Callie Leah


Shorter, AL

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Favorite Genre or Category
Mystery and Crime
Favorite Book
Gone With The Wind
Favorite Author
J.K. Rowling

Comment Wall:

  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Callie, I am new to Authors. com and I am finding that this is a great way to get to know other others, if you would like to know more about me and my books, you are welcome to view my blog. I hope to hear from you
  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Callie, it was fun to hear back from you, and this will be such a fun way to stay in touch on how things are going with every one. I have a new website that will be available to view on Monday Nov.9th if you would like to check it out. let me know what you think. Thanks Callie.
  • Phillip Christoffersen

    Thanks for your comment
  • Nora Wilson

    So I noticed you have a liking for mystery? i have been kicking around an idea about a book about a young sleuth. well technically 15 year old. =] I wrote a paragraph in one of my blogs about it for people to get the taste of his character. I'd love it if you checked it out and gave me some feedback! =]
  • Cricket

    and you are an interesting young author:)!
  • Garry Edward Lewis

    welcome a board Callie! I write fictional fantasy, and Mystery.
  • Garry Edward Lewis

    My problem has been not being able to find literary agent that's intersted in my work. So I've had to go the self publish route, which I have not had much success at selling my books on line. Even dropping the prices has not seemed to help? So now I'm thinking of next year purchasing my books and then using my store on Authors den to sell autographed copies of my books from home. I'm not expecting to be the next Stephen King, I just want to get my books some exposure. I'm all over the search engines, I've got a profile on, I'm doing book reviews, movie reviews, I have listamania list, to achieve extra exposure but as of yet no book sales to speak of. It's really heart breaking. As I believe in my books.
  • Garry Edward Lewis

    Also next year I plan to visit some book stores see if they will allow me to display my works, offer to do book signings if they'd like me to. Financially this year it's just not possible. But next year I'll have more funds to work with to promote my books even more agressively.
  • halim abdelrahman

    hey Callie, thanks for answering my question what brought you into the authoring world. your story is a lot like mine, I hated books and writing and reading, practicably anything to do with books. I was wondering, have you ever published a book? I still haven't I'm only fourteen, I was hoping you knew, thanks again!!!
  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Callie,

    Its been a while since I have been here or heard from you. are you on face book? please let me know I would like to stay in touch.


    I would love to hear from you to see how thin gs are going

    Lisa Brereton

  • halim abdelrahman

    hey Callie, i have an answer for your question about school and how hard is it to leave people alone. ive seen people get bullied in my high school. and its virtaully impossible for a high school- or any school- to have no bulls. its very disapionting. they do it to make themselfs feel better than that certain person. very disaponting...... the weirdest part is is that im now fourteen and ive never been bullied. i guess im lucky, i hope you were too. i mean it in a complament thank you.

     from your over talkative fellow author, halim