Matt T. Schott


Port Jervis, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Favorite Genre or Category
Science Fiction
Favorite Book
Lord Skyler and The Earth Defense Force
Favorite Author
Piers Anthony

Comment Wall:

  • Kay Elizabeth

    Welcome to Matt. :) Enjoy yourself! Great to have you here. Please tell us all about what you write.
  • scribbler

    Nice to meet you. :) Welcome aboard, Matt. I hope you like it here! I look forward to hearing all about your writing.
  • Kay Elizabeth

    Kay is just fine, Matt. No need for the Elizabeth. Thanks for asking! :)

    Congrats on your book. How have you found Lulu as a self-publishing platform? You're the first person I'm come across that's actually used it instead of talking about getting around to it. :) I'd love to hear more on that.
  • Matt T. Schott

    I liked lulu because you can set up an account without money. Lulu has recomended a number of people to use, editors, artist, marketers and other elements of the writing buisness or you can use someone else outside of lulu to work with.
    The one bad thing was there was no advice given. You could hire a mentor but I was hopeing for just a basic walk through on how a book is made.
    I did the 3 steps forward one step back method of learning. Im at the stage of lerning how to do a press release and self marketing. I rather have an agent. 25 years as an electrcian has shown me the difference between a home owner and a pro. I need a pro.
  • scribbler

    Matt, have you seen the video here on how to publish a book on That might help.