Betzy Crypt

30, Female

Las Vegas, NV

United States

Profile Information:

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Favorite Literature Type
Favorite Genre or Category
Favorite Book
Escape from furnace,Cirque Du Freak Series, any Horror. Phantom by susan Kay
Favorite Author
Edgar allan poe! :)) darren shan, alexander gordon smith, i can't keep track!

Comment Wall:

  • scribbler

    Welcome to Betty! Nice to meet you. You and Andrew Kunz need to meet if you haven't already. He's into vampires too. :)
  • Tonia Jones

    Hi How are you? If you really lik vampires message me back I might be able to help you. Come join me Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
    Vampire Rave" target="_blank">
  • Tonia Jones

    Thank you
  • Tonia Jones

    Join me o Vampire Rave go to my page and click on my banner tojoin ill meet you there k it is the best place ever i am absolutley obsessed with vampires and this site is all about the super natural Vampies mostly though
  • Tonia Jones

    ya i love it did you get the message i sent you on there
  • Tonia Jones

    No problem just whenever you get a chance :) oh and by the way i read that partial for your book great job i would love to read the whole thing
  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Betty, I am new to Authors .com, and I will be soon releasing my first book, I will have 4 series in all. They are How too guide books, if you would like to know more about me and my books you are welcome to view my blog. I would love to hear from you. Thank you
  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Betty, its good to have you here on and is a good way to stay in touch and get to know other authors. if you would like to know more about me and my books you are welcome to visit my blog. I would love to hear back from you. Lisa Brereton
  • stacie williams

    Thanks for the welcome and i think we can be friends
  • Garry Edward Lewis

    Greetings Betty! Saw you were a member of Fiction group, just wanted to say best wishes to you. My names Garry I write fictional Horror and Mystery/Suspense books. Pleasure meeting you!   Yours truly Garry E. lewis
  • Garry Edward Lewis

    Sorry about the last comment being blank, I was so wrapped up in your story I forgot to click the add comment button LOL    Garry
  • Garry Edward Lewis

    I've written a fictional Horror series that deals with a cursed object known as a devil's belt. Whereby it's possessor has the ability to transform into a Werewolf when he so chooses to. Of course to have Immortality and these powers, one must first sign over his soul to the devil himself. And from there the series takes off. The Main character is a college professor who teaches a class on the paranormal. Which is how he is introduced to this legend of the Wolf strap or Devil's belt. It's from there the professors living nightmare begins.  Your books sound great I will be looking forward to purchasing them in the near future. Maybe we can help each other out regarding reviews on each others books in the near future if your intersted?  Garry
  • Garry Edward Lewis

    Where does one purchase your books? Amazon, Barnes and Noble?
  • Garry Edward Lewis

    You have talent you really should pursue it, and I hope you do. Best wishes!

    Well I'm going to be uploading them on soon as Authors Den has run into problems with their printing company, so basically they have no printing company as of yet. so I will be uploading my books on soon as well as they will eventually be available on as well. So stayed tuned I will keep you updated. I have them all priced at $8.99 paperback. Good thing about Lulu they will be available as downloads as well. I'll start uploading them this week on hopefully. Thanks for inquiring. Keep writing you have got talent.

  • halim abdelrahman

    hey, its me halim wass up? have you ever published a book?
  • halim abdelrahman

    HEY! who are you calling young!?!? lol, im truning fifteen this month. and i am writing my first book in my seven book saga. and you really have to be a certain age to publish a book? oh and sorry about all the replies on your disscotion... i didn't mean to i swear! lol
  • halim abdelrahman

    hey wass up? i think there is no age limit to being an author!! lol, i'm planning to publish my first book in my series, after i finish writing the fourth one, that way i'll be ahead, and why would you need collage to publish a book?? weird. i should have know that some girl would start writing before me, i should have know. oh well, age does not make a difference in my world, but you must have a long time experience in writing, I'm still pretty raw. but i hope to get better! :)

     from fourteen year old halim

  • halim abdelrahman

    i have no work posted, I only deiced to be a author just recently, but i've been writing for a while. and really young one? nice nickname! lol just kidding around. i see your point, no one would really care about some kid trying to give people advice. i never thought of it that way. i have planned a 7 book series, not including the spin off book. I'm still writing the first one, its been a bit of a struggle, a family problem. but i will read your work and i'll make my opinion, cross your fingers, i'm a mean critic, lol, joking! i bet its good, by the way, i aught the word vampire in your blogs, this is going to be fun! lol

    from fourteen year old halim
  • halim abdelrahman

    wait a minute, wait a minute! THE MAIN STAR'S A BOY!??!?!?!? that was weird, for a while when i was reading your book, Tainted desires a scene from book three, i thought the main star was a girl, since you are a girl and girls know how to write about girls, you know what i mean? so it was getting confusing till i used my common sense, and then i figured it out. it's really good, i was thinking, why don't you posted a fight scene from your book that would sure fire get people reading. hey i was wondering, whats the age of kids your aiming your books to? and yeah, it would be cool if i was supreme ruler... lol can't wait till your next comment!!!

