

United States

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The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck
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too many to mention.

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  • Thomas J Ault

    I see you are a Scribbler...would this be a group I am aware of?
  • samuel lewis

    i look forward for  the oppurtunity to be able to share my work with all who are looking to read and to be informed at the same time. that is the corner stone of a sam lewis presentation.  
  • Thomas J Ault

    I belonged to a group of writers in Florida known as "The Scribblers" have to be good!

    They helped me form a much better writing habit and pushed me into more writing than I had done before, consequently 9 books out there, self published.

  • Gabrielle Bisset

    Hi!  Thanks so much for the welcome.  I look forward to meeting people like me who love to write here.


    Have a great night!


    Gabrielle Bisset

  • F. E. Lockyer

    Thank you for the welcome. I'm really excited about joining and meeting new people!
  • Danny(jaxie)

    i really hope so, i'm only 14 now and scared out of my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anna L. Walls

    Hello Scribbler.  Welcome to my corner of the world.
  • Ndabavunyi Evariste Manzi

    Very nice to read from you .
    lets be good friends and AFRICA will recogniz you starting by me.
    want to hear more from you.
  • Ndabavunyi Evariste Manzi

    I dont have much to say

    but when it literally constructed,simple and informative

    it is very nice.Very bad if sophisticated and regionnal.

    remember that we don't have more from you in AFRICA

    especially in Uganda.Not so? 

  • walter povajnuk

    Hi Scribbler!One has to learn through the process of fumbling.In my learning,thanks to Kay Elizebeth,Idiscouvered that bold letters are shouting! I am in a terrific mood today, thanks to the success of The Kings Speech in the acedemy awards.All four of them.I am writing my life story! I am a stutterer that through serindipity,improved my speech by 85% instantly.I have led a very interesting life,I plan to finnish and publish my book shortly.Thank you for replying.Wwwally
  • Create With Joy

    Thank you for your welcome, Scribbler!  I look forward to getting to know you and reading your posts!



    Create With Joy

  • Laurel

    Thank you scribbler. I look forward to being a part of and participating. have a great day.
  • Ann Rodela

    Thanks for the warm welcome Scribbler!  I hope you had a great weekend.  :)
  • Giovanni Gelati

    Thanks, I hope to be here on a daily basis.
  • Susanna Lucas

    Thanks for your comments.I look forward to hear from you too. It's nice to get an opinion of my writing. I haven't shared much lately. Thanks again. Susanna
  • Sally Pomeroy

    Hi Scribbler,  You welcomed me quite a while ago when I first joined Authors, but it has taken me a while to figure myself out here.  I will enjoy getting to know you.  Thanks for the welcome.
  • Brooklynn Macey Derryberry

    Yeah, during the snow and ice we had recently in missouri. I fell down when my friends left me at 10:00 at night. I had bad headaches since then! My mom took my to the doctor and they scheduled me an appointment for a catscan. THey took three tubes of blood from me to have it tested, and we had to do the catscan four times because i couldnt stop shaking. They thought i had a tumor but it turned out that I have bad anxiety, and when i feel stressed or strained or under pressure blood vessels in my head pop and it causes me to have headaches but its getting better!! I have medicine for it now. Thanks for caring! I really appreciate it.
  • Marieh Krizel Plaza

    Red Ribbon
  • Christi Gutierrez

    Thank you :) I'm just a sophmore in high school, so i had a hard time finding people who have enough writing experience to help me with certain aspects of writing. It looks like I stumbled on the right place though.
  • Farah Mughal

    Nice to hear from you. Being a scientist I usually write scientific manuscripts. How about you. Let me know about good reads. I am a Jeffery Archer fan but also read other authors.

