.I love writing fiction!
  • Hui Zhen Ni

    Thanks Scribbler for the warm welcome. I hope I could learn from you and this site as well.
  • Garry Edward Lewis

    I've got the dreaded dial up internet so photo will be added later. I wasn't sure if I could add links to my other sights or not where my books are shown? I have a my space link, facebook, authorsden, Lulu, as well as a PA link too! May have to have my teenage son to help me with that! "I'm old school," or should I say "old fart" so all this modern technology leaves me flustered at times LOL
  • shanziwe mugwagwa

    thank you so much scribbler...cant wait so learn also..en read about your writings too...keep in touch

  • Dairenna VonRavenstone

    It's nice to met you too! There's a few other sites I found to try and connect with other authors but I have not recieved much of a response from them. This is the first site I've been to that actually has a tight community base.

    As for my name, it's a combination of penname and real name.

    I have a website if you want to learn a bit more about me, or you could always ask. I'm generally a very open person. :)

    I have to say, I don't think I've met many people who enjoy essay writing as a type of literature. I normally read essays when I need to research, I don't go hunting for them to read for leisure. I find it quite interesting that you're an essay-type person (if that makes any

    Thank you again for the comment.
  • Michael Rossi

    Thank you, as you can tell I am getting it all together now. I look forward to learning all I can.
  • Denise Rago

    Hi Scribbler,

    Thanks for the warm welcome.
  • Richard Paa Bofi Botchwey

    well, i am a young writer from Ghana. i have written seven books but now in search of a publisher. i write spiritual, inspirational, Poems, essays books. i do memoir writings too. well, i was endowed with this knack for writing in my DNA. for more info, contact me: or visit or
    hope to heard from you
  • Barbara Hartmann King

    Thank you for your welcome. I write outback sagas. The trilogy I have completed is set on the CentralTablelands (Carnarvon Gorge area) in Queensland, Australia. I love the huge landscapes and the interesting people that live there. I write fiction (sometimes based on truth) set in the history and politics of the time.
    Cheers, Barbara.
  • natasha augustin

    Thanks for welcoming me I'm glad to be here.I'm a begginer actually my first book I'd like to have published is called "The Outsiders" Its more of a book for 8 year olds and up.
    I have yet to complete it and make a manucript. that is giong to take some time though.
  • mike noiseux

    Thanks I am completing a documented true story about 25yrs employment at a univesity while ill with multiple sclerosis and the trials and torment because of clerks's disability there were some funny and sad stories .

    I have contacted author house in the usa who seem tohave agood marketing plan to distribute and sell books

    rgds mike email
  • mike noiseux

    I did and pressed add coment and got this reply
  • Aaron C. Riser

    Thanks for the welcome and I look forward to being a part of this community. Sorry for replying so late but I'm a late, late, night owl - I enjoy the peace and quiet and no phones ringing.

    I've been writing thought provoking essays and you can get a taste of that writing on my newly started blog at A Few Thoughts if that dosen't take you there this is the address (link)

    Take a look and let me know what you think. I'm not interested in a critique of the subject matter, but the writing style. Even though I blog I'm focusing on writing children's stories and that's where I'll need the help.
  • Michael Sardone

    Thank you scribbler, nice to be here.
  • Brittany Nicole McNemar

    This is for good luck!
  • mike noiseux

  • Aline Teixeira

    Thank you so much and nice to meet you too, Scribbles!
    I'll try! Promisse and hope all of you, friendly people that received me, correct me when I fail.