    form halim 

  • halim abdelrahman

    young one? really? again? lol. thanks, i can't wait to sink my teeth into that fight scene, it's going to be awesome!!! by the way i can tell your books are not for kids lol! how long have yo been on authors???

    from halim 

  • halim abdelrahman

    just read your fight scene young grass hopper lol it was nice!!! i love it how you explain the way his laughter repeated in james's head. by the way, i don't think using cursing words in your book is a good idea, but i love how you explain everything, and guess whose my favorite character? no, to whatever your guess was, its pete, he cool!!!!!!!!! catch you later grass hopper lol, that will never get boring!
    from hailm
  • halim abdelrahman

    hows it going? it's alright about your mom, shes alright, you should be more respectful to her, she still carries you around in her womb!!! and i am a harsh critic, and! i dont like to cuss much, just when i have a bad influence around, get it? wink wink! lol, just messing around with ya. and my mom's womb is treating me very well thank you lol! come at three i'll be waiting!!
  • halim abdelrahman

    no, i changed my mind, your an okay role model, not the best, but okay lol. and i'll take your word for it about your mom. why do you drink coffee? i hate it lol, i drink tea instead sometimes. and it's alright, i just waited like 5 hours only, that's not a lot. just kidding, i waited a bit then left, to go to facebook, yes facebook, you got a problem lol? so hows life treating you fetus? welcome to life my friend! i'll speak to you tomorrow! see ya!

    from halim

  • halim abdelrahman

    you need a time out young lady!! facebook is awesome!!! you should try it! and your finally done with all that drama stuff? lucky! i'm fine thank you very much, and i am in high school!!! but i'm sure preschool is treating you well. and YOUR the fetus in this friendship!! lol, and really you've never been a role model to anyone? I'm pretty sure some one has looked up to you as a role model. you ever heard Twilight? let me tell you! IT SUCKS!!!!! i read the last book, it's soo cheap, like bella has so many powers when she turns into a vampire it's unrealistic, hey if you like it, then I'm sorry, but if you don't then thats awesome, welcome to the dark side for harsh critics, MUHAHAHA. High school is okay, I'm sure you remember high school, I like it a lot, how about you?

    from not the fetus, halim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • halim abdelrahman

    okay, One thing, i agree Twilight is not a real vampire book, it should be called a glittery fairy tale book instead. now, you got it bad hahaha. high school won't be  a problem for me! your a girl, and as we know, girls kill girls. boy's tend to not care we just don't listen or talk about really anything, girls love what they hear and boys love what they see, that's why boys lie and girls wear makeup, lol. oh and by the way i think i am the one babysitting you, look at it this way, i am mentally old, physically stronger, and faster and... well yeah, just your age is older but that is nothing, age is just a number. who were some of the people that looked up to you as a role model? epic. what kind of crap occurs when you get older in high school? give me some examples please, so when it does come, i will be prepared. is high school the same as on T.V. how many languages do you know? 

    from YOUR babysitter halim >:) 

  • halim abdelrahman

    haha... formula new one! :D anyway, you have to admit it, I am stronger then you, and faster and well yeah :P and never will i live to the day when a girl puts my face to the ground! lol i would laugh my head off to see you just try to put my head to the ground ;) sure you could a few times when im not looking, or no wait, your 17, dam it!!!! never mind what i said, I'm sorry O supreme ruler! lol. so girls have it worse then us guys in high school huh? wow. and your really starting to freak me out here, most girls i meet will be playing around with my head? aw dam it, have you ever seen it happen? name an example and maybe i might learn from it :) well this is great advice, i need it, if you have any more good advice please tell me:) and I'm still most active thats one day ticked on my score board, one for me, zero for betty :D just joking! oh, but I don't think the girls will try and play around with my mid or use their boobs to get their way, a lot of them don't take interest in me, I'm usually that kid in the front who never seems to listen in class, hes either reading or writing,m and yet even though he doesn't listen he still Aces tests :) so I never really talk to anyone, besides I live in Quebec, I came form Ontario, even though they know english they usally talk by french :) I think i have it lucky right? wait I'm lost, aw man! !@#$%^&* >:( this is really confusing, and you are not my BABY SITTER the only thing you will be sitting on young lady is the naughty chair! aw don't cry, you don't have to go on the naughty chair, I wasn't yelling young one, I was just... just... look I'll give you a week supply of candy if you stop crying, there that's better :)  you can be my teacher, but not my baby sitter :)

