halim abdelrahman


Drummondville, Quebec


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Night world
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L.J. Smith

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  • Kay Elizabeth

    Welcome to Authors.com halim. :) Enjoy yourself! Great to have you here. Please tell us all about what you write.
  • scribbler

    Nice to meet you halim. Welcome aboard. :) I hope you like it here! I look forward to hearing all about your writing.
  • Betzy Crypt

    ummm planning to soon. Im 17 years old, writing a series now. lol i plan to publish it, eventually, once i come to age...lol You? what have u written? your 14 right? young! lol nice.
  • Betzy Crypt

    hahaha, well im turning 18 soon. so still older than u! lol haha its cute cuz i started my series when i was 12. . lol all i shall say is to prepare yourself for the future1 and DO NOT give up on ur writing k??? to be an author, or a writer, i believe there is an age limit, especially college is nesscary. i plan to publish Right after ccollege or even before, depends. u?
  • Betzy Crypt

    haha and its alright dude, lol just pissed me off that u used the term of goth negativly. f*** it, all is well. lol
  • Betzy Crypt

    hahaha, well im preety good at the moment, enjoying and savoring the beginning of my spring break . u? haha, sure i agree with u, there is no such age limit. but to be a PUBLISHED RESPECTED author lol u gotta be old enough, have u ever seen a 16 year old author giving advice about writing on a interview?? no. lol no one would care when theres authors like anne rice and stephan king out there. etc. you get me young one? lol hahah im planning to write them all first , then publish them all , so i wont leave my readers hanging. lol im writing a book series, a saga, of 5 books. and novels afterwards. etc. lol i have some scenes up on my page here, if u wish to read be my guest. lol disturbed lust 2 is my fave. lol had fun writing that one! lol u have any posted?? i wish to read ur work. hahah the entire world has people whom we will never meet that have done so much. yeah ive been writing for 6 years? yup. lol trust me the more experience u have, the more books u read, the more years that pass,  the greater the writer u become. ;) haha, that fucken sounded like a quote.
  • Betzy Crypt

    damn how recently? lol hahaha you dont like young one? i tend to call people that who are at least 2 years younger than me. lol nice 7 books? care to share the storyline with me? lol another point is the fact, the press and agents wont take u seriously if ur young and fresh outta high school. college shows knowledge. lol i understand struggles trust me, family drama always occur. i use that s*** as inspiration, real pain amd distress can leave a mark in your writing. haha, mean critic eh? lol alright. um enjoy em i soppose, all?? lol is that what u intend to do?? cuz its a LOT of writing, lol whatever do as u will. lol leave a comment if u will. lol yup, main character is a goth vampire. lol u bet ur ass itll be fun!! lol put up a small scene if u can dude! i still wish to read!
  • Betzy Crypt

    Hahahahaha well aint it obvious? His name is James. Lol didn’t u read the introduction I wrote>?  Lol tells u basically. Ill put up a short fight scene just for u k?  u read the first one? Lol I wrote that one like 2 years ago. Lol  um the other one tainted desires 2 disturbed lust, I wrote lately, a few months back. Read that one if u like. Um. Haha, um, I like to write behind the eyes of a guy. Lol They are funner to toy with.  I switch between the 2. I soppose. I really don’t know who i im aiming my books towards, young adults I soppose? It isn’t for children I TELL YOU THAT! Lol, Awww, you’re a supreme ruler to me! Lol ill put up the fight scene now k/? what page are u on in your first book, young one? lol
  • Betzy Crypt

    haha, hope your still there dude, just posted it now. enjoy. ;) um...

    yeah.. lol NOT for kids, lol In my books i cuss a lot, and Sex is always active. lol haha

    well ive been on this website for about,.. almost 2 years now? lol u ? fresh meat? lol

