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The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck
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too many to mention.

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  • edward mooney


  • Benjamin Patterson

    Thanks new to the whole author scene totally..i would greatly appreciate all the help and support i can get from you all!!
  • MIchael Czech

    I look forward to getting to know you as well. Thank you for you kind welcome. I am sure that I am going to enjoy being here. :)
  • Pritha Chattopadhyay

    Thank you for adding me. I look forward to knowing u too!
  • David Kizer

    Thank you S. I am still getting the hang of this internet stuff so I am not sure what I doing quite yet. The Arbuckle story is one of those 'who would believe it happened this way' events in our history. I am still amazed by it. If you ever have time, I excerpted Chapter One on just for fun.

    I really like your page. Nice work. This business is tough enough and it's great to bring people together and see so many others that are supportive. Seems like a very nice group here.

  • Chris Lorensson

    Thanks Scribbler, looking forward to getting involved!
  • Geoff Hall

    Thank you scribbler! It's good to know this isn't a spider's web, but a friendly place to rest, be inspired and let the imagination roam free!
  • Lori K. Lee

    Hi Scribbler,

    Thanks for the note and the add.  Look forward to getting to know more about you and other authors here on the site.  


  • K. L. Parry

    Thank you for the invite. I think I like this place. :)
  • L.A. Tafe

    Nice to meet you as well! Sorry for the late response, been a busy week. Do you happen to know where horror writers fit in here? Thanks for the add!
  • Linn Writes

    Good Day! Thank you very much for the add and the warm welcome...
  • Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!)

    Nice to meet you...

    I see your a poet...

    I write poetry, but I'm afraid it's not Christian based. Being an engineer and scientist, my mindset is very different. I have a tendency to place science above religion; although I figure the big guy who lives upstairs, understands me.    

    The Chuck!

  • adrian white

    Thanks Scribbler - I appreciate the welcome and look forward to the whole experience.
  • Kimberly Coghlan

    Awww. Thanks so much. I'm trying to come here every few days and browse!
  • Mary Snyder

    thank you. I'm glad I found a site with others who enjoy writing!


  • Linda Page Wickens

    Thanks for the warm welcome.  "Brain Files" is my first Ebook and as you know seeing your novel advertised is so exciting! Been busy with my 2nd, "Hidden Poet" both are fiction romance suspense. The first is about a woman that was brought up in New England (that I know a lot about, ha ha) that moves to Florida for an early retirement. Her house mysterious burns to the ground, the authorities have no idea why. The only thing left is a silver tear drop that they figured was her silver coin collection melted together she had of her father's, but she figures it is something else. She moves to another part of FL. There for some reason when she sits by the lake having her nightly glass of wine, she starts thinking about her former loves. At first it was fun to do, but these dreams became vivid and are taking over her conscience more and more daily. She's being watched by someone.  A presence has been taking over her thoughts and dreams, almost as if he's a voyeur. Her friends find her a Psych. Therapist to see, but is that person who she says she is? Why does he want her and what does he really want from her? Don't ask, don't tell or if you admit to it being there, he will take over your mind. Her ultra strict religious upbringing has made her so naive when it came to relationships and has put her life in danger by keeping her naive and always under someone's thumb.  Time to wake up and face the music...and where is that music coming from? Keep your eyes opened, all is not what it apears to be.


    I'm half done Hidden Poet,that's going faster and I'm having a blast! This odd fellow (mentally & physically)meets up with an old friend when her father was resting in a Boston hospital. She was his only friend growing up. His parents were hippies from a commune and he was allowed to do or go wherever he wanted. He writes Renaissance period poetry to lure her. That's been a fun write!

    More coming! Lin


  • Catherine Green

    Hi there, it's great to meet you!
  • Stacy Eaton

    Thank you for the welcome - Not problem with the name spelling.  I get that all the time!  I still respond!  I respond to almost anything.... lol...

  • Ricky Sides

    Hi there. It's nice to meet you too.  I haven't had time to explore the site much, but am hoping to find the time soon.
  • Lisa Day

    Have a good day.
  • Gerald Gehrid Griffin

    Scribber, nice to have you as a friend. To learn more about me, please visit my website, and my blog, .