  • Christos Rodoulla Tsiailis

    Thanks for the welcome.  I do hope I make friends with other authors
  • Keith Rice

    hi, i,m new at this.i,m not sure where or how to type my poem.could you tell me where to go to post my work so people can find it.thanks for any help.
  • Shanetria Peterson

    Thanks. Nice to meet you too!!
  • Wanda Lee Bobo

    Hi scribbler, nice to meet you.  Thanks for your kindness.  This is my first book and just received my author's copy today.  It really turned out a lot nicer than it looked in my manuscript.
  • Jenny jo McLandsborough

    wow thank you, i would love to wright kids books but not sure how to start it, or get it started.
  • Everett Powers

    Thanks. Trying to figure all this social media stuff out. I'm familiar with forums but Twitter, Facebook, etc... Yowsa.
  • Cyndee Davis

    Thanks!  I am new and trying to learn how it works.  I'm primarily a copywriter at this point, but have other plans, too.  Thanks for the greeting.
  • Dara Marie Skala

    I dont have credits... lol that you for adding me and making me feel welcome!
  • Ernest Lijoi

    My name is Ernie Lijoi Sr. of Brooklyn, N.Y. and I am a story teller. I began writing at age 65, after retirements from deep cover investigations. Now at 67 I have three books published. They are: “Street Business” available now, “Shoveling the Tide” and “Chasing Snow”, which will be available. I have four others waiting for review and I am working on a movie project based on my writing. The script is completed and we are doing the business plan. We have several known actors attached at this point.
    If you have some free time, you can learn more about me at my site.

    thanks again, Ernie Lijoi Sr.
    aka, Eddie Pannoni

  • dee horwitz

    What have you written or what do you like to write?
  • Katelyn M. Jordon Jackson

    Red Ribbon
  • Joanne Lewis

  • Katelyn M. Jordon Jackson

    Thank you and it is a great pleasure to meet you as well. I hope to get to know you better as well.

    Much Love

    God Bless


  • lorie

    thank you for your welcome!
  • R.J. Hamilton

    Thanks! Sorry I took so long to reply, but I don't get on here that often.
  • Kerry Mirza

    Sorry been a little crazy this week. I am very glad to be here. I just published my first book Soul Mates through Tate publishing. The story is aimed at teen young adult though a few of my adult friends have read it and said they got into it just fine(Amen). Basically I have been looking around trying to find new ways to market my book, its a ghost story/love story. Its been an adventure I have to say LOL!


  • Cleveland W. Gibson

    And thanks for the welcome. It looks a good site. Guess we both must be lucky as the sun is shining.



  • Christopher Quintin Scafidi

    Hello Scribbler,
    Thank you for accepting me as your friend on  I appreciate it very much and look forward to learning more about your work.

    Your friend in New Orleans,
    CQ Scafidi

  • M R Carner

    Thank you, I'm still trying to learn the in and outs of the site.
  • Shaky Shergill



    Many thanks for the welcome. I've recently set up a site to share some of my poetry and other writing:



    More soon,

    Love and blessings,


  • Kelli McCracken

    Nice meeting you too and thanks for the welcome.
  • Sheri L. Wright

    Red Ribbon
  • Sheri L. Wright

    Thanks Scribbler. I'll give it look. Pleased to meet you. Drop by anytime for a virtual cuppa.
  • Delphine Pontvieux

    thak you Scribbler! ;-)
  • Elizabeth Marcellin

    Hi Scribbler! Thank you for the welcome message! I really appreciate your time stopping by :) People do seem very nice and helpful, this is a great place!
  • Debra A. Patrow

    Thank you for your kind words.  I'm am hoping to be able to enjoy and learn from all of you.
  • Reba Stanley


    Thank you, I'm glad to be here. I hope in about 24 hours I will have some good news to tell about my next book.

  • Mellanie Crouell

    Scribbler sorry I am just responding to your comment. Thank you! Please keep me informed on your success.
  • Angela Passaro

    Thank you for the link, Scribbler.  Over the past week, I realized that the reason why I found it difficult to write was because I felt so overwhelmed by the project I had taken on.  I planned to brief all the court opinions cited in each Gilberts Outline Series (civil procedure, contracts, torts, criminal law, evidence, property, constitutional law, conflict of laws, wills and trusts, and remedies) and publish them online in a book.  Now, I realize that I just can't do what I would like to do in the time that I have available to me.  Now, I will just read all the court opinions cited in each Gilberts' Outline Series and save my energy on completing an ongoing book on domestic violence in California.  This book will provide an abstract of each of  the court opinions and statutes on domestic violence from the 1900s to the present.  I have three degrees, but I have decided to change my career (again) to that of a legal assistant with an encyclopedic knowledge of the law.


    The link was very helpful to me and I will refer to it again and again.


  • Angela Passaro

    I chose legal assistant instead of attorney because I simply don't have the money to go to law school.