  • Betzy Crypt

    So! why not give me some insight upon ur books? main charter? 1st person? 3rd? ;) please share. lol
  • Betzy Crypt

    ha, harsh critic my ass. lol haha, pete? really? lol he's a REAL dick i tell u that. just in that scene i wanted to make him just crazed with eagerness. lol im glad u liked it dude. haha, u dont like cussing?? So! hows ur mothers womb? treating u well? sorry about my moms interruption last time we spoke. lol
  • Betzy Crypt

    hope ur getting plenty of milk! lol ;) hha, u dont know my mother, You would understand if u did. lol she doesnt deserve respect if she doesnt act like a mother. i babysit her. Its pitiful i tell u. lol I apprechiate the fact i have a mom, just wished she would actually take the role to the heart.  ha, so u read my random writing s***? lol okay.  awww...am i ur bad role model? what a shame. lol find another then, if u dont approve of me. ;P lol Im sorry i couldnt come at 3. lol Forgot to do so. u see, i Drink a LOT of coffee. The s*** removes memory. lol Ill be here tomarro though, I assure you. Bye now. lol Gonna go write.
  • Betzy Crypt

    hahaha i dont see myself being ANYONES role model. lol dont wanna be. lol but then again.... hey its 3, but i gotta leave  soon so wont be here to chat. just wanted to tell ya that. Coffee is the greatest creation ever, it may have given me diabetes, and f***** up my memory lol but i still love it, tea is also again. dont mind having some of that! but coffeee, ive grew up on. lol Since/......um 5th grade? yup. lol ha, yo! YOUR the fetus understand, lad? lol arent u a cute little youngster! ;) my life is at ease at the moment, THANK GOD. drama will be the death of me i assure u. how r u?  im sure elementary school isnt so rough nowadays.. lol but then again i heard they may be giving rid of recess. lol wont u suffer now? lol C ya dude. haha, 5 hours. jesus. lol who the hell does that?? ENJOY FACE BOOK With alllll its pointless values! lol -rolling eyes-*ridiculous*
  • Betzy Crypt

    JESUS!! lol you gotta bring up twilight of things! lol I f*cken hate that s*** SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. you have no idea, ruined the god da*n name of TRUE Vampires. Nosferatu! dracula! those are vampires! not glittery bull sh*t. lol Yeah, Ive been a role model to some people... lol I rather not be though. Psh, keep suckaling on ur mommys bosom. lol High school is alwways fn for freshman. once ur older you will see the retardation behind it all.. when ur a senior, speak to me again. lol those 4 years can be filled with such horrors, especially when ur a girl. like us. ;) lol jk drama always occur, right now im with in the boiling stage before it erupts again...
  • Betzy Crypt


    Your babysitter, Betty

  • Betzy Crypt

    Guys to tell u the truth are profounding pigs. Lol some I dislike sooo much, the rest I like. But women. The girls…selfish little liars, I assure u.  they all depend upon their looks to get them by, using their boobs and etc to get men. Just to f*** with their heads , beware k? Most teens of this generation are so ooo ignorant. Stupidity has surley gotten the better of them. And I swear…Girls, ALLL they do is gossip and talk s***. FAKE. All of them. U gotta find the good ones k? Back away from the school slut. LolAnd Dude, YOU. Are DEFINITELY not mentally older than me. Understand? Psh, insulting really, because ur supremely immature as it is. Lol I play along just to entertain u , young one. ;) Lol I am after all female, I like to f*** with mens head as well. JUST not by being fake. Haha, physically stronger? Cuz ur a guy? PLEASE! Lol I bet I could have ur face in dirt within seconds. ;)Age may be a number. But a number that Gains knowledge through every year u weren’t born.  Wisdom is superiority .  A warning from me to u. High school, after years becomes a daily repeat. The same friends, The same halls , the same rules. Same fucken s*** EVERY day, no matter the fact u get a new sceduale. Relationships that lasts weeks, teachers on ur ass daily. In the end, during ur senior year. U cant believe to see it nd. Youll miss it, but a part of u will be happy. That all of it is over. And then. Adulthood. Lol ;) freedom. And ive been awaiting it. ;)Highschool is slightly similar to that on tv. But to tell u the truth. NOT REALLY. All high schools are different. Mine, got a damn makeover. The halls LITERALLy looks like the damn set of high school musical. But there are no singing and all that other bull.  You’re a guy so itll be different to u, but the same image, you’ll know the backgroundof all high school drama, as the girls are the creators as well as the inside scoop of it. Consider yourself lucky. Lol
  • Betzy Crypt