    Now, what do you sugest for me to learn about you?


    Hoping to hear from you. Gerald

  • Valerie Douglas

    thanks for the invite and the greeting!
  • Yvonne Boose

    Hello Scribbler, thanks for the invite.


  • Gerald Gehrid Griffin

    Thanks for the gracious welcome! :)
  • Cathryn L. Craig, PhD, MBA

    Exciting times ahead!  Happy to be here.
  • Amanda Chambers

    No, I don't charge for it. Thanks for the tip. :-)
  • Lyn Miller Lacoursiere

    Thank you. I am looking forward to further meetings.
  • Ibifiri Mobolaji-Kamson

    good we r now friends. I am looking forward to getting to know you.
  • Justin Mitchell

    Thanks for the warm welcome!
  • Jock Brocas

    Delighted to meet your acquaintance
  • Suzie Tullett

    Thank you Scribbler and 'ditto' x
  • Deborah Lynn Howell

    Thanks for the invite. In the meantime I am trying to post a photo and for some reason I am having a hard time :)) I will have to get one of the kids to do it for me today..Have a great day.


  • Tracy Ebbert Revalee

    Thanks for the invite, Scribbler. Hope to get to know you better. I'm primarily an essayist, too. I've written newspaper columns, too, and I was a songwriter in the 70's (who wasn't?). My  book, View from the Rollercoaster, Unsteady Essays and Bipolar Bylines was published in June. I used narrative to bring the diverse streams into a cohesive whole to tell my story of a wrecked bipolar life redeemed by Christ.


    Have a productive day. Tracy

  • Nevada Drake

    Ah, well.  I've mostly been practicing to regain knowledge lost after an accident.  Once I've gotten a move behind me, and starting in October, I hope to actually make more progress on my outline and character profiles profiles for the novel.  I'm also putting together a guide based on my outside studies of what to do and what not to do while writing, and what I've found works for different crowds of readers.  ^_^  -Nevada

    Thank you! Nice to meet you also. Very excited to have stumbled across this site. So many interesting people and projects!
  • Erik Lehman

    Thanks so much. I am looking forward to it. It seems to be a large community and it might take some time to get my feet wet, so to speak. Again, thanks for the welcome :)
  • zoleka

    Thanks need all the friends I can get in this field --Zoleka
  • Sarah Williams

    Thank you for your kind words of welcome.  I look forward to getting to know lots of other authors



  • Lyle Scott Lee

    Thanks, Scribbler!
  • Karm Arger

    Thank you for your kind words. When time permits I shall post some chapters from my written works.

  • Abby Mains

    Hi scribbler! Thank you for the friend request, but I'm ten years old and I think that I shouldn't be friends with somebody I don't know. I hope you understand! :D
  • George Stringfellow

    Thanks for the welcome.  I also like your handle.  As soon as I figure out what I'm doing on this website I'll post something. 
  • Hannah Simski

    Hello! Thank you for the welcome. It's nice to meet you too. :)


  • Stephanie a burton

    hello scribbler,stephanie burton here.hank you for the friend writing my first book@authorhouse due this Nov./Dec. Sensuality's Hell-Heaven Coin is a book of 12short stories about the Segregation&Integration of Religion& a Coin with two sides-we Balance&Battle these Two over the span of our lives.i have a facebook account&attempting to market happy to have found this website&i hope to learn more about being an author.again thank you for the friend invite.
  • Stephanie a burton

    hello scribbler,stephanie burton here. what are the GROUPS about here at the website&how do i join? i think this website is a great tool, however im not very computer savvy. any help you could or can offer would help so much. thank you and have a safe day.
  • Subhash Chandra Bose

    Hi Scribbler. Thank you so much for your comment... I'll get back and go through your work after my never-ending exams... We don't get a proper break... Take care...
  • deirdre m casey

    thank u for the invite. i've never had so many friends to talk to!
  • Robert A. Read

    Many thanks for the welcome and friendship request.


  • yadkny

    Thanks scribbler! I'm happy to have joined and I'm really enjoying it so far.
  • Smutty H**** Cecile

    Thanks for the welcome!!