  • krystina june crim

    Jerry spinelli writes different kinds of books my favorite books of his is smiles to go and eggs
  • Charlene Davis, BSW, MSW

    Hello Scribbler: I am so so bless to be here. My book is called Pay Attention to the Red Flags. I love to write. I am striving to finish the second book. Thanks for making me feel so welcome. Tell me what you write about. Each of you have been so supportive.
  • Monty Bradney

    Well thank-you scribbler....I'm working on horror piece that i hope is a compelling read that tests one's faith but utlimately reconfirms it....We shall see...
  • Cheyene M. Lopez

    Thank you for accepting my friendship request.
    Author, Cheyene M. Lopez
  • Luke Kursar

    I have written a military science fiction novel called Showdown On Litherax. I am with the Strategic Book group, they are taking the manuscript to China to the Bejing Book expo to be exhibited to Chinese publishing companies. I shall find out in a week or two if it is accepted, then one billion people will read the book.
  • Shruti Chandra Gupta

    Hi scribbler,

    Thanks for the invite. This is the only place where I see people interested in my writings. lol. Well, I write literary fiction and am currently working on a novel. It is a memoir so it comes close to autobiography and maybe you will like it.

    Glad to be here with writers.
  • Garry Edward Lewis

    Hey Scribbler! Just wanted to let you know I did join self publishing group, thanks for the invite! Best wishes Garry .
  • Sandie Newman

    Hi Scribbler, thanks so much for your welcome, it's exciting to be here. I will have a look at that group you mentioned. I'm still finding my way around this site as I only just started but know I'm going to love it.
  • Anna Miller

    Hi thank you for letting me know.
  • Anna Miller

    oh thanks for telling me.:]
  • ss awasthy

    thank you very much. there are many things in life which we can share as good friends. let me know more about what you do etc
  • Sasha Gaye Wynter

    thank u for your welcome and if you have any advice to give on how to become a great author,please let me know. i look forward to hearing from and blessings=)
  • Pink Asassin

    Thanks Scribbler. I know they're not the only people out there, but when even the people I trust most start cowaring when I mention my stories, I just wonder how anyone else could like them... They're just too strange I guess, my story ideas I mean, but I don't like writing normal things.... It's boring,lol. XD Anyway, that's what I'll do; not show them to anyone, just write them for me. :)
  • Lora M.N. Riznyk

    I finished school in America, for the year, and my parents aren't sure if they're gonna home school me yet or what. I'm sure I'll enjoy it though. :)
  • SR Clowes

    Hi Scribbler
    Thanks for the welcome. I'm in the process of writing my first novel which I started years ago. In the novel there is a flashback part, this happens to be so big I have had to write a novella as a prelude to the main novel.
    Hows your writing?
  • Yvonne Swinger

    Thank you for the welcome. I'm excited about being here and experiencing the new kid on the block feeling.
  • Ricardo Fournier

    Thaks for the welcome.
  • Ursula

    Hi scribbler, thanks for the welcome! Having survived monster monday, I'll have a gander here and learn to find my way round. :) tc
  • Nicholas Osei-Mensah

    Hi Scribbler,

    Thanks for your concern, I am author of gospel books and minister of the gospel, Ghanaian living in The Netherlands.
    Stay blessed.
  • Lynn Schneider

    Thank you! I have self-published one novel and my second is just about ready. I am in marketing mode and looking for ways to connect and get the word out there, about my work. I hope to become active on the site.
  • R.J. Hamilton

    You can read the synopsis on my webpage to see if you're interested...
  • sajia hafeez gillani

    yeah i love reading books since my schoolage.. bt nw due to sum daily life routine i couldnt findout much time for reading.. so nw m apart o ds literally site to get lots abt books...
  • Brooklynn Macey Derryberry

    Thank you for welcoming me. It's greatly appreciated.
  • Allena Faye Dulaney

    Hi Scribbler, I sent you an anwer, but I think it went that-a-way---hard to tell where it went. my blog which I just started is but you could find out a lot more about me on facebook. Tell me about yourself, please
  • Pamela S. Smith

    Thank you for your friends request, not sure how this works so please bear with me, have a blessed evening, Pam
  • Sheendy Estela-Genita

    thank you!
  • Marie

    Hey! Thanx so much 4 tha comment. Hope 2 hear 4rm u soon :)

  • Clarrissa Lee Moon

    Thanks for friending me. Ask any questions you want about my series! I'll do my best to answer! however, starting the 8 or 9th I wont have access to the internet again until the 16th.Take care!