    Ps, TWILIGHT SUCKS SOOOOOOOO MUCH ASS.  And ill be feeding you your baby formula shortly, or would u like  your bottle?  LolC ya squirt.
  • kjforce

    Happy Birthday Halim ..
    I am a humor writer, thanks for welcoming me...kjforce
    put "weedbychoice "in search engine
  • Durafshaan Habeeb


  • Betzy Crypt

    Ha! No.. Im not admiting S***. Your not stronger than me.  Or NOT EVEN mentally smarter. Lol and faster my ass! Lol Im an extremely fast runner. Lol My pe teachers kept pressuring me to join track! Lol  I didn’t.. Yup ima be 18 in 8 months…. So…I have a FAR MORE GREATER advantage to make u eat dirt., lol how u like them apples youngster?High school could be great, but u gotta avoid SOOOOO much to escape it with a smile u understand? Most girls, the girly, prep doll types are the ones u should stay away from. They would chew u up and spit u out. Lol especially a child like yourself.  I see this happen often at my school. Vice versa as well, guys screwing the girls over for someone prettier. Etc.Dude, u  ASK ME ADVICE. Lol Do I U? nope. Lol cuz why would I look down to someone inferior for guidance? Lol jk f****** with yaHaha, keep it up, try and keep ur name as 1 dude, ur gonna have to waste a lot of time here to do so. Lol I aint got the time now, fucken school and friends on my ass at the moment. EVERY moent. Why do u think I havent been on for a while. Lol And U miss me. Lol awwww.. Haha, usually you gain ur reputation from high school during junior year k? so freshman year doesn’t really matter, SOFTMORE DOES. ;)  what do u want to be seen as at school? The shy thoughtful child always writing and reading? Lol ha, That was kinda me in middle school and elementary, I would always be reading and writing, and thinking  but when people spoke to me, id be sarcastic as f***. Lol Ha, and Happy Birthday to You.  I know I promised a power ranger, but teletubbies would just have to do. lol
  • Betzy Crypt

    Your NOT GETTING A POWER RANGER!! THAT’S TOO RATED R FOR YOU! LolHahaha! Man!!! YOu are soooo young. Lol Its cute cuz You are so oblivious and curious. Lol Like a true child.  Well…For a kid whos always quiet reads and writes all the time, does work. Etc. Your probably become every teachers favorite, being the smart kid etc. Student of the month. Get a shitload of metals at ur graduation for ur dedication and intelligence. Etc.  PREEEETy much you’ll become something once older You see?  Because you took education seriously to begin with. Lol Most kids my age, neglect ANYTHING of education. Ditching, lazy. Just don’t care. Get like that, and you’ll acheieve nothing understand. BUUUUt if u want to be known as the SMART overachiever in school keep it up. Or just stay like the a and b student. Lol Like me.  HAHAHa You said Boy, instead of Man. Lol WAY TO PUT YOURSELF DOWN!! Lol told ya you’re a childDude, DATE ANYONE u fall for. doesn’t matter the type. Just Avoid the peppy, popular ones, Cuz hey will get u nowhere. Hmmm, im thinking since u r the writer type. Date the girl from The school newspaper club etc or something. ;) you get me?Hmm…well…in the beginning when u offended Goths, I grew irritable of u. I admit it. Saw u as a oblivious child. Now, Your not really as annoying.. Just stupid about the facts of reality. lol
  • Betzy Crypt