     catch ya later alligator

    from 14 year old halim, but tomorrow 15 :D can't wait tomorrow, april 26 it my birthday, in your face, now your just two years older :P wait that still sounds wimpy... dam it! lol 

  • halim abdelrahman

    I SAID I WANTED A POWER RANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol, i want to know what happens to the kid who always reads and writes in the later years of high school??? and I am a boy, so even if you are a bit older then me, I still will win, face the facts. lol, I'll try and stay away from the prepy and hot ones, but.. then who are the right ones to hang out with?? the tom boy ones? the followers of the prepy and hot ones?? the Quite ones?? the spotry ones?? the older ones?? I'm lost, why lord?? WHY?? can't wait till for your birthday :D man i must sound really annoying to you, i guess maybe because, well, your a goth and im a nerd :D see ya around, i hope :,(


    from fifteen year old halim :D

  • halim abdelrahman

    lol, I didnt mean goth in a bad way :D when i saw you on this website the first time, i thought you were some 40 year old wit no life, but I've grow outta that, now i think of you as that know-it-all little sister :D I guess your right, all the teachers do love me, and i have won awards... but that doesn't really matter, everyone thinks im going to become some huge doctor or scientist, but i'm still not sure which career to chose, i love science, exacly in the field of Biotechnology and Evolution and i love writing, and theres this girl in grade ten, she the quite type, and she doesn't have a lot of friends, but any way, she all of the sudden dyed her hair pink and purple why? i wanted  to ask her why but i chickened out, stupid me, im such a coward :D do you know why she dyed her hair? weird, and then there is this another girl in my grade, shes like the head of the girls, and she kept wanting to talk to me, it was really creepy as if she wanted something from me, like gossip on the new kid me, by the way, i just moved to Quebec and im new at my school, so i made she not to give a direct answer to her, do you think there after me? dam... OH! and then theres my friend and he used to be the smartest, and the show off in the class who got the best marks and best grades, and now that I'm here, hes now second, and i dont gloat, but like when ever i get ahead of him in something, he always makes excuses to let me not go any further, and like in gym, when we did a sprint, i went ahead of him, and he said halim your going to burn yourself out.... weird, OH and then theres are random girls who call out to me and some how know my name..., are there kids in your school like me? if so, do the prepy girls make fun of them, or do they like him? or do they forget him? but I don't think anyone wants to date the new kid, the nerd. dam... OH are you the kid who is the quite girl? or are you the one in the corner that never raises her hand?
  • Thad Brown

    Thanks for the welcome, Betty!  (Sorry to take so long in replying --I tried to Friday and it didn't take.  I'm not the world's most techno-savvy person.)  I'm not online much, so probably won't be very active here; but glad to know it's working out for you.  Best wishes with your writing!
  • halim abdelrahman

    okay i have to admit betty, that is a bit on... you dont know how hard this is to say!.. it is a bit of a turn on... yes i said it okay? lol okay so shes a emeo, and my friend's jealous and all the girls just call out my name because they like fresh meat and the most popular girl is in either of your guesses trying to bring herself up in the high school reputation, dam... weird. so you were the wise cracker? lol sweet :D i thought you were a 40 year old no life because well... don't know just like one of those snap shot judgments. i have another really big question, how do i know when a girl likes me? or when they just want something else from me? and what from your understanding, when you were in 9th grade, the kid who always reads, what does he turn into in your grade? do the girls talk about him in a positive way or a negative way? or do they ignore him? have you ever had a crush on someone? if so did it every get out? lol, i've had my fair share of crushes :D but in this new school i still haven't see one i might find interesting... lol i don't know about you, but in the boy world, theres always a head boy who dresses like a skate boarder and he has all these followers, and then theres this small group that on purpose acted like nerds then theres my group who don't really give a dam if they're a nerd or dude (thats what i call people like that, dudes) unfortunately i am a one man group :D lol pretty sad right? do you think that the kid in the corner reading is cool or stupid or you dont pay attention to? i just want to know what kind of girls are in my league for me to score :D i dont want to go up to some girl wayyyyy outta my league. you do acted like the know it all little sister, and you wouldn't even be able to catch me let alone spank LOL yeah right :D i am the older brother from here and up :D no excuses young lady!!! now go to bed!!! no buts miss, it's straight to bed!!! and no dinner!!!!!!!, okay i know i stretched that more then needed
  • halim abdelrahman

