erma jane Young


Yellville, AR

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Favorite Genre or Category
Favorite Book
any book,-mystery-westerns-romance-sci fiction-ceral boxes
Favorite Author
, any author- mystery- western-sci-fiction-ceral boxes

Comment Wall:

  • Kay Elizabeth

    Welcome to erma. :) Enjoy yourself! Great to have you here. Please tell us all about what you write.
  • scribbler

    Nice to meet you erma jane. Welcome aboard. :) I hope you enjoy being amongst us and I’ll look forward to hearing more about your writing.
  • scribbler

    Hi erma, I'm not sure why your posts would disappear. I've reported it on your behalf to You can do so with any issue by using the Report An Issue link at the very bottom of every page.It's at the bottom right. I'm seeing your post just fine.


    Please try again and see if it's still happening. Are you sure you're not simply overlooking it? When a comment is made, the box empties and you need to scroll down to see the comments underneath the box. The only time it shouldn't display right away is if the member has chosen to moderate comments before making them public in their Settings.