    s*** dude! lol what am i ? a counsler? lol whatever man keep the questions coming! lol its cute how clueless u are of high school and such. wow. lol well ill tell u what i think and KNOW. first thing though, haha u thought i was a 4o year old no life? what made u think that??  and excuse me, LITTLE sister? psh! some one is looking for a spanking from their"LITTLE" sister. which in ur view is SOOOO much more humiliating! anyyyyyyyyyways. emos. that girl that suddenly died her hair is a emo . what ive told u of. remember? is she a fan of crappy pop bands and twilight?? wears degrading outfits to MY people? lol type in emo on youtube. or watch that episode of south park i told u of. With the vampire emo kids mocking the goths. look it up. episode is called...um.. THE UNGROUNDABLE. k? STAY the f*** away from those kids! they will taint u with their stupidity as well as their ignorance! Yesss. im sure Youll become one of the such ur friends mentioned. career wise, what intersts u more? science? or writing ? because writing could  be a hobbie. for those who are extreamly passionate of it like me. lol its a automatic career choice. but ur having doubts.. so THAT should make u think what U really want...Ha! what did i say about the popular ones? i considering that she wants u as her man, just cuz she knows that ur smart...sooooo preety much a gold digger for knowledge. lol either that or shes trying to hook up one of her friends with u. its always the head girl that forms the guts to do so. gaining more reputation from her girls u c.....
  • Betzy Crypt

    Yeeeeeeah being new at a high school is kinda a downslide. especially since your a freshman. lol all i can say is make as many friends as possible. so they have ur back the coming years! the more people u grow aquainted to , the easier life will be in high school. less awkward u understand, lol as for that friend of urs. jealousy as easy as that young one. lol im guessing he had a reputation and ur new ass is tainting it. u understand? and yes everything ur telling me, i can TOTALLY relate to. I was THE FAST Kid. still am. ;) lol I was the smart one. the one everyone randomly knew, probably cuz im the only goth chick in school. lol anyways, girls are calling u out because ALL girls take interest in fresh meat, trust me i know. lol Curiousity condemn us all. lol i guess i can say we enjoy the eyecandy. lol understand? if u dont own up to the reputation girls want they will forget u and move on to another eyecandy. so if u want them to take interest in u . then do what u gotta do. lol hahahaha The quiet girl in the back?? psh! no that wasnt me. I was the sarcastic one, cracking jokes in every directon. lol u can say the class clown with attitude... lol Most of my jokes revolved around sex and witty remarks. Which got a looooooooooooot of guys attention. lol goth girl talkin sex lol i guess is a turn on? lol psh.
  • Betzy Crypt

    why don’t I like asking questions?   hmmmm well lets see… I HAVE NO QUESTIONS to ask u. Because I already know the answers myself silly! Lol why would a  adult ask a child for advice?? Idiotic!  Hahaha, lucky me, im street smart as well as brain smart. Lol ;) a chunk of both shall do u good. As for u, your mind seems to be focused upon book smarts. that’s good, but it means ur oblivious to the real world around u. And THAT’S not smart. Lol  Oh and one Thing I despise science. Lol so lets not speak of it shall we?    Writing and drawing and English in particular is my strongpoints. As Well Algebra. ;) I know what u mean by te teens of today. Why do u think I hate conformity so much? They insult the likes of humanity. Its disgusting how stupid people have become. You know why? Because they depend so much on technology amnd so on. So u and ur god damn face book can go to hell. Ol SOOOOOOO not going to do ur so bet. And Yes. U are ONE of the annoyingest kids I have ever met. But its alright. ;) be proud. Because your at least the smart  annoying.  The others are I think should be Mentally disabled. Once u meet them you’ll understand.Psh, why are u speaking of me in third??? Lol Why???Haha, and thanks for the compliments. And YES I saw that coming. Lol Why do you think I wrote on the chat one that one time that (“ your looking to see if u get laid? “  I was testing u. etc. lol Trust me I know More to a males mind then u think. STREET SMART! Lol And PLEASE don’t consider asking me out. Lol I know YOU KNOW  my answer.  Lol  thank god ur not my age.