    QUESTION!!! why don't you like asking questions?  i have to admit i am retarded when it comes to being street smart, im like a retarded with a half brain when it comes to street smart. but, and i dont mean to brag but, I am really smart in school, Biotechnology, Astronomy, Philosophy, Evolution, and the human behaviors (my knowledge in human behaviors comes in handy when writing :D) its not that i'm having doubts, I just love both sooo much!! i want to do both but, i know its not possible, I've been having doubts about being a scientist, the reason why i dont just drop the idea is because soo much brain power will not be used, and have you seen the teens of today??? i can't have stupid morons run our country right? but im sure 100 percent i m going to be an author, you have to agree with me, most kids now a days are idiots, the only kids i cant talk to at my normal brain capacity are you and a few others, :D lucky you, you made it in my hall of smart :D how about me? did i make it into your hall of most annoying kid on the face of the earth??? sweet :D I'm going to describe you in my opinion, just to let you have a third person perspective of yourself :D okay here goes


    funny, of course, in a really witty way

    really competitive, you think that you can pin me to the ground!!?!?!? ha i luagh, i know i am a bit competitive too :D this is a good thing by the way :D

    helpful, yes okay? you are helpful :D

    and if i was your age i would be considering asking you out, but I'm not:D too bad  :(  you didnt see that one coming did ya? LMFAO you can be blind sometimes :D

    see ya missy :D

    from fifteen year old halim   

  • Thad Brown

    I hear ya, Betty! :-)  Thanks again.
  • Shira Loustaunau

    Thank you for the welcome Betty.
  • halim abdelrahman

    you hurt me right here *points to heart* lol i know what your awnswer would be :D this is how it would go

    me: hey betty you wanna-

    you: GO OUT WITH YOU!?!? i've been waiting my whole life for you to say that *cries* we will have a romantic dinner and dance by moonlight and have our first kiss under a-

    me: whoa whoa whoa! hold your horses betty, i was just going to ask did you did you wanna eat the rest of your fires, not a date

    you: oh please please please Oh supreme halim

    me: alright for you, don't piss your pants now honey :D

    thats how it would go :D no offense, dam i hope you had your coffee before you read this or im dead... if your going to hurt me avoid my face and between the thighs, okay, cause i need those later in life to tag a girl, lol beside, you don't know whats going on in my you? creepy... you too!?!? you think people today are really... um.. uh... stupid.. im not proud of my strong language... but i deal with it, i learn to forgive them for their ignorance, your probably still squeezing the side of the table for what i said above, it's alright, i'll let you have your payback later, i promise i';ll let you have a few punches lol i have a facebook because i love getting a better understanding of human behavior, like what you said, i spen too much time with my nose in a book, well when i was young, thats when you learn about how to deal with others, i was either thinking or trying to read :D so now when everyone learned how to acted (which was just to copy the coolest) i was confused and lead my own path. now im trying to learn the behavior of teens, i've master the behavior of kids and adults and know how they react to things, but teens are really random... i know i sound really freaky, and inhuman, but that's how i think. I know you have a very different way of looking at people, and at the same time, very similar. 

    from fifteen year old halim       

  • halim abdelrahman

    thanks for the advice, i'll stay away from them, i still haven't seen any girl that i like yet... i might find one in University, but looking at it, i high school is soo long... and i'm just kidding around about the whole "heres how it goes thing" :D there nothing better in the morning then having your blood boil :D right? LMFAO, oh ans by the way, you know how you said girls will play with my mind, how do i know your not doing the same???? :D i'll just have to trust you :D 

  • urti avi

    What up with it. Thanks for the welcome wagon. Let me know if it's anything I can do to help pull you out of that dark place.

  • Betzy Crypt

    I adore My dark place. ;) I wish never to leave it. lol The darkness can be my inspiration for the light.  lol 

    Its nice to meet u . and once again welcome